Manchester 部隊d legend Nicky Butt is banned from 運動ing after admitting breaking motorcyclist's 脚 when he 粉砕するd into him in his 範囲 Rover

Manchester 部隊d legend Nicky Butt has been banned from 運動ing after he 認める to breaking a motorcyclist's 脚 when he 粉砕するd into him in his 範囲 Rover.

Former England footballer Nicky Butt, 49, didn't 位置/汚点/見つけ出す Andrew Fielden when he was 運動ing in Burnley, Lancashire in October 2022.?

Mr Fielden was 負傷させるd as a result and 苦しむd a broken 脚 - which had metal 棒s 挿入するd - and bruising.

Butt was given an 暫定的な 運動ing 禁止(する) after the 衝突,墜落, The Sun 報告(する)/憶測d.

He 認める to 原因(となる)ing serious 傷害 by careless 運動ing at Blackburn 治安判事s' 法廷,裁判所 today.?

Former England footballer Nicky Butt (pictured), 49, didn't spot Andrew Fielden when he was driving in Burnley , Lancashire in October 2022

Former England footballer Nicky Butt (pictured), 49, didn't 位置/汚点/見つけ出す Andrew Fielden when he was 運動ing in Burnley , Lancashire in October 2022

Nicky Butt pictured with teammates in the 2002 FIFA World Cup finals in Japan

Nicky Butt pictured with チーム仲間s in the 2002 FIFA World Cup 決勝戦 in Japan

The former midfielder could be 宣告,判決d an 制限のない 罰金 or up to two years in 刑務所,拘置所. The 宣告,判決ing date is yet to be 始める,決める.?

Mr Fielden chose not to give a 犠牲者 声明 and said in the past that he does not have any 'ill feeling' に向かって Butt.?

The 法廷,裁判所 heard how Mr Fi elden has no memory of the 出来事/事件 but does 解任する waking up in hospital in 苦痛.?

検察官,検事 Graeme Tindall said: 'What appears to have happened is a number of 乗り物s pass what appears to look like a HGV.

'Mr Butt having let the HGV come past, pulls out and this is when Mr Fielden is coming past on the motorcycle.'

The 法廷,裁判所 heard how Butt had a 'momentary lapse of 集中' at the time of the 出来事/事件, 同様に as how he stayed at the scene and has written an 陳謝 to Mr Fielden.???

John Dye, defending Butt, said: 'The loss of his licence is going to be 極端に inconvenient to him and his family but that is the 必然的な consequence of this 事例/患者.'?