Footy club makes incredible gesture to 星/主役にする who was 軍隊d to retire 老年の 24 予定 to concussion

  • Collingwood have made an incredible gesture to Nathan Murphy?
  • Defender was 軍隊d to retire at the age of 24?
  • He has received a 'remarkable 財政上の gesture' from the Pies?

Nathan Murphy has received a 'remarkable 財政上の gesture' after the Collingwood 星/主役にする was 軍隊d into 退職 予定 to a string of concussions.

The 24-year-old defender 発表するd his 早期に 退職 from football after 存在 advised by a パネル盤 of 医療の 専門家s to do so.?


Murphy 苦しむd his 10th concussion during the Magpies' grand final vivcotry over Brisbane, his last game in professional football. Across a seven-year career, he played 57 games.

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にもかかわらず Murphy's 即座の 未来 存在 under 脅し, Collingwood 静かに 延長するd his 契約 last year until 2025, and after his 決定/判定勝ち(する) this week they have decided to 支払う/賃金 out the 残りの人,物 of his 取引,協定.

'That 退職 (機の)カム with a remarkable 財政上の gesture from the Pies, which I think will total a million dollars,' News Corp's Jon Ralph said on Fox Footy's Midweek 取り組む.

Nathan Murphy has received a 'remarkable 財政上の gesture' from Collingwood
The 24-year-old was 軍隊d to retire from football 予定 to a string of concussions
News Corp 報告(する)/憶測s that Murphy could receive as much as $1million from the club

'This year's 契約 and next. So, as he pondered his 退職 across the summer, they 手渡すd him another year on his 契約.

'Most people would say 'what were they thinking?' They did it because they didn't want him to feel 軍隊d into trying to play on to shore up his 財政上の 未来.

'基本的に, they didn't want him to say '承認する, I 港/避難所't got enough money, if I play on, maybe I'll be able to buy a house or a 所有物/資産/財産 or a 商売/仕事 同様に'. They did it aware that one concussion was likely to end his career.'

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Ralph 申し込む/申し出d his 見解(をとる) on the move, believing that Collingwood did so in an 成果/努力 to 納得させる Murphy to prioritise his health.?

'My take ― they 基本的に did it trying to 軽く押す/注意を引く him into 退職 by 説 'take the money, even though we might have to 支払う/賃金 it in our cap next year',' he said.

'As it turns out, he was medically retired by the AFL on Saturday, which he had not been (以前). The AFL had ticked him off medically (last) December, so there was a 重要な 危険 to that all.


'He was still 戦う/戦いing with migraines and 苦悩.'