Harrison Butker slammed by 創立者s of college where he gave 議論の的になる 開始/学位授与式 演説(する)/住所: 'We want to be known as inclusive and welcoming'

The 創立者s of the カトリック教徒 自由主義の arts school at which Harrison Butker gave his 議論の的になる 開始/学位授与式 speech have now slammed the Kansas City 長,指導者s 星/主役にする.?

The three-time 最高の Bowl 勝利者 stood at the podium at Kansas' Benedictine College?on Saturday and has 直面するd 猛烈な/残忍な (激しい)反発 ever since.

Butker congratulated the women receiving degrees and said most of them were probably more excited about getting married and having children. He also said some カトリック教徒 leaders were '押し進めるing dangerous gender ideologies の上に the 青年 of America.'

Butker, whose own mo ther is an 遂行するd physicist, also 非難するd?Pride month and 大統領 Joe Biden's 姿勢 on abortion.

The 議論の的になる speech has attracted 猛烈な/残忍な (激しい)反発 and, a day after his 演説(する)/住所, a 嘆願(書) was 始める,決める up to have the 長,指導者s kicker 除去するd from the team's roster ahead of the 2024 NFL season, which has now received over 187,000 署名s.

The founders of the Catholic liberal arts school at which Harrison Butker gave his controversial commencement speech have now slammed the Kansas City Chiefs star

The 創立者s of the カトリック教徒 自由主義の arts school at which Harrison Butker gave his 議論の的になる 開始/学位授与式 speech have now slammed the Kansas City 長,指導者s 星/主役にする?

A petition to have the kicker removed from the Chiefs roster has over 187,000 signatures

A 嘆願(書) to have the kicker 除去するd from the 長,指導者s roster has over 187,000 署名s

In a 声明, the sisters of 開始する St. Scholastica - who co-設立するd the school - said: 'We do not believe that Harrison Butker's comments in his 2024 Benedictine College 開始/学位授与式 演説(する)/住所 代表する the カトリック教徒, Benedictine, 自由主義の arts college that our 創立者s 想像するd and in which we have been so 投資するd.

'Instead of 促進するing まとまり in our church, our nation, and the world, his comments seem to have fostered 分割. One of our 関心s was the 主張 that 存在 a homemaker is the highest calling for a woman.?

'We sisters have 献身的な our lives to God and God's people, 含むing the many women whom we have taught and 影響(力)d during the past 160 years. These women have made a tremendous difference in the world in their 役割s as wives and mothers and through their God-given gifts in leadership, scholarship, and their careers.

'Our community has taught young women and men not just how to be "homemakers" in a 限られた/立憲的な sense, but rather how to make a Gospel-中心d, compassionate home within themselves where they can welcome others as Christ, 権力を与えるing them to be the best 見解/翻訳/版s of themselves. We 拒絶する a 狭くする 鮮明度/定義 of what it means to be カトリック教徒.

'We are faithful members of the カトリック教徒 Church who embra ce and 促進する the values of the Gospel, St. Benedict, and Vatican I| and the teachings of ローマ法王 Francis.

'We want to be known as an inclusive, welcoming community, embracing Benedictine values that have 耐えるd for more than 1500 years and have spread through every continent and nation. We believe those values are the 核心 of Benedictine College.

'We thank all who are supportive of our 開始する community and the values we 持つ/拘留する. With St. Benedict, we pray, "Let us prefer nothing whatever to Christ, and may he lead us all together to life everlasting".'

Tavia and Clark Hunt
Harrison Butker

Tavia 追跡(する) (left), the wife of Kansas City 長,指導者s owner Clark (second from left), has appeared to defend Butker (権利) over his 議論の的になる 開始/学位授与式 sp eech

But Hunt has seemingly come out in support of the Chiefs kicker in a post on Instagram

But 追跡(する) has seemingly come out in support of the 長,指導者s kicker in a 地位,任命する on Instagram

Butker 配達するd his 概略で 20-minute 演説(する)/住所 at the カトリック教徒 私的な 自由主義の arts school in Atchison, Kansas, which is 位置を示すd about 60 miles (97 キロメーターs) miles north of Kansas City.?

He received a standing ovation from some 卒業生(する)s and other attendees.?

'I think it is you, the women, who have had the most diabolical lies told to you,' Butker said.

'Some of you may go on to lead successful careers in the world, but I would 投機・賭ける to guess that the 大多数 of you are most excited about your marriage and the children you will bring into this world.

'I can tell you that my beautiful wife Isabelle would be the first to say that her life truly started when she started living her vocation as a wife and as a mother.'

Butker said that his wife embraced 'one of the most important 肩書を与えるs of all. Homemaker.'

The 28-year-old referred to a 'deadly sin sort of pride that has a month 献身的な to it' in an oblique 言及/関連 to Pride month.?

Tavia (pictured with husband Clark and daughter Gracie, right) highlighted the importance of motherhood after Butker suggested women should be stay-at-home mothers

Tavia (pictured with husband Clark and daughter Gracie, 権利) 最高潮の場面d the importance of motherhood after Butker 示唆するd women should be stay-at-home mothers?

A 卒業生(する) of Benedictine College 地位,任命するd her 返答 to Butker's 議論の的になる speech on TikTok, 説 it was 'f***ing horrible.'?

The wife of Kansas?City 長,指導者s owner Clark 追跡(する) appeared to defend Butker on Thursday.

Tavia 追跡(する), who married the Kansas City CEO 支援する in 1993, took to Instagram to 最高潮の場面 the importance of motherhood and 強調する/ストレス that a person 株ing a different point of 見解(をとる) 'doesn't make them hateful'.

Tavia is not the only woman from the 追跡(する) family on Butker's 味方する, にもかかわらず, with her daughter and 長,指導者s heiress Gracie also coming out in support of the player.

'I can only speak from my own experience which is I have had the most incredible mom who had the ability to stay home and be with us,' Gracie told?Fox & Friends.

'I understand there are many women out there who can't make that 決定/判定勝ち(する), but for me and my life I know it was really formative in 形態/調整ing me and my siblings in who we are.'