Mitchell Johnson 明らかにする/漏らすs why he has NEVER watched an episode of The 実験(する) as Australia legend 重さを計るs in on behind-the-scenes 文書のs

  • Mitchell Johnson has never watched an episode of The 実験(する)?
  • The Australian 広大な/多数の/重要な questioned the 文書の series?
  • A new season of The 実験(する) will be 解放(する)d later this month?

Mitchell Johnson has 認める he has never watched a 選び出す/独身 episode of The 実験(する), as the Australia 広大な/多数の/重要な 重さを計るd in on the newest 一連の アマゾン Prime's 文書の.

The third season of Prime's blockbuster series に引き続いて the Australian cricket team 攻撃する,衝突するs 審査するs later this month, with cameras に引き続いて Pat Cummins's 味方する during their 小旅行する of England last year.

It was a 敵意を持った Ashes series for the tourists, with the Jonny Bairstow stumping saga lighting a fuse and no love lost between the teams.?

Australia returned home with the Ashes having drawn the series, but Johnson, wri ting in his column for The West, has 株d his 混乱 at the rise of 飛行機で行く-on-the-塀で囲む programmes.??

'Why are people 利益/興味d in watching behind-the-scenes docos such as The 実験(する)?' he asked.

Mitchell Johnson has revealed why he has never watched The Test

Mitchell Johnson has 明らかにする/漏らすd why he has never watched The 実験(する)

A new season of the documentary series will hit screens later this month

A new season of the 文書の series will 攻撃する,衝突する 審査するs later this month

'I understand it gives fans an insight into the happenings of what goes on in the dressing room. But still, why?

'I guess 存在 a past player, I don’t fully understand not onl y the fan 需要・要求する for it but also why the 現在の players are open to letting the cameras in.

'競技者s put it all on the line, with their highest highs and lowest lows taking place on the field in 前線 of (人が)群がるs. But the dressing room was always a 安全な space for a sportsman.

'Other sports have cameras in dressing rooms in those 私的な moments too. I’ve then seen those moments get criticised by many for さまざまな 推論する/理由s.

'A 爆発する in the dressing room after a bad day in the field is a pretty normal thing to happen. Just like bats or gloves 存在 thrown after a 解雇/(訴訟の)却下 or a few choice words.

'Now it all gets seen and the players get critiqued on how they should behave as a professional. Somehow this is 受託するd as normal human behaviour at club level, yet it’s seen as a 不名誉 or unprofessional at the 最高の,を越す level.

'Maybe I’m off the 示す here. Maybe most punters like that sort of 接近. Maybe it normalises sportsmen and that’s a good thing.

Johnson says he does not need to watch it as he has already experienced it

Johnson says he does not need to watch it as he has already experienced it

'Players today have different 推論する/理由s for wanting to grow their profiles and are getting bigg er profiles outside the game まっただ中に 増加するd 接近 like this, 抱擁する social マスコミ に引き続いてs and にわか景気ing 契約s thanks to the 爆発 of Twenty20 cricket.

'Each to their own, but with it comes more 責任/義務 and the 危険 of (激しい)反発 when things don’t go your way or you 反応する in a way someone doesn’t like.'

Explaining why he has never watched The 実験(する), Johnson said: 'Why would I need to? I’ve lived that life and experienced it all, just in a different time.'