The health 警告 ALL men should read after Terry Hill's shock death at 52: The SEVEN 警告 調印するs that could mean you're at 危険 of a heart attack

  • Terry Hill died of a heart attack on Wednesday?
  • Hill passed away at the age of just 52?
  • A 医療の 専門家 has 供給するd insight on heart attacks?

A health 専門家 has 問題/発行するd a health 警告 to all men after the 悲劇の death of footy legend Terry Hill shocked the sport.

The footy world is in a 明言する/公表する of 嘆く/悼むing after 教団 hero Hill passed away at the age of 52, having enjoyed an incredible career with Manly, NSW?and the Kangaroos.?

Hill's death 耐えるs saddening 平行のs to that of cricket legend Shane 警告する, who also died 老年の 52 of a heart attack, and former Ironman 支持する/優勝者?Dean Mercer, who died of a heart attack at the age of 47.

Heart attacks occur when there's a blockage of 血 flow to the heart muscle, which can happen to anyone but is most ありふれた in men 老年の 45 and over or women 老年の 55 and over.?

Professor Garry Jennings, 長,指導者 医療の 助言者 for the Heart 創立/基礎, has 勧めるd the public not to ignore the '警告 調印するs' of a heart attack and 輪郭(を描く)d the age at which people should see their GP fr a Medicare Heart Health Check.

Rugby league legend Terry Hill has passed away following a heart attack

Rugby league legend Terry Hill has passed away に引き続いて a heart attack

The Heart Foundation has provided tips for the public regarding heart health

The Heart 創立/基礎 has 供給するd tips for the public regarding heart health

'Both men and women most 一般的に experience chest 苦痛 as the 最初の/主要な symptom of a heart attack,' he told Daily Mail Australia.?

'It is 価値(がある) 公式文書,認めるing however that 関わりなく your gender, the 警告 調印するs of a heart attack can be different for each person.

'No two heart attacks are the same. Even if you've had a heart attack before, the symptoms might be different if you have another one.

'It is 決定的な that anyone who thinks they are experiencing the symptoms of a heart attack call 000 すぐに as every second counts.

He 追加するd that '予防 is 重要な', with Australians implored to 請け負う 正規の/正選手 check ups.?

'All too often the first symptom of heart 病気 is a heart attack and so 予防 is 重要な,' he said.

'We would encourage both men and women 老年の 45 and over, or 30 and over if First Nations, to see their GP for a Medicare Heart Health Check.

The Australian public has been urged to register for check ups with their GPs

The Australian public has been 勧めるd to 登録(する) for check ups with their GPs

'The Check is a 20-minute check-up where your doctor 対策 your cholesterol, 血 圧力, 血 glucose, and 雑談(する)s with you about family history, your level of 演習 and your dietary habits.

'They then use a special calculator to give you an 正確な 予測 of your 危険 of heart attack or 一打/打撃 within the next five years, and then they work with you to develop a 計画(する), 権利 then and there, to 運動 負かす/撃墜する those 危険 factors.

'A 計画(する) might 含む lifestyle changes and 医薬.'

によれば the Heart 創立/基礎, heart attack 警告 調印するs can 含む:

  • 不快, heaviness, tightness, 圧力 or 苦痛 in the chest
  • 苦痛 (or 不快) in one or more of the 武器, shoulders, neck, jaw or 支援する
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Sweating or a 冷淡な sweat
  • Dizziness, light headedness, feeling faint
  • Vomiting, nausea, indigestion
  • Feeling anxious