Wayne Rooney's time with Manchester 部隊d is coming to an end... 拒絶する/低下する sees 中国 beckon for the captain left behind by his club

  • Manchester 部隊d news: All the 最新の from Old Trafford?
  • Jose Mourinho 辞退するd to 保証(人) Wayne Rooney will be at 部隊d next 称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語
  • It is no longer strange to see the Manchester 部隊d 船長/主将 not in the first team
  • A 中国 move beckons but Rooney is 関心d about the England 関わりあい/含蓄s

When Wayne Rooney was put on the (法廷の)裁判 for England's draw with Slovakia in Saint-Etienne at Euro 2016, Roy Hodgson 直面するd 批評 for 残り/休憩(する)ing his captain.

Eight months on, Rooney's absence here at the Stade Geoffroy-Guichard was again the centre of attention on Tuesday night, but it was (疑いを)晴らす the 審議 had moved on.


We were no longer asking about the 衝撃 arguab ly the greatest English player of his 世代 could still make for club and country. That has been in 拒絶する/低下する for some time.

Captain Wayne Rooney's 近づく 13-year career with Manchester 部隊d is coming to an end
?Rooney has more 首相 League 外見s as a 代用品,人 than a starter this season

The questions surrounded his 未来 at 部隊d beyond the end of this season, even beyond the end of next week. The answers from Jose Mourinho were far from emphatic.

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He wants Rooney to stay but cannot 保証(人) that he will be a 部隊d player next season. No 約束s either that the striker could not 長,率いる for the Far East before the 移転 window shuts in 中国 next Tuesday.

The 経営者/支配人's 決定/判定勝ち(する)s this season speak for themselves. Rooney has more 首相 League 外見s as a 代用品,人 than a starter. He has become a cup specialist, a Thursday night man brought out for the Europa League.?

That will be 殺人,大当り him ― as his old team-mate Paul Scholes put it in an 排除的 interview with Sportsmail last week.

経営者/支配人 Jose Mourinho cannot 保証(人) his captain will be at Old Trafford next season

Zlatan Ibrahimovic has taken over as 部隊d's striker 最高の. Henrikh Mkhitaryan has 掴むd the No 10 役割 that Rooney hoped to make his as he enters his 30s.?Mourinho also has Juan Mata and Paul Pogba to fill that 役割.?

Rooney might have broken Sir Bobby Charlton's goalscoring 記録,記録的な/記録する for 部隊d but that accolade has come against the tide of change at Old Trafford.?Indeed, より勝るing Charlton's 示す of 249 goals only 除去するd one of the last 関係 that was keeping Rooney at 部隊d.

His 影響(力) has 減らすd. When Rooney 行方不明になるd the last two games through illness and 傷害 ― suspiciously 明示していない ― it passed by 大部分は without notice.?

Henrikh Mkhitaryan has 掴むd the No 10 役割 that Rooney hoped to make his in his 30s

Only the 中国 憶測, 同時に起こる/一致するing with his return to training on Tuesday, brought the questions that have 影を投げかけるd 部隊d's Europa League second 脚 against Saint-Etienne.

Rooney will 行方不明になる the game ―部隊d are 3-0 up ― and probably the EFL Cup final at Wembley on Sunday. After nearly 13 years at the club, will he ever play for 部隊d again? It is a valid question.

This is a slicker, faster team and Rooney doesn't fit in.

In Mourinho's slicker, faster team and Rooney doesn't fit in and is now 存在 left behind

He will have seen the w arning 調印するs. It is why he has confided in friends that his 部隊d career is 製図/抽選 to a の近くに and he is 決定するd to leave on his own 条件.?That has always been the way with Rooney.

Twice he held all the エースs in 契約 会談 with 部隊d and now he can 選ぶ his next move with 18 months remaining on his 現在の 取引,協定 価値(がある) a basic £230,000-a-week.

It could be 中国, where the 申し込む/申し出 of a £35m-a-year 契約 を待つs, although sources の近くに to Rooney 主張する that will not happen before next Tuesday.

At 35 - four years older than Rooney - Zlatan Ibrahimovic has taken over as 部隊d's main man

There is also his wife Coleen and their three young sons to consider. The family are happily settled in Cheshire.

Rooney is also known to want to 延長する his international career and any move to 中国 would almost certainly end that prospect.

The same could be said for any move to the 部隊d 明言する/公表するs.?As Hodgson and Mourinho have both discovered here in Saint-Etienne, Wayne Rooney is still big news.