WWE 星/主役にする Big E 明らかにする/漏らすs he may NEVER 格闘する again after を受けるing new neck ざっと目を通すs, with 38-year-old 説 he's 'immensely happy and さもなければ healthy'

WWE 星/主役にする Big E has 譲歩するd he 'may never be (疑いを)晴らすd' to 格闘する again に引き続いて his neck 傷害 in 2022.

The 38-year-old, whose 指名する is Ettore 'Big E' Ewen,?broke two vertebrae in March of that year after a botched belly-to-belly suplex outside the (犯罪の)一味.

And more than two years on from breaking his neck, Big E has 株d a sad update with fans.

'Two year neck ざっと目を通すs are in. Things are 不変の,' he wrote on X.?'My C1 [vertebrae] has 傷をいやす/和解させるd fibrously but has not formed new bone. I’m not medically (疑いを)晴らすd and truthfully, I may never be (疑いを)晴らすd.?

However, he 追加するd he is 'blessed to be 解放する/自由な of 苦痛, immensely happy and さもなければ healthy. Life is good.'

WWE superstar Big E has revealed he 'may never be cleared' to return to the ring

WWE superstar Big E has 明らかにする/漏らすd he 'may never be (疑いを)晴らすd' to return to the (犯罪の)一味

Big E broke his neck during a match in March 2022, after a botched belly-to-belly suplex

Big E broke his neck during a match in March 2022, after a botched belly-to-belly suplex

Ewen fractured his C1 vertebrae and C6 vertebrae during a match with former rugby league 支え(る) 山の尾根 Holland.

And last year, Big E 株d that doctors advised him not to return to the (犯罪の)一味.

'We did the year checku p and all that stuff looked 広大な/多数の/重要な,' he told reporters in August.

'But on the other 味方する, I talked to spine specialists, people who have worked on other people in the company and done their fusions and they said like "hey, I would not 格闘する again if I were you."'

Big E played college football at the University of Iowa and also had a 簡潔な/要約する powerlifting career.?