Woman lays 明らかにする the 危険,危なくするs of living in the world's COLDEST city where 気温s 急落する as low as -83F - from 高齢化 faster to 苦しむing extreme frostbite

  • Popular YouTube creator Kiun B lives in the Siberian city of Yakutsk
  • 気温s have been known to 急落(する),激減(する) below -83.9F (-64.4C)
  • The 冷淡な leads to さまざまな 問題/発行するs, Kiun says, 含むing 不景気 and 早期に 高齢化?

A young woman living in the world's coldest city has 明らかにする/漏らすd some of the 消極的な 衝撃s the extreme 冷淡な has on the 団体/死体 - along with months of very little sunlight.?

YouTube?creator Kiun B lives in the Siberian city of?Yakutsk, where the 気温s have been known to 急落(する),激減(する) below -83.9F (-64.4C) in the winter and in the summer, it 雪解けs out a little with the daily mean 存在 around 68F (20C).?

In a new ビデオ, she also explains that 'a 厚い 霧 obscures the sun for most of the year' and the metropolis is akin to 'a scene from a science fiction movie.'

During the short film, Kiun looks at the 損失ing 影響s of the 冷淡な and dark on her physical and mental wellbeing, starting with frostbite.

YouTube creator Kiun B lives in the Siberian city of Yakutsk, where the temperatures have been known to plunge below -83.9F (-64.4C) in the winter

YouTube creator Kiun B lives in the Siberian city of Yakutsk, where the 気温s have been known to 急落(する),激減(する) below -83.9F (-64.4C) in the winter

In a new video, she also explains that 'a thick fog obscures the sun for most of the year' and the metropolis can be compared to 'a scene from a science fiction movie'

In a new ビデオ, she also explains that 'a 厚い 霧 obscures the sun for most of the year' and the metropolis can be compared to 'a scene from a science fiction movie'

During the short film, Kiun looks at the damaging effects of the cold and dark on her physical and mental wellbeing, starting with vitamin deficiency

During the short film, Kiun looks at the 損失ing 影響s of the 冷淡な and dark on her physical and mental wellbeing, starting with ビタミン 欠陥/不足

Showing a 一連の rather gruesome ビデオ clips of 地元のs blighted by 厳しい frostbite on their fingers, Kiun explains: 'In Yakutsk life doesn't stop [when it gets 冷淡な].

'We still go outside, go to school and work. Getting frostbite and hypothermia in Yakutsk is almost as ありふれた as the 冷淡な itself.'

Kiun says she often ends up with '穏やかな frostbite' on the exposed parts of her 直面する, which is おもに her nose and cheeks.?

When she starts feeling a 'numbness' - one of the symptoms of frostbite - she will '急ぐ to a warm place like a 商店街 or a heated bus 駅/配置する' to 妨げる any serious 損失.?

The filmmaker says the 条件 is big problem の中で the homeless community and because of this, the 政府 has taken steps to 'build more 避難所s to 供給する warmth and 保護.'

The hospitals also have 専攻するd 区s and 明確な/細部 doctors to を取り引きする 'even the worst 事例/患者s' and on 最高の,を越す of this, 'every 国民 and 居住(者) has 接近 to a 解放する/自由な basic health care services.'

As some of the communities in the?Yakutsk 地域 are very spread out, Kiun says some people 死なせる/死ぬ while making long 旅行s, as some trips can (問題を)取り上げる to 48 hours.?

The Siberian native 明らかにする/漏らすs: 'In such 冷淡な, car 殴打/砲列s can 凍結する leaving 旅行者s stuck... which can be 致命的な. Sadly, every year about hundreds of people 凍結する to death in Yakutsk.'

Showing a series of rather gruesome video clips of locals blighted by severe frostbite on their fingers, Kiun explains: 'Getting frostbite and hypothermia is almost as common as the cold'

Showing a 一連の rather gruesome ビデオ clips of 地元のs blighted by 厳しい frostbite on their fingers, Kiun explains: 'Getting frostbite and hypothermia is almost as ありふれた as the 冷淡な'

As some of the communities in the Yakutsk region are very spread out, Kiun says some people perish while making long journeys, as some trips can take up to 48 hours

As some of the communities in the Yakutsk 地域 are very spread out, Kiun says some people 死なせる/死ぬ while making long 旅行s, as some trips can (問題を)取り上げる to 48 hours

Along with 厳しい 冷淡な 損失, Kiun says respiratory problems are rife in Yakutsk.

詳細(に述べる)ing why this is the 事例/患者, she says: 'The 氷点の 空気/公表する can really 強調する/ストレス your breathing.

'So during the really 冷淡な days here, we often cover our 直面する 完全に and it's not only 保護する our 肌 but it also 保護するs our 肺s.

'I also heard many times from the newcomers who (機の)カム to visit Yakutsk for the first time how the 空気/公表する is difficult to breathe.'

Moving on to the next topic, Kiun touches on?ビタミン 欠陥/不足.??

Kiun tells テレビ視聴者s on the 支配する: 'ビタミン 欠陥/不足, 特に ビタミン D, is also a 重要な concer n in Yakutsk 予定 to our extreme 気候 and 限られた/立憲的な (危険などに)さらす of sunlight during the long winter months.

'As you might know, ビタミン D is 決定的な for our bone health, our 免疫の 機能(する)/行事 and 全体にわたる wellbeing I've been 取引,協定ing with ビタミン D and anemia for as long as I can remember.'

Many people in?Yakutsk do not eat many vegetables, Kiun says, which also means they 欠如(する) 確かな nutrients.

In a 企て,努力,提案 to help her 団体/死体,?Kiun takes ビタミン D and アイロンをかける pills.?

In the 文書の, she …に出席するs a 医療の check up with her sister and the doctors 確認する that the pills have helped with her ビタミン D levels, as 実験(する)s show them to be above 普通の/平均(する).?

Her sister's levels however, are very low and she tells テレビ視聴者s that she will need to take 補足(する)s to 改善する it.

Another (民事の)告訴 linked to the 欠如(する) of sunlight, Kiun says, is a type of 不景気 known as?Seasonal Affective Disorder.

In the documentary, Kiun attends a medical check up with her sister and the doctors confirm that pills have helped with her vitamin D levels. However, her sister will need supplements

In the 文書の, Kiun …に出席するs a 医療の check up with her sister and the doctors 確認する that pills have helped with her ビタミン D levels. However, her sister will need 補足(する)s

'It's been a huge help to connect to a therapist online... Having therapy sessions has helped me understand myself better,' Kiun says when she addresses mental health

'It's been a 抱擁する help to connect to a therapist online... Having therapy 開会/開廷/会期s has helped me understand myself better,' Kiun says when she 演説(する)/住所s mental health

She says on the 支配する: 'In?winter, the 欠如(する) of sunlight and the constant 冷淡な can really get you 負かす/撃墜する.?

'It's 堅い to even step outside when you need to bundle up in hundreds of 層s, so we spend やめる a lot of time indoors.

'But staying indoors all t he time can make you really feel tired, sleepy and I can feel my mood dropping.'

Kiun says that finding help in regards to mental health in?Yakutsk 'is not 平易な' and '特に in the remote areas.'

However, in 最近の years 接近 to 資源s has become easier thanks to the internet and she has been using the mental health 壇・綱領・公約 BetterHelp for more than a year.?

'It's been a 抱擁する help to connect to a therapist online... Having therapy 開会/開廷/会期s has helped me understand myself better and explaining the 推論する/理由s behind my feelings,' she says.?

One of the third 問題/発行するs which Kiun 演説(する)/住所s is infertility.

She (人命などを)奪う,主張するs the 冷淡な 天候 can 衝撃 '内部の 組織/臓器s' along with ビタミン 欠陥/不足s.?

However, IVF clinic?Neelkanth IVF says that 冷淡な 天候 and infertility are often incorrectly linked.?

The clinic website says: 'While the idea of 冷淡な 天候 having a 消極的な 衝撃 on fertility may be intriguing, the 科学の 証拠 does not support this notion as a 重要な factor in conceiving.

'Instead, age, reproductive health, lifestyle choices, タイミング, and emotional 井戸/弁護士席-存在 are more 批判的な 面s to consider when trying to conceive.'?

While in 最近の times, celebrities and health buffs alike have turned to cryotherapy and 冷淡な water therapy to 区 off 高齢化, Kiun says the sub-無 気温s aren't やめる as 肉親,親類d where she is.?

Pointing to 最近の findings, she says: 'Stud ies have shown that we in Yakutsk tend to age faster.

'While cryotherapy is known for its health 利益s 含むing slowing 負かす/撃墜する 高齢化, our 状況/情勢 is more コンビナート/複合体 研究 has 設立する that our long-称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 adaptation to the 厳しい 気候 leads us biologically 高齢化 three to four years faster than Caucasians.

'This 加速するd 高齢化 is believed to be 予定 to our 増加するd metabolic 率 as our 団体/死体s work harder to 生成する the energy needed for the warmth.

'It's very 利益/興味ing... because I always thought that living in Yakutsk is slowing 負かす/撃墜する our 高齢化.'

To date, Kiun's ビデオ 詳細(に述べる)ing life in?Yakutsk has been watched more than 160,000 times, with many テレビ視聴者s thanking her for the insights.?

One テレビ視聴者 wrote: 'Love watching your ビデオs. I could never live where it's anywhere 近づく that 冷淡な.'?

Another fan 追加するd: 'Love the channel btw, very 利益/興味ing, and informative. It helps me to 耐える the (for you very 穏やかな, even warm) Hungarian winter!'

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