What happened to the ghost grounds: How football's once-広大な/多数の/重要な stadiums have been transformed… so can you match the 現在の drone photos with their historic past?

  • Mail Sport photographer Andy Hooper 跡をつけるs 負かす/撃墜する ghost grounds of the past
  • Ian Ladyman: Why I'm glad England lost against Brazil - Listen to the It's All Kicking Off podcast

It いつかs seems that those who 見解(をとる) our football from beyond these shores have the greatest 評価 of the cathedrals, once central to the game’s history, which have been bulldozed now.

When a 主要な 文書の photographer, Stuart Roy Clarke, 手配中の,お尋ね者 to create a 調書をとる/予約する he called ‘The Homes of Football’, 逮捕(する)ing his 1990s 旅行 around our 国内の game as it stood on the cusp of a modernisation, the only publisher willing to (売買)手数料,委託(する)/委員会/権限 it was German ? ‘Spielmacher’. The finished 製品, published a few years ago, is beautiful, though the text is in German, with English translation tucked away at the 支援する.

Some of those 広大な/多数の/重要な stadiums ? packed with fans when Clarke 描写するd them ? remain as iconic as ever to those who remember them, a point 証明するd by the 返答 to Mail Sport 新聞記者/雑誌記者 Ian Ladyman’s 旅行 支援する to the centre of the old Maine Road centre circle, in south Manchester, last year.

The plaque laid at that 位置/汚点/見つけ出す is classy, though it is the merest fragment, nonetheless. What 類似の 残余s might still 存在する at these places, which we might call ‘ghost grounds?’

Mail Sport’s 長,指導者 sports photographer Andy Hooper has led our own 追求(する),探索(する) to find out, selecting stadiums where the game’s greatest occasions played out, some of which are now not even on the 地図/計画する. It was the sheer challenge of 位置を示すing some of these places which surprised Andy. There are no brown 観光旅行,事業 調印するs, no blue plaques, yet still 証拠 of an がまんするing fascination for them. Where Andy travelled, I followed, findi ng that the ghosts of ages past walk tall in some, though not all, of these places.

Arsenal's famous old stadium Highbury has transformed since the Gunners moved out in 2006

兵器庫's famous old stadium Highbury has transformed since the Gunners moved out in 2006

Now Highbury has been turned into flats while new home the Emirates is a stone's throw away

Now Highbury has been turned into flats while new home the 首長国s is a 石/投石する's throw away

West Ham's
 Upton Park has received the same treatment following its closure in 2016

West Ham's Upton Park has received the same 治療 に引き続いて its 終結 in 2016

It has been seven years since Upton Park made way for a modern housing development

It has been seven years since Upton Park made way for a modern 住宅 開発

The spirit of West Ham?部隊d, for example, is alive and 井戸/弁護士席 on Green Street, east London, though you need to look twice to be sure. On the white-washed exterior 塀で囲む of a vaping shop, a rather unconvincing 風刺漫画 image of Bobby Moore is 描写するd 衝突,墜落ing through the bricks - and just inside the 設立’s door, there’s an artwork of Moore’s and Trevor Brooking’s West Ham jerseys, hanging on a 着せる/賦与するs rail まっただ中に discarded socks and scarves.?

The young men running the shop wouldn’t know Brooking if he walked into this place and asked for a flavoured vape, but that’s not the point.

This is the place where Upton Park stadium stood for 114 years and though it’s been seven years since it made way for a modern 住宅 開発, the fans are still coming 支援する here, to drink at the 伝説の Boleyn Tavern and imbibe the spirit of a rich footballing past.

‘We thought that the images would make people look twice at our place,’ says one of the assistants at the rather forgettably-指名するd shop, ’全世界の First & 従犯者s,’ pointing out the Europa League トロフィー image on the shop’s 支援する 塀で囲む. ‘The stadium’s gone but people associate this street with the club. Yes. We think it’s made us stand out.’

They’re not the only ones. Green Street remains claret and blue in so many ways, from the fascia of the Upton Park 建設業者s’ Merchants to the 有望な paintwork of St Edwards カトリック教徒 最初の/主要な School. An old 10ft by 8ft club crest has been 位置を示すd in a 貯蔵 部隊 and 回復するd by fans to a position on the 塀で囲む of the UK Fitness Club gym.

‘We get people through here all the time, looking to see where they once (機の)カム,’ says a gym staff member, ‘JP.’ ‘I’ve tried to familiarise myself with the history. I don’t really follow football.’

Up and 負かす/撃墜する the land, fans seem to be retracing their steps 負かす/撃墜する football’s old 主要道路s and byways, looking for the soul that has been lost when clubs left communities for all-目的, all-seater stadiums.?

‘You’re the sixth person this week to ask me about the Baseball Ground,’ says Ron Peters, who lives in one of the houses built around the grassy rectangle which was the scene of such glories under Brian Clough and Dave Mackay.

非,不,無 of the old ground re-開発s nods やめる so stylishly to the past as the Baseball Ground, with the pitch the homes are clustered around and an …を伴ってing statue. But a 旅行 around the 場所/位置s leaves the unmistakable sense that those old football cathedrals could do far more to point up and 示す this 重要な part of British social history. It’s been a 過程 of ‘追跡(する) the pitch’ in many places.

Southampton's former home, The Dell, was built in 1898 and stood until 2001

Southampton's former home, The Dell, was built in 1898 and stood until 2001?

Now Southampton's former home houses residents with no sign of the ground's framework

Now Southampton's former home houses 居住(者)s with no 調印する of the ground's 枠組み

A 独特の redbrick stadium 塀で囲む, with fading whitewash part of its 控訴,上告, is the 単独の 残余 of Ayresome Park, Middlesbrough, also housed over now. This was the one that Andy and I 設立する most elusive. Is the circular patch of grass in an 隣接する children’s play area the centre 位置/汚点/見つけ出す where Wilf Manion and Billy Ashcroft kicked off? Impossible to tell.

The same must be said for the small patch of grass on the Upton Park 住宅 開発, too, though perhaps the saddest form of 集団の/共同の amnesia is at Brighton and Hove Albion’s old Goldstone Ground.?

It’s a bland, soulless supermarket, with no 明らかな nod to Peter 区, 道具 Napier and Saturday afternoons of derring-do. There’s not so much 損なわれていない of Sunderland’s hallowed ground, either. In keeping with many other old ground 場所/位置s, the streets of the houses where Roker Park stood have football-主題d 指名するs: Roker Park の近くに, Turnstile Mews, Goalmouth の近くに. Nothing more.

Highbury is the old stadium most 損なわれていない. The sophisticated, expensive Highbury Square neighbourhood 開発 builds on the history of the 場所/位置. Arriving here at dusk on the evening of 兵器庫’s match with Atletico Madrid at the 首長国s 明らかにする/漏らす s that living in the square 供給するs the 十分な, authentic 兵器庫 experience.?

A 10-minute walk separates stadiums old and new and you can even smell the onions from the burger 先頭s 始める,決める up at the 底(に届く) of Highbury Hill.

The 開発 分裂(する)s into four 封鎖するs ? north, south, east and west stand - and the famous old doorstep where 経営者/支配人s would appear to 直面する the 圧力(をかける) is still here.?

Yet its 居住(者)s-only 接近 to the grassy rectangle, 始める,決める within sophisticated light system, which seems to be the old pitch. I ask a 居住(者) will he open the locked gate into that 聖域. He smiles, terribly politely, and walks straight on.

Ian’s 旅行 支援する to the old Maine Road centre circle, and the ビデオ he produced, 示唆するd that the place where Colin Bell, Francis 物陰/風下 and マイク Summerbee did not radiate its old glories.?

The bronze plaque of centre circle was 始める,決める on a rather barren patch of dusty land ? muddy when I made my visit. But those who live at this place are 明確に accustomed to questions about their neighbourhood’s rich part in football’s social and 冒険的な history.

‘It’s nice they way they’ve 示すd it,’ says 地元の 居住(者) Eileen Fisher, 押し進めるing her two-year-old. ‘My father and brothers are City fans and I really think they envy me, living 権利 here in this place. It’s a 神社.’



兵器庫 (1913-2006)

Thierry Henry kissed the grass after 安全な・保証するing his hat-trick against Wigan in what was the final goal at 兵器庫’s old home that’s now a quad of swanky flats.?

Highbury hosted the World Heavyweight tit le fight between Muhammad Ali and Henry Cooper in 1966 but was dropped as a World Cup 発生地 in the same year.

Arsenal's Highbury, pictured here in 1995, is the oldest stadium that is most intact

兵器庫's Highbury, pictured here in 1995, is the oldest stadium that is most 損なわれていない

Arsenal’s old home is now a quad of swanky flats, with a green area where the pitch was

兵器庫’s old home is now a quad of swanky flats, with a green area where the pitch was

The c
entral green space in between the four blocks of flats indicate where the pitch once was

The central green space in between the four 封鎖するs of flats 示す where the pitch once was

The old art deco-styled East Stand is still standing today after it was officially opened in 1936

The old art deco-styled East Stand is still standing today after it was 公式に opened in 1936

The old stands have kept their form with the North Bank and Clock End stands demolished

The old stands have kept their form with the North Bank and Clock End stands 破壊するd

The Highbury Square neighbourhood development builds on the history of the site

The Highbury Square neighbourhood 開発 builds on the history of the 場所/位置



Southampton (1898-2001)

The first ground in England to have 永久の floodlights. The 住宅 封鎖するs that now stand there are 指名するd after former Saints players.?

One of them, Matt Le Tissier, who played for Saints his entire career, had the fitting honour of 得点する/非難する/20ing the final goal at the Dell with his last-minute strike against 兵器庫.

The Dell was home to Southampton from 1898 until 2001. It was the
 first ground in England to have permanent floodlights

The Dell was home to Southampton from 1898 until 2001. It was the first ground in England to have 永久の floodlights


The Dell is now unrecognisable with the old stadium making way for housing development. You can see where the old pitch would have been in the second image

The Dell is now unrecognisable with the old stadium making way for 住宅 開発. You can see where the old pitch would have been in the second image

A green and garden area surrounded by flats sits where the pitch will have been

A green and garden area surrounded by flats sits where the pitch will have been

Matt Le Tissier, who played for Saints his entire career, scored the final goal at the Dell

Matt Le Tissier, who played for Saints his entire career, 得点する/非難する/20d the final goal at the Dell



Manchester City (1923-2003)

The road used to be called Dog Kennel 小道/航路 but was 改名するd in the 1870s after the US 明言する/公表する over its 役割 in the Temperance Movement that discouraged people from drinking alcohol.?

Hosted England’s first-ever World Cup qualifier against Northern Ireland in 1949. It’s now a 住宅 広い地所.

Maine Road was home to Manchester City for 80 years before it was later demolished

Maine Road was home to Manchester City for 80 years before it was later 破壊するd?

Maine Road did not radiate its old glories with housing and flats sitting where it once stood

Maine Road did not radiate its old glories with 住宅 and flats sitting where it once stood

Manchester City's?Maine Road stadium is now a new building development

Manchester City's?Maine Road stadium is now a new building 開発


The bronze plaque of centre circle was 始める,決める on a rather barren patch of dusty land. An 輪郭(を描く) of where the pitch used to be can be 見解(をとる)d in the second image



Derby (1895-1997)

As the 指名する 示唆するs, the stadium was 初めは used for baseball before Derby spent 102 years there ahead of their move to Pride Park.?

Ian Wright 得点する/非難する/20d the final league goal on its infamously awful pitch as 兵器庫 (警官の)巡回区域,受持ち区域 Derby 3-1. The 青年 team kept playing there for a bit before it became 住宅.

A birdseye view of the Baseball Ground shows how narrowly it sits within terraced houses

A birdseye 見解(をとる) of the Baseball Ground shows how 辛うじて it sits within terraced houses


As the name suggests, the stadium was originally used for baseball before Derby moved in> The yellow lines show approximately where the pitch once was

As the 指名する 示唆するs, the stadium was 初めは used for baseball before Derby moved in> The yellow lines show だいたい where the pitch once was

Old brick walls that used to be a part of the ground still stand today

Old brick 塀で囲むs that used to be a part of the ground still stand today

A metal sculpture pays homage to the old ground which is now a park

A metal sculpture 支払う/賃金s homage to the old ground which is now a park?

The street just off where the old stadium was is now called Baseball Drive after the old ground

The street just off where the old stadium was is now called Baseball 運動 after the old ground



Leicester City (1891-2002)

The Foxes' former home stands as derelict land just 300 yards away from their 現在の stadium.?

Matt Piper 得点する/非難する/20d the final goal there in a 2-1 復帰 勝利,勝つ against 刺激(する)s. Former boss ツバメ O’Neill joked he led 見込みのある 調印s on to the pitch backwards so they couldn’t see the tiny decrepit East Stand.

Leicester City used to play their home matches at Filbert Street until its closure in 2002

Leicester City used to play their home matches at Filbert Street until its 終結 in 2002


Leicester City's King Power Stadium sits in the distance where Filbert Street once stood

Leicester City's King 力/強力にする Stadium sits in the distance where Filbert Street once stood

The Foxes' former home stands as derelict land just 300 yards away from their current stadium

The Foxes' former home stands as derelict land just 300 yards away from their 現在の stadium

It remained known almost exclusively by its address, like many English football stadiums

It remained known almost 排他的に by its 演説(する)/住所, like many English football stadiums

Leicester now play all their home matches at the King Power Stadium, just 300 yards away

Leicester now play all their home matches at the King 力/強力にする Stadium, just 300 yards away



West Ham (1904-2016)

More 一般的に known as Upton Park, West Ham spent 112 years here before moving to the London Stadium.

Winston Reid’s 勝利者 against Man 部隊d was the final goal at the Boleyn Ground before it became 842 flats called Upton Gardens. Wayne Rooney made his England debut there against Australia.

Boleyn Ground, or more?commonly known as Upton Park, was West Ham's home for 112 years

Boleyn Ground, or more?一般的に known as Upton Park, was West Ham's home for 112 years


It closed in 2016 and was demolished, later becoming 842 flats called Upton Gardens. You can see a rough guide of where the pitch once was

It の近くにd in 2016 and was 破壊するd, later becoming 842 flats called Upton Gardens. You can see a rough guide of where the pitch once was

A statue of West Ham's famous sons,?featuring Bobby Moore, Geoff Hurst, Martin Peters and Ray Wilson, lifting the World Cup can be found near the site of where Upton Park once stood

A statue of West Ham's famous sons,?featuring Bobby Moore, Geoff Hurst, ツバメ Peters and Ray Wilson, 解除するing the World Cup can be 設立する 近づく the 場所/位置 of where Upton Park once stood

There's no sign of the old stadium - but the area is still a spiritual home for Hammers fans

There's no si gn of the old stadium - but the area is still a spiritual home for 大打撃を与えるs fans

Green Street remains claret and blue in so many ways, from the fascia of the Upton Park Builders’ Merchants to the bright paintwork of St Edwards Catholic Primary School

Green Street remains claret and blue in so many ways, from the fascia of the Upton Park 建設業者s’ Merchants to the 有望な paintwork of St Edwards カトリック教徒 最初の/主要な School



Middlesbrough (1903-1995)?

Middlesbrough’s home until they moved to the Riverside in 1995. They 安全な・保証するd the 分割 One 肩書を与える under Bryan Robson in the final 競争の激しい game there against Luton Town.?

Ayresome Park, now 住宅, also hosted three World Cup games in 1966, 含むing North Korea’s shock victory over Italy.

Ayresome Park was the home of Middlesbrough before their move to the Riverside in 1995

Ayresome Park was the home of Middlesbrough before their move to the Riverside in 1995


Ayresome Park is now housing - a fate met by many ghost grounds around the country

Ayresome Park is now 住宅 - a 運命/宿命 met by many ghost grounds around the country

A old poster gives a brief history on Ayresome Park before vandals had their way with it

A old poster gives a 簡潔な/要約する history on Ayresome Park before vandals had their way with it

The housing estate where the old ground once sat pays homage to its former tenants

The 住宅 広い地所 where the old ground once sat 支払う/賃金s homage to its former tenants



有望な on (1902-1997)

Brighton’s 勝利,勝つ over Doncaster in the last game at their old ground in 1997 始める,決める the 行う/開催する/段階 for the famous final-day 広大な/多数の/重要な Escape against Hereford that kept the Seagulls in the Football League.?

David Beckham made his プロの/賛成の debut here in 1992, coming off the (法廷の)裁判 for 部隊d in the League Cup. It’s now a 小売 park.

Before Brighton moved to the Amex Stadium, the Goldstone was their home ground

Before Brighton moved to the Amex Stadium, the Goldstone was their home ground


There are no remnants of the old ground, which is now a retail park in Brighton

There are no 残余s of the old ground, which is now a 小売 park in Brighton

While there may be no signs of the old ground, there is a street nearby called Goldstone Lane

While there may be no 調印するs of the old ground, there is a street nearby called Goldstone 小道/航路

Brighton fans invade the pitch after last game ever to be played at the Goldstone in 1997

Brighton fans 侵略する the pitch after last game ever to be played at the Goldstone in 1997

Brighton fans pull a 'welcome to Brighton & Hove Albion' sign down as passers-by watch on before the last game ever to be played at the Goldstone

Brighton fans pull a 'welcome to Brighton & Hove Albion' 調印する 負かす/撃墜する as passers-by watch on before the last game ever to be played at the Goldstone



Sunderland (1898-1997)

Sunderland called Roker Park their home for 99 years before making the move 負かす/撃墜する the River Wear to the Stadium of Light.

Now a 住宅 広い地所, the streets around the area 祝う/追悼する Roker Park, with 指名するs like 昇進/宣伝 の近くに, Clockstand の近くに, Goalmouth の近くに, Midfield 運動, Turnstile Mews and Roker Park の近くに.

Sunderland called Roker Park home before making the move to the Stadium of Light

Sunderland called Roker Park home before making the move to the Stadium of Light

A sign counting down the games until Roker Park closed is seen at the old stadium

A 調印する counting 負かす/撃墜する the games until Roker Park の近くにd is seen at the old stadium


Now a housing estate, a space where the pitch once was is marked out with yellow lines

Now a 住宅 広い地所, a space where the pitch once was is 示すd out with yellow lines

A mural of Sunderland's legendary player Horatio Stratton Carter can be seen near Roker Park

A mural of Sunderland's 伝説の player Horatio Stratton Carter can be seen 近づく Roker Park

A blue plaque reveals the site of Sunderland's former home before moving to Roker Park

A blue plaque 明らかにする/漏らすs the 場所/位置 of Sunderland's former home before moving to Roker Park



Stoke City (1878-1997)

The Victoria Ground was one of the oldest football stadiums in 操作/手術 at the time of it's demolition in 1997, having been the home to Stoke City for 119 years.

The Potters won their final league game at the ground against West Brom 2-1, with Graham Kavanagh 得点する/非難する/20ing the final goal for the hosts. The 場所/位置 where the Victoria once stood was empty for over two 10年間s until a 住宅 開発 was built on the 場所/位置 in 2019.

Stoke City played all their home games at the Victoria Ground for 119 years

Stoke City played all their home games at the Victoria Ground for 119 years


However, the site where the Victoria once stood is now a housing development. The rectangle gives a rough indication of where the pitch once was

However, the 場所/位置 where the Victoria once stood is now a 住宅 開発. The rectangle gives a rough 指示,表示する物 of where the pitch once was

Stoke City fans wear their club's colours while the site where the old ground once stood can be seen in the background

Stoke City fans wear their club's colours while the 場所/位置 where the old ground once stood can be seen in the background

A blue plaque reveals that the ground's centre circle was situated where this house now stands

A blue plaque 明らかにする/漏らすs that the ground's centre circle was 据えるd where this house now stands