Elon Musk laughs at a meme (人命などを)奪う,主張するing Jeff Bezos' Blue Origin COPIED SpaceX's Starship with its 事業/計画(する) Jarvis vertical 上陸 宇宙船

  • The spat between Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos goes 支援する to 2004 over space 計画(する)s
  • Bezos formed his 会社/堅い Blue Origin in 2000 and Musk formed SpaceX in 2002?
  • The pair have been competing for 航空宇宙局 契約s over 激しい 解除する ロケット/急騰するs
  • Elon Musk has made a number of comments about Bezos and Blue Origin??

Elon Musk 株d a laughing emoji in 返答 to a tweet 示唆するing Jeff Bezos' Blue Origin copied SpaceX with its 事業/計画(する) Jarvis vertical 上陸 宇宙船.

事業/計画(する) Jarvis was 明らかにする/漏らすd last month, and is designed to be a fully reusable ロケット/急騰する 原型 for the Blue Origin New Glenn, that lands vertically, like SpaceX's Starship.

Twitter 使用者 SpaceXMasterrace 株d a photo of the 原型 戦車/タンクs at the Blue Origin Texas 施設, with the caption 'Hey Elon, Can I Copy Your Homework.'

This 誘発するd?the SpaceX CEO to reply with a pair of 'rolling on the 床に打ち倒す laughing' emoji, 示すing he agreed with the suggestion Blue Origin was copying SpaceX.?

This is the 最新の in the spat between the two space 億万長者s, coming after Blue Origin put out a 一連の infographics (人命などを)奪う,主張するing the SpaceX lunar lander was '危険な' after 航空宇宙局 awarded the 単独の 契約 to SpaceX, ネズミ her than to 多重の 会社/堅いs.

Musk has also 解雇する/砲火/射撃d his 株 of barbs at Bezos, 含むing a tweet 説 Blue Origin 'Can’t get it up (to 軌道)' over the 会社/堅い とじ込み/提出するing a 抗議する against 航空宇宙局.?

Elon Musk shared a laughing emoji in response to a tweet suggesting Jeff Bezos' Blue Origin copied SpaceX with its Project Jarvis vertical landing spacecraft. Artist impression of New Glenn

Elon Musk 株d a laughing emoji in 返答 to a tweet 示唆するing Jeff Bezos' Blue Origin copied SpaceX with its 事業/計画(する) Jarvis vertical 上陸 宇宙船. Artist impression of New Glenn

Twitter user SpaceXMasterrace shared a photo of the prototype tanks at the Blue Origin Texas facility, with the caption 'Hey Elon, Can I Copy Your Homework'

Twitter 使用者 SpaceXMasterrace 株d a photo of the 原型 戦車/タンクs at the Blue Origin Texas 施設, with the caption 'Hey Elon, Can I Copy Your Homework'


Blue Origin and SpaceX are 始める,決める to compete for 激しい 解除する 開始する,打ち上げるs with the New Glenn and Starship ロケット/急騰するs.

New Glenn

  • 製造業者: Blue Origin
  • 高さ: 98 m (322 ft)
  • 直径: 7 m (23 ft)
  • 行う/開催する/段階s: 2
  • Payload to LEO: 45,000 kg


  • 製造業者: SpaceX
  • 高さ:?120 m (390 ft)
  • 直径:?9 m (30 ft)
  • 行う/開催する/段階s: 2?
  • Payload to LEO : 100-150 t??

The 反目,不和 between two of the wealthiest men in the world goes 支援する to 2004, when they had a 不一致 over their space ambitions, and has slowly simmered since.

They have both long-harboured space ambitions, with Bezos 設立するing Blue Origin in 2000 and Musk 設立するing SpaceX in 2002, both to build reusable ロケット/急騰するs.?

The animosity really (機の)カム to a 長,率いる in 2013, when Jeff Bezos led a (選挙などの)運動をする to 封鎖する SpaceX from having 排除的 use of a 航空宇宙局 launchpad.?

Musk called it a 'phoney 封鎖するing 手段' and called out Blue Origin for not even creating a reliable suborbital 宇宙船 'にもかかわらず spending over 10 years in 開発' - something 達成するd two years later in 2015 with New Shepard.

Over the last 10年間 and a half, Musk has 定期的に called out Bezos for copying SpaceX - with both 会社/堅いs 目的(とする)ing for 類似の markets and bidding on the same 契約s with 航空宇宙局 and other 機関s.

There was a 特許 戦う/戦い between the two in 2014 when Blue Origin was 認めるd one for drone ships used for 上陸 ロケット/急騰する boosters, which SpaceX won and 軍隊d Blue Origin to 身を引く most of the 特許 (人命などを)奪う,主張するs.

There have also been arguments over 雇うing practices, with Musk 告発する/非難するing Bezos of stealing talent away.

New Glenn lifts off from Launch Complex 36 at Cape Canaveral. Following stage separation, the first stage flies back to Earth and lands nearly 1,000 km downrange on a moving ship, allowing the booster to land in heavy sea-states

New Glenn 解除するs off from 開始する,打ち上げる コンビナート/複合体 36 at Cape Canaveral. に引き続いて 行う/開催する/段階 分離, the first 行う/開催する/段階 飛行機で行くs 支援する to Earth and lands nearly 1,000 km downrange on a moving ship, 許すing the booster to land in 激しい sea-明言する/公表するs

Jeff Bezos (left) and Elon Musk (right) have been locked in a spat since 2004, shortly after the pair launched their respective space firms

Jeff Bezos (left) and Elon Musk (権利) have been locked in a spat since 2004, すぐに after the pair 開始する,打ち上げるd their 各々の space 会社/堅いs

After NASA announced Space X would be the sole contractor, Elon Musk tweeted that rival Jeff Bezos' Blue Origin 'can't get it up (to orbit)'

After 航空宇宙局 発表するd Space X would be the 単独の 請負業者 for the lunar lander 契約, Elon Musk tweeted that 競争相手 Jeff Bezos' Blue Origin 'can't get it up (to 軌道)'

The 最新の tweet from Musk could 井戸/弁護士席 その上の 増大する as the two 企て,努力,提案 to build the biggest ロケット/急騰するs.

Blue Origin is developing New Glenn, and recently 確認するd it was also building heavier 義務, vertical 上陸 行う/開催する/段階s for that ロケット/急騰する.

The first photos 株d of the 原型 looked remarkably 類似の to the 早期に 原型s of the SpaceX Starship, which is what led to Musk 'laughing' at a tweet 示唆するing Blue Origin was copying SpaceX's homework.??

On the lunar lander, in July, Blue Origin (人命などを)奪う,主張するd 航空宇宙局 had 'moved the goalposts at the last minute' and, 'in 航空宇宙局's own words... made a 'high 危険' 選択.'

In protest at SpaceX winning the sole contract, Blue Origin shared a series of infographics suggesting Starship wasn't safe

In 抗議する at SpaceX winning the 単独の 契約, Blue Origin 株d a 一連の infographics 示唆するing Starship wasn't 安全な

Blue Origin shared this infographic showing its New Glenn rocket, which will be larger than the SpaceX Falcon 9, although will be smaller than Starship, which is larger than Saturn V

Blue Origin 株d this infographic showing its New Glenn ロケット/急騰する, which will be larger than the SpaceX Falcon 9, although will be smaller than Starship, which is larger than Saturn V

This appeal, that accused NASA of 'moving the goalposts at the last minute,' was denied by officials, prompting Musk to say: 'If lobbying and lawyers could get u to orbit, Bezos would be on Pluto [right now]'

This 控訴,上告, that (刑事)被告 航空宇宙局 of 'moving the goalposts at the last minute,' was 否定するd by 公式の/役人s, 誘発するing Musk to say: 'If ロビーing and lawyers could get u to 軌道, Bezos would be on Pluto [権利 now]'

It 解放(する)d an infographic that 追加するd that Starship is 'a 開始する,打ち上げる 乗り物 that has never flown to 軌道 and is still 存在 designed.'

The first 軌道の 開始する,打ち上げる is 予定 within the next few months, によれば SpaceX.?

However, SpaceX has more than 100 successful 軌道の 開始する,打ち上げるs with its Falcon 9 ロケット/急騰するs, while Bezos’ company has yet to reach 軌道.?

In 返答 to the infographic Musk tweeted: 'The sad thing is that even if Santa Claus suddenly made their 金物類/武器類 real for 解放する/自由な, the first thing you'd want to do is 取り消す it.'???

The latest tweet from Musk, sending a jibe at Bezos over the Project Jarvis rocket tanks could well further escalate as the two bid to build the biggest rockets

The 最新の tweet from Musk, sending a jibe at Bezos over the 事業/計画(する) Jarvis ロケット/急騰する 戦車/タンクs could 井戸/弁護士席 その上の 増大する as the two 企て,努力,提案 to build the biggest ロケット/急騰するs

An illustration of the SpaceX Starship human lander design that will carry the first NASA astronauts to the surface of the Moon under the Artemis program in 2024

An illustration of the SpaceX Starship human lander design that will carry the first 航空宇宙局 宇宙飛行士s to the surface of the Moon under the Artemis program in 2024

When Blue Origin first とじ込み/提出するd the 訴訟 against 航空宇宙局, Musk tweeted that Bezos would be on Pluto by now 'if ロビーing and lawyers could get you to 軌道'.?

They have very different goals for space, with Musk's 最初の/主要な 目的(とする) to build a 維持できる 植民地 on 火星 and Bezos wanting to move humans to space.

In fact, after he travelled to the 辛勝する/優位 of space in the New Shepard ロケット/急騰する in July, Jeff Bezos said he one day 想像するd 汚染するing 産業 存在 moved to Earth 軌道.?

It is ありそうもない the spat between the pair will end any time soon, thanks to an 現在進行中の 法廷,裁判所 事例/患者 延期するing the SpaceX lunar lander 事業/計画(する), and a 戦う/戦い to see who has the biggest ロケット/急騰する.?

航空宇宙局 will land the first woman and first person of color on the moon in 2026 as part of the Artemis 使節団

Artemis was the twin sister of Apollo and goddess of the moon in Greek mythology.?

航空宇宙局 has chosen her to personify its path 支援する to the moon, which will see 宇宙飛行士s return to the lunar surface by 2026 -? 含むing the first woman and the next man.

Artemis 1, 以前は 探検 使節団-1, was the first in a 一連の ますます コンビナート/複合体 使節団s that will enable human 探検 to the moon and 火星.?

The uncrewed flight, which 首尾よく 開始する,打ち上げるd in November last year,?travelled more than 1.4 million miles on a path around the moon and 支援する to Earth. It splashed 負かす/撃墜する in the 太平洋の Ocean in December 2022, 25-and-a-half days after 開始する,打ち上げる.

Artemis 1, formerly Exploration Mission-1, was the first in a series of increasingly complex missions that will enable human exploration to the moon and Mars. This graphic explains the various stages of the mission

Artemis 1, 以前は 探検 使節団-1, was the first in a 一連の ますます コンビナート/複合体 使節団s that will enable human 探検 to the moon and 火星. This graphic explains the さまざまな 行う/開催する/段階s of the 使節団

Orion stayed in space longer than any ship for 宇宙飛行士s has done without ドッキングする/減らす/ドックに入れるing to a space 駅/配置する, while it also returned home faster and hotter than ever before.?

It will now be followed by Artemis II, a 乗組員を乗せた 使節団 which is scheduled for 開始する,打ち上げる next year.

The 乗組員 will 飛行機で行く around the moon and 支援する to 準備する for Artemis III, which 航空宇宙局 is 的ing as the 使節団 to return humans to the lunar surface.?

結局 航空宇宙局 捜し出すs to 設立する a 維持できる human presence on the moon by 2028 as a result of the Artemis programme.

The space 機関 hopes this 植民地 will 暴露する new 科学の 発見s, 論証する new 科学技術の 進歩s and lay the 創立/基礎 for 私的な companies to build a lunar economy.?

Who is 勝利者 Glover? The man 始める,決める to become 航空宇宙局's first 黒人/ボイコット 宇宙飛行士 to 軌道 the moon

勝利者 Glover (pictured) was selected as an 宇宙飛行士 in 2013 and became the first African American ISS 探検隊/遠征隊 crewmember to live on the ISS seven years later

航空宇宙局 is 始める,決める to send the first-ever 黒人/ボイコット 宇宙飛行士 to the moon.

勝利者 Glover, 46, was selected to 参加する?the space 機関's Artemis II 使節団 ― the US' first lunar 使節団 in a half-century.

The Pomona, California, native will be the first person of color to travel into 深い space, hundreds?of thousands of miles beyond the low-Earth 軌道ing International Space 駅/配置する (ISS).

航空宇宙局 公式の/役人s say the diverse 乗組員 assignments signify the cultural 転換s that have taken place since the 初めの Apollo 使節団s, which ended in 1972, at a time?when white men 支配するd space 探検.

Glover was also the first 黒人/ボイコット man to ever live on the International Space 駅/配置する (ISS) in 2020 and is の中で 15 African Americans to be selected as an 宇宙飛行士.

In his esteemed career since 存在 selected as an 宇宙飛行士 in 2013, Mr Glover has logged over 3,000 flight hours in 40 different 航空機.

Artemis II - which will 開始する,打ち上げる in November 2024 - will see the four-man 乗組員 軌道 the moon in the?Orion 宇宙船 but not land.

Their goal is to 実験(する) new 科学(工学)技術, 含むing heat 保護物,者s that?保護するs Orion as it travels 24,500 mph in 5,000 degrees Fahrenheit on its way 支援する.

If successful, 航空宇宙局 計画(する)s to 開始する,打ち上げる an 探検隊/遠征隊 to land on the moon 肩書を与えるd Artemis III. Another success would (一定の)期間 out a trip to 火星 for 航空宇宙局.?

‘I wanna thank God for this Amazing 適切な時期,’ Mr Glover said during a new 会議/協議会 Monday.

‘This is a big day. We have a lot to celebrate. It’s so much more than the four 指名するs that have been 発表するd. We need to celebrate this moment in human history.

'Artermis II is more than a 使節団 to the Moon and 支援する. It’s more than a 使節団 that has to happen before we send people to the surface of the moon. It is the next step on the 旅行 that gets humanity to 火星.

‘This 乗組員 will never forget that.’

Mr Glover was born in 1976 in Pomona, around 30 miles east of Los Angeles.

The city is far from the glitz and glamour of Hollywood, known for its high poverty 率 and 比較して high 罪,犯罪.?

Mr Glover grew up in Ponoma, CA, 30 miles east of Los Angeles

Mr Glover grew up in Ponoma, CA, 30 miles east of Los Angeles

He said his parents and teachers served as 助言者s as him growing up.

'早期に on in life it had to be my parents; they encouraged me and challenged me and held me to high 基準s. Outside of home, I had teachers that did the same,' he told USA Today in 2017.

'They all challenged me, and they encouraged me.'

Mr Glover continued that his teachers and parents 勧めるd him to go the 工学 school and 結局 become a 実験(する) 操縦する ― 主要な to him becoming an 宇宙飛行士.?

He 卒業生(する)d from Southern California's Ontario High School in 1994, and went on to …に出席する?California Polytechnic 明言する/公表する University, before 完全にするing his gra duate education at 空気/公表する University and the US 海軍の 学院.

'I’m the first person in my family to 卒業生(する) from college, and 存在 at 卒業 with my mom and my dad and my stepdad and my little brothers and my grandparents,' he said to USA Today.

'That was unreal, that was 冷静な/正味の and it was special for me.'

In 1999 he was (売買)手数料,委託(する)/委員会/権限d as part of the US 海軍. After 完全にするing flight training in Corpus Christy, Texas, he was 'given his wings' and awarded the 肩書を与える of 操縦する in 2001.

He then moved to San Diego to learn to 飛行機で行く the?McDonnell Douglas F/A-18 Hornet, known as one of the 海軍's more versatile 航空機.

After spending the next two years training in Florida and Virginia, he was (軍隊を)展開する,配備するd to Iraq in 2004 for six months.

Mr Glover was working in the office of the late Sen John McCain as a 法律を制定する fellow when he was selected by 航空宇宙局 to become an 宇宙飛行士 in 2013.

航空宇宙局 only selects a handful of the thousands of people that 適用する to be a member of the nation's 宇宙飛行士 軍団 each year. Only 15 黒人/ボイコット 宇宙飛行士s have ever been selected out of 348.

A 広大な 大多数 of the 41 現在の 宇宙飛行士s have a 軍の background, like Mr Glover.

He 完全にするd his 宇宙飛行士 training in 2015. Three years later, he was selected to be a part of the first ever 操作の flight of SpaceX's 乗組員 Dragon, a reusable 航空機 designed by the 会社/堅い Elon Musk 設立する in 2002.

As part of that 使節団, he would live on the ISS from November 17, 2020 to May 2, 2021.

The nearly six-month-long stay on the 駅/配置する makes him the first 黒人/ボイコット 宇宙飛行士 to 住む it.

Jeanette Epps, 52, who was selected to be an astrona ut in 2009 is 始める,決める to become the second African American, and first 黒人/ボイコット woman, to live on the ISS after the 開始する,打ち上げる of?Boeing Starliner-1 in 2024 or later.

In 2020, Mr Glover said it was an 栄誉(を受ける) to be the first 黒人/ボイコット person selected to the ISS.

'It is something to be celebrated once we 遂行する it, and I am 栄誉(を受ける)d to be in this position and to be a part of this 広大な/多数の/重要な and experienced 乗組員,' he said during a news 会議/協議会.?

'I look 今後 to getting up there and doing my best to make sure, you know, we are worthy of all the work that's been put into setting us up for this 使節団.'

In an interview with The Christian Chronicle later that year, he said there were qualified 黒人/ボイコット 宇宙飛行士s that should have earned the 栄誉(を受ける) before him.

'I've had some amazing 同僚s before me that really could have done it, and there are some amazing folks that will go behind me,' he said.?

'I wish it would have already been done, but I try not to draw too much attention to it.'?

Who is Christina Koch? The first 女性(の) 航空宇宙局 宇宙飛行士 始める,決める to 軌道 the moon

Christina Koch is 始める,決める to become the first woman to go around the moon when 航空宇宙局's Artemis II 使節団 takes off next year.

Christina Koch, 44, from Grand Rapids, Michigan, is set to become the first woman to go around the moon

Christina Koch, 44, from Grand 早いs, Michigan, is 始める,決める to become the first woman to go around the moon

The Grand 早いs, Michigan native, 44,?is already the 記録,記録的な/記録する-支えるもの/所有者 for the longest 量 of time a woman has spent in space, 328 days, and for taking part in the first all-女性(の) spacewalk in 2019.

Selected to become an 宇宙飛行士 in 2013, Ms Koch said she has not followed a 'checklist' ーするために become an 宇宙飛行士 ― but instead chased her passions whether this be 激しく揺する climbing, sailing or even learning to surf in her 40s.

She said in 2020: 'I really don't remember a time when I didn't want to be an 宇宙飛行士.?

'For me, I learned that if I was going to be an 宇宙飛行士, it was because my passions had turned me into someone that could 与える/捧げる the most as someone 与える/捧げるing to human space flight.'

While s he's 調査するing space, her husband Robert will be left taking care of 家事 and the couple's puppy, LBD. It is not believed that they have children.

'Am I excited? 絶対!' she said at a news 会議/協議会 at the 乗組員's 告示 Monday.

‘The one thing I'm most excited about is that we will carry your excitement,your aspirations, your dreams, on this 使節団.’

She also said: ‘We are going to 開始する,打ち上げる from Kennedy space 中心, we are going to here the words “go for 開始する,打ち上げる” on 最高の,を越す of the most powerful ロケット/急騰する 航空宇宙局’s ever made.’

航空宇宙局 has sent a total of 355 people to space so far, of which some 55 have been women ― or 15 パーセント. It has also sent 24 people to 軌道 the moon and 12 to walk on the lunar surface who were all men.

ロシアの Valentina Tereshkova was the first woman to ever leave the earth's atmosphere ― setting off in 1937. American women did not get sent to space until 1983.

Ms Koch, however, will make history?on the Artemis II 使節団 when she 完全にするs her long-を待つd trip around the moon.

She 明らかにする/漏らすd her love of space in a ビデオ when she was 発表するd as a member of the Artemis I team in 2020.

The 宇宙飛行士 said: 'I am someone who has loved 探検 on the frontier since I was little.?

'I used to be 奮起させるd by the night sky and throughout my career,? it's been this balance between 工学 for space science 使節団s and doing science in really remote places all ove r the world.

'I loved things that made me feel small, things that made me ponder the size of the universe, my place in it and everything that was out there to 調査する.'

She 追加するd: 'I didn't やむを得ず live my life に引き続いて check boxes of how you could become an 宇宙飛行士.

'But I followed those passions and one day I looked at what I had become and the 技術s I had gathered and I asked "could I sit across from a (米)棚上げする/(英)提議する and 現在の myself as someone who could do this 井戸/弁護士席?". And I thought, I'm going to give this a 発射.'?

She went to North Carolina 明言する/公表する University in Raleigh to get a bachelor's and a master's in 電気の 工学.

She then became an 電気の Engineer at 航空宇宙局 Goddard Space Flight 中心 in Greenbelt, Maryland, before becoming a 研究 associate for the 部隊d 明言する/公表するs 南極の Program ― living an entire year in the 北極の.

Ms Koch was one of eight selected as part of 航空宇宙局's 21st class of 宇宙飛行士s in 2013. After two years of training, she became a 十分な-育てる/巣立つd 宇宙飛行士.

Her first space flight (機の)カム in 2019 when she was sent to the International Space 駅/配置する (ISS) to work as a flight engineer.

She stayed up there for 328 days, taking the 記録,記録的な/記録する for the longest spaceflight by a woman. The previous 記録,記録的な/記録する 支えるもの/所有者, Peggy Whitson, was in space for 288 days.

While in space she also took the 記録,記録的な/記録する for the first all-women space walk ― when an 宇宙飛行士 gets out of a 乗り物 while in space ― with Jessica Meir.

The pair spent seven hours and 17 minutes on the 味方する of the ISS as they worked to 取って代わる a 力/強力にする 監査役. The walk also 含むd a 簡潔な/要約する call with 大統領 Trump.

Upon her return to Earth in 2020, Ms Koch said she felt 'like a baby' who was two weeks old and working hard to 停止する its 長,率いる.

支援する on Earth, she lives in Galveston, Texas, just outside of the Houston area.

の中で her 利益/興味s are backpacking, running, yoga, photography and travel.

Now she will be a part of a groundbreaking 使節団 in 航空宇宙局's goal に向かって putting a man on 火星.?

The Artemis II 使節団?示すs 航空宇宙局's first trip to the moon in half a century. It says it will be 成し遂げるd to help 実験(する) 道具 in 準備 for getting humans の上に 火星.

The 機関 sent an empty Orion 要約する/(宇宙ロケットの)カプセル around the moon last year before it returned to Earth in a long-を待つd dress rehearsal.

If this 最新の 使節団 goes 井戸/弁護士席, then another flight to land people on the moon will be sent in 2025 ― as part of 実験(する)s ahead of getting people の上に 火星.

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