Flight attendant 明らかにする/漏らすs 乗客s' 'GREEN 旗s' that tell her if a person is 'really 冷静な/正味の'... so, do YOU qualify?

  • Destanie Armstrong, of Philadelphia, has worked as a flight attendant for years?
  • She 株 insights from her 職業 to TikTok, amassing nearly 60,000 信奉者s
  • As her 最新の topic, she 取り組むd the benevolent things that 乗客s do

A flight attendant has 明らかにする/漏らすd the?乗客 行為s that qualify as 'green 旗s' in her 調書をとる/予約する - from moments of interpersonal 関係 to simple consideration of fellow 旅行者s.

Destanie Armstrong, a flight attendant from Philadelphia, has built a sizable TikTok に引き続いて of nearly 60,000 株ing insights from her years on the 職業.

The 最新の topic she's 取り組むd? Green 旗s - that is, 調印するs someone's a decent person - as 観察するd in 乗客s on her flights.

'I feel like I say a lot about the 消極的な experiences that I have with 乗客s. But some of y'all are really 冷静な/正味の. So here's the things that I like,' Destanie began the five-minute ビデオ.

Destanie, of Philadelphia, took to her popular TikTok account to share things she's noticed about passengers that make them decent people in her book - also known as 'green flags'

Destanie, of Philadelphia, took to her popular TikTok account to 株 things she's noticed about 乗客s that make them decent people in her 調書をとる/予約する - also known as 'green 旗s'

First up was when 乗客s 認める the flight attendants 迎える/歓迎するing them as they board.

'A lot of people will just ignore us. I love when a 乗客 asks how we're doing or stuff about our day,' she said.

'It feels like I'm 現実に connecting with people. I thought with this 職業 that I would connect with people a lot more. I feel like I never have conversations with 乗客s,' she 認める.

Second was any 'small considerate 行為/法令/行動するs.'

For instance, Destanie explained, she 作品 on a 計画(する) with larger 総計費 貯蔵所s, on which are diagrams 教えるing 乗客s to put their 捕らえる、獲得する in sideways, to make room for more luggage.

When she's seen someone notice those diagrams, and adjust their 捕らえる、獲得する accordingly, she's always felt appreciative.

Likewise, more 一般に, when people 現実に listen to flight attendants' 告示s Destanie 噴出するd that it makes the 乗組員 members' lives much easier.

The third green 旗, which she 述べるd as her 'most favorite,' is when a 乗客?makes an 成果/努力 to commiserate with a member of cabin 乗組員 if they have just been 支配するd to obnoxious 行為 by another 旅行者.

The flight attendant has built a sizable TikTok following of nearly 60,000 sharing insights from her years on the job

The flight attendant has built a sizable TikTok に引き続いて of nearly 60,000 株ing insights from her years on the 職業?

'I love when a 乗客 is giving me a hard time, and another 乗客 is 観察するing it, and they make a joke about it,' she said. 'It's so funny.'

Even a 乗客 making knowing 注目する,もくろむ 接触する with the flight attendant who's 取引,協定ing with the discourteous 行為 追加するs a silver lining to the stressful interaction.

'The other day, a 乗客 was 存在 really rude to me. And this old man looked at me and he goes, "You having fun yet, sweetheart?" And I was like, "You see me!"' 解任するd Destanie.

Next up, the flight attendant dished: 'During service, I love when the person already has one earphone out. They're ready to order. They know what they want. They're respectful,' said Destanie.

'You'd be surprised at how many people keep their headphones on and you're like, "What would you like to drink?" And they're like, "Huh?"' she その上の 述べるd.

The 乗客s who know what they want as soon as the flight attendant walks up are the ones Destanie really 高く評価する/(相場などが)上がるs.

The fifth 行為 on her 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる) of 乗客 green 旗s is when they 'ask' if it's okay to be in the flight attendants' work area.

'When I was a 乗客, I thought you couldn't even go to a flight attendant's gall ey. I thought people weren't even 許すd in there. That's their workspace, 権利?' she said.

'You'd be shocked at how many people will just walk in there, don't 認める us, will stand there without 説 anything to us, or start stretching on our 緊急 出口s.

'I'm like, "Ma'am, please stop doing Pilates on our 緊急 出口s." And then they get mad!' Destanie recounted.

'We had a man there [when] we were 準備するing for service and the galley is really small, so we asked him to sit 負かす/撃墜する while we 用意が出来ている for service. He got so mad, he asked for the girl's 指名する. And then after we walked off the flight, and he was waiting there and filming us!' she 解任するd.?

'I don't understand the entitlement of 存在 in our space, I genuinely don't.'

She went on to 強調する that she's 遭遇(する)d a few polite 乗客s who ask if they can stand in the galley which she has no problem with.?

Destanie said that sixth on her 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる) is 'when people have good manners, but 特に kids.'

'When kids have good manners, I'm like, "Where are your parents? 原因(となる) they are doing such a good 職業." Like if a kid is 完全に 甘い, 特に the bratty ages, like, if a 10-year-old is 最高の 甘い, I'm like, "Good 職業 parents."

'Because there are so many bratty kids these days!' she exclaimed.

Last but not least, Destanie explained: 'I love when a married man is not too friendly with us.'

'I have not been 攻撃する,衝突する on many times working. The times that guys have tried to 雑談(する) me up, they've always had a (犯罪の)一味 on their finger which literally makes me so upset.

'Complimenting me, or asking if I'm going to be laying over in the same place that they're gonna be laying over. What I'm gonna be doing on my layover,' she 追加するd of married men's 選ぶ-up 戦略s.

'Which, that's not bad, but it's the vibes. I think about it in the way where I'm like, "If my husband was talking to a girl like this, mm mm,"' she 追加するd, shaking her 長,率いる no.

'I love when a married man has a (犯罪の)一味 on his finger and his wife's not there, and he's 肉親,親類d to us, but not too 肉親,親類d.

'That's the 肉親,親類d of man I'd want to marry - 肉親,親類d, but not too 肉親,親類d,' she 結論するd.

Hundreds took to the comments to reflect on Destanie's takes, including some of her fellow flight attendants

Hundreds took to the comments to 反映する on Destanie's takes, 含むing some of her fellow flight attendants

Hundreds of テレビ視聴者s took to the comments to 反映する on Destanie's takes.

'I always say hi 支援する but I never want to 始める any convos 原因(となる) y'all look busy and I don't want to bother you,' one 認める of the 搭乗 過程 - to which Destanie 答える/応じるd: 'I 全く see that.'

'No one listening is so real. I feel like I'm talking to myself,' a fellow flight attendant commiserated.

'Talking to a brick 塀で囲む,' Destanie agreed.

'I feel like some of these are 明らかにする 最小限 manners… I hope you'll 会合,会う more nice 乗客s!' a third chimed in.?

'It is the 明らかにする 最小限 but that shows you how much people don't give the 明らかにする 最小限 LOL,' Destanie pointed out.?

This is far from the first 深い dive Destanie has done into the realities of 存在 a flight attendant on her TikTok.?

In the past, she's 株d the worst parts about her 職業, from the rude 乗客s to the low 支払う/賃金 and erratic scheduling.?

She's also dished on the craziest things 乗客s have tried in a 企て,努力,提案 to be 昇格d to first class.