• Rousey, 38, has been married to former UFC 闘士,戦闘機 Travis Browne, since 2017?
  • The couple welcomed their first and only child so far, a daughter,?La'akea, in 2021
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  • Ronda Rousey?broke 負かす/撃墜する in 涙/ほころびs while 開始 up about her fertility?heartache, 明らかにする/漏らすing that she 苦しむd two miscarriages while still competing in プロの/賛成の 格闘するing in 2019.

    The 38-year-old, also known as 'The Baddest Woman on the 惑星' in both the WWE and UFC world, appeared emotional while 解任するing her first miscarriage from five years ago, as she said she fell 妊娠している a week before filming an episode of 9-1-1, where she almost lost a finger while 成し遂げるing her own stunts.

    'I 設立する out I was 妊娠している 権利 before the show started filming, and then my finger got chopped off from a boat door 落ちるing on it. We went and got checked out, the baby seemed 罰金, but then I had a miscar riage a couple of weeks later, Rousey said during an episode of The Diary of a CEO from earlier this month.?

    'I always 肉親,親類d of felt like that was my fault,' she continued. 'I 手配中の,お尋ね者 to keep doing dangerous stuff while I was 妊娠している because I thought that made me 冷静な/正味の.'?

    Rousey, who 株 a daughter, La'akea, with former 闘士,戦闘機 Travis Browne, 追加するd that she 攻撃する,衝突する an かつてない low in between both miscarriages, as she struggled to come to 条件 with her first.

    WWE and UFC legend Ronda Rousey opened up about two miscarriages she had back in 2019

    WWE and UFC legend Ronda Rousey opened up about two miscarriages she had 支援する in 2019?

    Browne and Rousey in June 2023
    Rousey was an MMA fighter before trying her hand at pro wrestling in 2014

    Rousey, 37, has been married to former UFC 闘士,戦闘機 Travis Browne since 2017. The couple are hoping to be parents to more children in the 近づく 未来?

    Rousey and Browne welcomed their child, a daughter, La'akea, in 2021 through IVF procedure

    Rousey and Browne welcomed their child, a daughter, La'akea, in 2021 through IVF 手続き

    'I was just depressed and drinking and smoking and not taking care of myself, then I got 妊娠している 権利 away again, and then we never saw a heartbeat that time,' the 2008 Olympics bronze メダル受領者 said of her second miscarriage.?

    'But I wasn't 推定する/予想するing anything more because I just wasn't taking care of myself during that time.'?

    Rousey and Browne, who tied the knot in 2017, have been trying for more children after welcoming La'akea in 2001. But the former Bantamweight 支持する/優勝者 is still experiencing ups-and-負かす/撃墜するs in her 現在進行中の IVF 旅行.?

    'I went through IVF, four cycles of IVF to be able to get eight embryos because we 手配中の,お尋ね者 to have like three or four kids,' Rousey said. 'And the first one that we used 現実に worked! That's, you know, La'akea, my daughter now.?

    Rousey (seen with La'akea) revealed that her ongoing IVF journey has been challenging, so far

    Rousey (seen with La'akea) 明らかにする/漏らすd that her 現在進行中の IVF 旅行 has been challenging, so far?

    'But yeah, we're in the 過程 of doing it 権利 now, and I just got news yesterday that our first cycle didn't work.'

    A 手続き that 伴う/関わるs several cycles of two or more weeks, IVF 増加するs a woman's chances of pregnancy, though Rousey has 述べるd her fertilization 過程 as challenging.?

    'It's 堅い,' she said. 'Anyone going through it is 堅い, and like people don't talk about it. But, you know, it's hard because you have so much hope every time. And yeah, I don't know. I'll just have to wait till the end of this 調書をとる/予約する 小旅行する to try again. But I was really hoping to be 妊娠している today...

    'But, you know, it's the 肉親,親類d of thing that like nobody 会談 about it. So, and so do so many women think they're going through it alone. But, it's really, really ありふれた. But it's just really hard when things don't work out.'?