Rare type of dwarfism could 持つ/拘留する the 重要な to a longer life, scientists (人命などを)奪う,主張する?

A rare form of dwarfism has been 設立する to 保護する individuals from and 糖尿病, 示唆するing the 遺伝子 could be the 重要な to a longer life.?

Known as?Laron syndrome, individuals with the 条件 stand about four feet because their 団体/死体s can't make use of their own growth hormone that is produced in the brain - but they have an 普通の/平均(する) lifespan of those without the disorder.

Scientists who have followed a group of adults with Laron syndrome for almost 20 years have discovered how their rare 条件 can be a gift, 保護するing them from 高齢化-関係のある 病気s - and 潜在的に 覆うing the way for anti-高齢化 治療s.?

In the 最新の 熟考する/考慮する on this group, a team of scientists from California and Ecuador 設立する that people with Laron syndrome have lower 血 sugar, insulin 抵抗, and 血 圧力 compared to their 親族s who don't have the 条件.

Doctors Jaime Guevara-Aguirre (back left) and Valter Longo (back right), pictured with several of the Laron study participants at the USC Leonard Davis School of Gerontology in Los Angeles. The two researchers have followed Laron syndrome individuals for years to find out what kinds of advantages their rare genetic syndrome gives them.

Doctors Jaime Guevara-Aguirre (支援する left) and Valter Longo (支援する 権利), pictured with several of the Laron 熟考する/考慮する 関係者s at the USC Leonard Davis School of 老年学 in Los Angeles. The two 研究員s have followed Laron syndrome individuals for years to find out what 肉親,親類d of advantages their rare genetic syndrome gives them.

Ecuadoreans Maritza Valarezo (right) and her sister Lugartda (left), both have Laron syndrome. There are only about 400 to 500 people worldwide who are known to have the rare genetic conditi

Ecuadoreans Maritza Valarezo (権利) and her sister Lugartda (left), both have Laron syndrome. There are only about 400 to 500 people 世界的な who are known to have the rare genetic 条件.

The 熟考する/考慮する 関係者s were also 設立する to have smaller hearts than their 親族s, lower carotid artery thickness, and lower 率s of arterial plaque - the 実体 that can 狭くする arteries and lead to heart attack, heart 失敗, or 血 clots.

Doctors? first identified Laron syndrome の中で adults with dwarfism who live in a remote corner of Ecuador. It is also known as growth hormone receptor 欠陥/不足 - GHRD for short.?

Laron syndrome individuals 現実に tend to have high levels of growth hormone, but their genetic 突然変異 makes it so their 団体/死体 can't produce the 的 for the hormone.

READ MORE:?The 癌 麻薬s that could i mprove 生き残り 率s if given to 患者s in the morning?


The theory is that ?giving immunotherapy at the start of the day supercharges a person's 免疫の 返答, as there are more T-独房s then.


This 的, called a receptor, is like a lock.

When co-lead 熟考する/考慮する author Dr Jaime Guevara-Aguirre first started 熟考する/考慮するing Laron syndrome, he was surprised that the 条件 seemed to 保護する against 癌.

After all, higher levels of growth hormone are usually linked to 癌 - and this 関係 has been reliable in most people.??

Guevara-Aguirre, an endocrinologist at the Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Ecuador, has been 熟考する/考慮するing Laron dwarfism for more than 20 years, 以前 told DailyMail.com: 'We've discovered that people with Laron 簡単に don't get 癌.

'癌 can be (悪事,秘密などを)発見するd in their 親族s of a normal size, but never in my 患者s - not one 選び出す/独身 事例/患者,' he said.

Most of the people with Laron syndrome come from Ecuador, where the 普通の/平均(する) 高さs for men and women - five-foot, six インチs and five-foot and 1/2 インチ - are の中で the shortest in the world.

For this 推論する/理由, these individuals don't tend to think of themselves as 特に short.?

Women with Laron 普通の/平均(する) around four feet tall, and men are usually around four feet, six インチs.

But what many of them do realize is that they have a special 生物学の gift.

'Since I was a 十代の少年少女, I saw my 高さ as (an 適切な時期) to develop ― the growth problem is part of my personality,' Nathaly Paola Castro Torres told CNN in Spanish.

'I am also やめる lucky because in reality my 団体/死体 保護するs me a lot from 病気s that other people have every day,' she 追加するd. 'This 高さ, at the same time as 存在 a 制限, is also a blessing.'

Insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) is produced in the liver. In people with typical genetics (left), growth hormone from the brain's pituitary gland tells the liver to make more IGF-1, which can contribute to aging and age-related diseases. But in people with Laron syndrome (right), despite high levels of growth hormone, their liver produces much lower amounts of IGF-1, protecting them against heart disease.

Insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) is produced in the 肝臓. In people with typical genetics (left), growth hormone from the brain's pituitary (分泌する為の)腺 tells the 肝臓 to make more IGF-1, which can 与える/捧げる to 高齢化 and age-関係のある 病気s. But in people with Laron syndr ome (権利), にもかかわらず high levels of growth hormone, their 肝臓 produces much lower 量s of IGF-1, 保護するing them against heart 病気.

Maritza (left) and Lugartda Valarezo (right), in their kitchen in Quito, Ecuador, in 2014. The Valarezo sisters are patients of co-lead study author Jaime Guevara-Aguirre, who has studied Laron syndrome for more than two decades.

Maritza (left) and Lugartda Valarezo (権利), in their kitchen in Quito, Ecuador, in 2014. The Valarezo sisters are 患者s of co-lead 熟考する/考慮する author Jaime Guevara-Aguirre, who has 熟考する/考慮するd Laron syndrome for more than two 10年間s.

Because of their 抵抗 to chronic 病気s, people with Laron syndrome have been the 支配する of 広大な/多数の/重要な 利益/興味 from doctors and scientists looking for 治療s for 高齢化-関係のある 病気s.?

'We have shown in 熟考する/考慮するs people with Laron have a very low incidence of 癌, 糖尿病 and cognitive 拒絶する/低下する,' said co-lead 熟考する/考慮する author Dr Valter Longo, professor of 老年学 at the University of Southern California.?

'Brain ざっと目を通すs have shown they have more youthful brains - the 同等(の) of someone 20 years younger. I have yet to see a 事例/患者 of Alzheimer's in this 全住民.'?

Some even (人命などを)奪う,主張する that 熟考する/考慮するing these 患者s will lead to cures for 癌 and 糖尿病

'It doesn't mean that they are 免疫の to these 病気s, but people with Laron syndrome certainly seem to be very 保護するd,' said Longo on the 最新の 熟考する/考慮する on heart health. 'This is how powerful this 突然変異 seems to be.'?

Based on the new 熟考する/考慮する, the 重要な seems to be a hormone called insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1).

This 化学製品 is produced mostly in the 肝臓.

In people with typical genetics, growth hormone from the brain's pituitary (分泌する為の)腺 gives the 肝臓 指示/教授/教育s to make more IGF-1, which supports normal 負傷させる 傷をいやす/和解させるing and other metabolic 過程s.

High levels of IGF-1 can 与える/捧げる to 高齢化 and age-関係のある 病気s, though.

In people with Laron syndrome, にもかかわらず high levels of growth hormone, their 肝臓 produces much lower 量s of IGF-1, which seems to 保護する them against heart 病気.

In mice, IGF-1 欠陥/不足 has led to heart 病気, so the results of the new 熟考する/考慮する were somewhat 予期しない.?

研究員s also said that Laron syndrome individuals' low levels of IGF-1 in the 血 与える/捧げる to 減ずるd 危険 of 癌 and 糖尿病, but more 研究 is necessary to 人物/姿/数字 out the 明確な/細部s of that 関係.

'Although the 全住民 実験(する)d is small, together with 熟考する/考慮するs in mice and other organisms this human data 供給する 価値のある insights into the health 影響s of growth hormone receptor 欠陥/不足 and 示唆する that 麻薬s or dietary 介入s that 原因(となる) 類似の 影響s could 減ずる 病気 incidence and かもしれない 延長する longevity,' Longo said.?

The 熟考する/考慮する was published in the 定期刊行物 Med.

The 偶発の 発見 that scientists say could lead to a cure for 癌?

In the late 1950s, Israeli endocrinologist Zvi Laron began 熟考する/考慮するing 患者s, some with childhood 糖尿病 and others with growth and 性の 開発 disorders.

His earliest 患者s 含むd three young siblings - two boys and a girl - all with 厳しく stunted growth. They were all obese, with thin hair, pronounced foreheads, and a 崩壊(する)d nasal 橋(渡しをする), and their grandparents were first cousins.

Laron assumed they had a 厳しい 不足 of growth hormone, but some years later, after new 血 実験(する)s were developed, it transpired the levels of growth hormone were 異常な - they were 極端に high.

By the 中央の-1960s he had identified 20 more such people. He 推論する/理由d that either they had 欠陥のある hormones, or something was wrong with the 独房s that 答える/応じる to those hormones.

Every 独房 in the 団体/死体 含む/封じ込めるs receptors, which 行為/法令/行動する like tiny locks for hormones, Discover Magazine 報告(する)/憶測s.

When a hor mone finds a matching lock, it 貯蔵所d to the receptor and 誘発する/引き起こすs the 独房 to do something, such as grow or divide.

But while 熟考する/考慮するing the 独房s of his 支配するs, Laron 設立する that normal growth hormone failed to 貯蔵所d to its associated receptor, 示唆するing that they were 損失d.

In 1984, he published a paper showing that the short stature of people with Laron syndrome results from their 無(不)能 to 答える/応じる to growth hormone, no 事柄 how much they have floating around.