'I had to separate the MP from the guy in the ジャングル': Chris Moyles says he 'walked out' of I'm A Celebrity (軍の)野営地,陣営 when Matt Hancock said he 手配中の,お尋ね者 forgiveness... as bookies tip the former Health 長官 to make final three

Chris Moyles said he 'walked out' of the I'm A Celebrity... Get Me Out Of Here! (軍の)野営地,陣営 when Matt Hancock asked for forgiveness - as the MP is tipped to make it into the final three.

The 無線で通信する host said that he had to 'separate' the former Health 長官 from his campmate, as it was 'the only way' he and 'some others' in the ジャングル could を取り引きする the fact Matt was と一緒に them.

It comes as betting 会社/堅い Ladbrokes 明らかにする/漏らすd that Matt has leapfrogged マイク Tindall in becoming the third favourite in betting to 勝利,勝つ the entire series, at 半端物s of 7/1.

Reveal:?Chris Moyles said he 'walked out' of the I'm A Celebrity... Get Me Out Of Here! camp when Matt Hancock asked for forgiveness - as the MP is tipped to make it into the final three

明らかにする/漏らす:?Chris Moyles said he 'walked out' of the I'm A Celebrity... Get Me Out Of Here! (軍の)野営地,陣営 when Matt Hancock asked for forgiveness - as the MP is tipped to make it into the final three

On Thursday night, Chris was the sixth celebrity to be 投票(する)d out of the ジャングル after a 20-day stint in (軍の)野営地,陣営.??

Speaking on his very own 駅/配置する 無線で通信する X に引き続いて his 出発, Chris started by explaining that most of the (軍の)野営地,陣営 conversations are not 空気/公表するd in the show - and had spoken to the East Suffolk MP about his 決定/判定勝ち(する) to join the reality show on several occasions.

'I was venting やめる a bit at first when he (機の)カム in, because, 井戸/弁護士席.. I'll just say it: He should be at work. Because he's an MP,' Chris said on Friday morning.

'He's paid to look after people and their 利益/興味s and hopefully make their lives better, and I don't know how he does that by going on the ジャングル show.?

King of the Jungle??It comes as betting firm Ladbrokes revealed that Matt has leapfrogged Mike Tindall in becoming the third favourite in betting to win the entire series, at odds of 7/1

King of the ジャングル??It comes as betting 会社/堅い Ladbrokes 明らかにする/漏らすd that Matt has lea pfrogged マイク Tindall in becoming the third favourite in betting to 勝利,勝つ the entire series, at 半端物s of 7/1

'There was a moment when we got into a conversation about him and it got やめる 緊張した - which I accidentally started by 存在 smart a** and going, "So when's your 調書をとる/予約する out?" and he went "Next month".

'I didn't know he had a 調書をとる/予約する!

'And the 推論する/理由 I got annoyed with him was because Seann, who did something in his personal life that got thrown in all of the newspapers and didn't 衝撃 my life どれでも has had a really, really hard time career-wise, mental-health-wise.

'He was very open about it and has come on the show to 基本的に say, "I'm really not a bad guy, can I start again?".

'Which is really honest and takes a lot of balls to do that.

'And Matt Hancock 肉親,親類d of dived around a few questions I thought, and then said, "I guess all I'm asking for is forgiveness".'

The former Health 長官 誘発するd 論争 when he was 確認するd to be 長,率いるing into the Australian ジャングル earlier this month.??

Tense:?Speaking on his very own station Radio X, Chris started by explaining that most of the camp conversations are not aired in the show - and had spoken to the East Suffolk MP about his decision to join the reality 
show on several occasions

緊張した:?Speaking on his very own 駅/配置する 無線で通信する X, Chris started by explaining that most of the (軍の)野営地,陣営 conversations are not 空気/公表するd in the show - and had spoken to the East Suffolk MP about his 決定/判定勝ち(する) to join the reality show on several occasions

He asked for 'a bit of forgiveness' に引き続いて a 取調べ/厳しく尋問するing by fellow campmates about his 論争s during the COVID-19 pandemic.?

Chris continued: 'At which point I had to walk out of (軍の)野営地,陣営 and just get away because I 本人自身で 設立する that やめる 偽の. And that really 負傷させる me up.

'I had to separate Matt Hancock from Matt who was in (軍の)野営地,陣営, who was doing his best at 裁判,公判s to try and 勝利,勝つ us food.

'Because when you're in there, you just want food because everybody's hungry - it becomes very real rather than entertainment.?

'Like if you do 不正に from a 裁判,公判, you feel awful, and you walk into (軍の)野営地,陣営, everyone's nice but you know underneath everyone's a bit disappointed.

Emotional:?The former health secretary, 44, struggled to contain his emotions as he apologised to camp for having an affair with Gina Coladangel

Emotional:?The former health 長官, 44, struggled to 含む/封じ込める his emotions as he apologised to (軍の)野営地,陣営 for having an 事件/事情/状勢 with Gina Coladangel

'As a campmate, he was doing an amazing 職業, and as a guy, he lives in a different world to you and me. But he's a human 存在.

'So I had to 肉親,親類d of have two people - there's Matt Hancock who I have 問題/発行するs with, and there's Matt who I was in the ジャングル with.

'I know that sounds almost like an excuse but that was the only way myself and some others in there could を取り引きする that fact.'

He 追加するd: 'I did try and ask him 確かな questions without 取調べ/厳しく尋問するing him - I felt it 不公平な to corner him.?

'But honestly, I was sat on a hammock one day while he was sat on the 辛勝する/優位 of a bed, literally opposite each other and I thought, if James O'Brien or Nick Ferrari were here 権利 now, the questions would be 巨大な.'

Jungle journey:?'I was venting quite a bit at first when he came
 in, because, well.. I'll just say it: He should be at work. Because he's an MP,' Chris said on Friday morning (pictured arriving at his hotel following jungle exit on Thursday)

ジャングル 旅行:?'I was venting やめる a bit at first when he (機の)カム in, because, 井戸/弁護士席.. I'll just say it: He should be at work. Because he's an MP,' Chris said on Friday morning (pictured arriving at his hotel に引き続いて ジャングル 出口 on Thursday)

He also told 無線で通信する host Roby Tarrant that in one moment which wasn't 空気/公表するd, he asked Matt if he'd ever stolen anything from 負かす/撃墜するing Street or Buckingham Palace - but the MP 主張するd he hadn't.

'It's really tricky because I've not seen what's in the show,' he said. 'You get up in the morning maybe six o'clock, 権利, and you go to bed at about ten, half ten at night.

'So that's a long time to be in (軍の)野営地,陣営 when you're not doing a 裁判,公判 or challenge.?

'There's so much stuff that we talked about, joked about, done, not done, some has made the show, but the 大多数 of it doesn't make the show because it can't.

'I think there's about 20 minutes of (軍の)野営地,陣営 life in every episode so it's really not a lot.'

どこかよそで, Jill Scott continues to lead the way at 2/5 to be 栄冠を与えるd Queen of the ジャングル, while Seann Walsh is the 激しい 1/4 favourite to be sent packing next.< /p>

マイク Tindall is second-in-line for the boot, at 半端物s of 11/2, followed by Matt Hancock at 6/1, Owen Warner at 16/1 and Jill Scott at 33/1.?

Listen to The Chris Moyles Show on 無線で通信する X with Toby Tarrant sitting in for Chris while he’s in Australia, weekdays from 6:30am ? 10am and Saturdays 8am ? 11am.

Out: Chris also told radio host Roby Tarrant that in one moment which wasn't aired, he asked Matt if he'd ever stolen anything from Downing Street or Buckingham Palace - but the MP insisted he hadn't

Out: Chris also told 無線で通信する host Roby Tarrant that in one moment which wasn't 空気/公表するd, he asked Matt if he'd ever stolen anything from 負かす/撃墜するing Street or Buckingham Palace - but the MP 主張するd he hadn't