I'm a 安全 専門家 - here are THREE 推論する/理由s why you should never 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金 your phone at the airport

A 安全 専門家 is 警告 travellers of the hidden dangers of 非難する their phones at the airport.

After hours of mindless scrolling, checking directions, and 接触するing friends and family while on a trip, a lot of people find themselves low on phone 殴打/砲列 and 長,率いるing to the convenient USB port 非難する 駅/配置するs once they reach their 終点.

However, while these convenient 駅/配置するs may seem like the ideal 解答, many travellers have been caught off guard as hackers have 人物/姿/数字d out ways to 負担 them up with ウイルスs.

Jae Ro, from plug adapter 製造業者 SIGNAL + POWER, has explained the three 推論する/理由s why you should never do it.

After hours of mindless scrolling, checking directions and contacting friends and family while on a trip, a lot of people find themselves heading to the convenient USB port charging stations once they reach their terminal (stock image)

After hours of mindless scrolling, checking direction s and 接触するing friends and family while on a trip, a lot of people find themselves 長,率いるing to the convenient USB port 非難する 駅/配置するs once they reach their 終点 (在庫/株 image)

1. Malware 危険?

によれば Jae, the first 推論する/理由 to never 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金 your phone at the airport is because 'the convenience comes with a 抱擁する 安全 危険'.

He explained: 'These ports can be tampered with to 任命する/導入する malicious ソフトウェア (malware) on your 装置.

'This malware can lurk undetected, 静かに stealing 極度の慎重さを要する (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) like passwords and banking 詳細(に述べる)s.'

Last year?The 部隊d 明言する/公表するs 知能 and 安全 service put out a message 経由で its 公式の/役人 Denver twitter account. It 明言する/公表するd: '避ける using 解放する/自由な 非難する 駅/配置するs in airports, hotels or shopping 中心s. Bad actors have 人物/姿/数字d out ways to use public USB ports to introduce malware and 監視するing ソフトウェア の上に 装置s.'

2. Juice jacking?

Next, the 専門家 警告するd of a technique called 'juice jacking'.

This is where malware can be 任命する/導入するd through a corrupted USB port, locking the 装置 or 輸出(する)ing all of your personal data and password direc tly to the 悪党/犯人.

It 作品 because when it comes to smartphones, the 力/強力にする 供給(する) and data stream pass through the same cable.

Jae said: 'Once 感染させるd, your phone becomes 攻撃を受けやすい not just at the airport, but wherever you take it.'?

While these convenient stations may seem like the ideal solution, many travellers have been caught off guard as hackers have figured out ways to load them up with viruses

While these convenient 駅/配置するs may seem like the ideal 解答, many travellers have been caught off guard as hackers have 人物/姿/数字d out ways to 負担 them up with ウイルスs

3. Data (危険などに)さらす?

Finally, 非難する your 動きやすい 装置 at the airport can lead to unintentional data (危険などに)さらす.

Even if the 非難する 駅/配置する has not been 妥協d, you could still be at 危険.

The 専門家 明らかにする/漏らすd: '非難する 駅/配置するs can 移転 both data and 力/強力にする.

'While phones 誘発する 使用者s to choose between "告発(する),告訴(する)/料金 only" and "移転 とじ込み/提出するs" 方式s, this 保護 is often bypassed with 非難する 駅/配置するs.

'As a result, your 装置 could be 攻撃を受けやすい to data interception or 開発/利用. This stolen data can later be used for 身元 窃盗 or sold on the dark web.'

同様に as 問題/発行するing the 警告, Jae has also 株d some advice on how you can 安全に 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金 your phone at the airport if you do find yourself in a 状況/情勢 where you need to.

The first tip is to 投資する in a portable charger so you don't need to rely on public 非難する 駅/配置するs.

Secondly, stick to 信用d sources and only use your own personal charger or borrow one from someone you 信用 - 塀で囲む 出口s are also better than USB ports.

He 追加するs: 'If you must use a public 駅/配置する, 無能にする data 移転 on your phone before connecting it. This 保証(人)s that only 力/強力にする flows through the cable.

'Also consider 'Data Blocker' Cables - A USB data blocker 妨げるs data 移転 between your 装置 and the 非難する 駅/配置する, 許すing only 力/強力にする 移転.'