Conor Benn 示すs return to ボクシング with points 勝利,勝つ over Rodolfo Orozco in Orlando while 論争 over failed 麻薬s 実験(する) continues in the UK

  • Benn had been out of the (犯罪の)一味 since April of last year に引き続いて his failed 実験(する)
  • But after 存在 (疑いを)晴らすd to fight in Orlando he 巡航するd to a points 勝利,勝つ over Orozco
  • 供給するs all the 最新の international sports news?

Conor Benn 巡航するd to a 全員一致の-決定/判定勝ち(する) points victory on his 熱望して-を待つd return to ボクシング in Orlando on Saturday night.

Benn had been out of the (犯罪の)一味 for 17 months after failing two 麻薬s 実験(する)s in the lead-up to his 提案するd mega-fight with Chris Eubank Jr last October.


にもかかわらず his 中断 in Britain 存在 解除するd by the 国家の Anti-麻薬ing パネル盤 in July, the British ボクシング Board of 支配(する)/統制する remain 毅然とした that he has not yet (疑いを)晴らすd his 指名する, and the 闘士,戦闘機 still 直面するs?a 可能性のある two-year 禁止(する) in his home country 未解決の the 結果 of 控訴,上告s.

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にもかかわらず, Benn was 解放する/自由な to get his career 支援する up and running over in the 明言する/公表するs, meaning promoter Eddie Hearn 設立する room for him on DAZN's Richardson Hitchins vs Jose Zepeda card in Orlando this 週末.

Conor Benn 巡航するd to a 全員一致の-決定/判定勝ち(する) points 勝利,勝つ on his long-を待つd return to ボクシング
Benn got the better of little-known Mexican Rodolfo Orozco over 10 一連の会議、交渉/完成するs in Orlando

And up against?little-known Mexican Rodolfo Orozco at 154lbs - seven 続けざまに猛撃するs higher than his typical welterweight 限界 - the 26-year-old dusted off the cobwebs before (人命などを)奪う,主張するing a comfortable 勝利,勝つ after 10 競争の激しい 一連の会議、交渉/完成するs.

Benn 激しく揺するd Orozco with a number of crisp 権利 手渡すs throughout the contest, yet he also had to 耐える a few hairy moments himself , 特に in the eighth 一連の会議、交渉/完成する.

Yet when the final bell sounded, he had done more than enough to 示す his return to the sport with a victory on Saturday night.?

Two 裁判官s 得点する/非難する/20d the 一区切り/(ボクシングなどの)試合 99-91 in his 好意, with the other 選ぶing for a closer 96-94 判決.

'We didn't want a walk in the park,' Benn said after the 勝利,勝つ. 'I needed the 一連の会議、交渉/完成するs. I've had a year and [five] months out of the (犯罪の)一味, so for me it was about getting 支援する in there and 扱うing 商売/仕事.

'Yeah it would've been nice to get the 停止. I saw the 開始s, I took it... but he's a true Mexican.'

On his 現在の 状況/情勢 in the UK, Benn said: 'Listen, it's unbelievable fighting out here and I get shown a lot of love out here and I'm 感謝する for the American 支持者s.


'But Britain's my home so it's only 権利 that I fight 支援する there - sooner rather than later.'?