PICTURED: Natalie Portman and husband Benjamin Millepied are seen socializing and 株ing a kiss just days before 報告(する)/憶測s that he 恐らく had an 事件/事情/状勢 with a 25-year-old woman

Natalie Portman's husband Benjamin Millepied was 報告(する)/憶測d to be doing everything in his 力/強力にする to save his marriage earlier on Friday after she 恐らく learned that he had had an 事件/事情/状勢 with a younger woman.

And the 41-year-old Oscar 勝利者 and the 45-year-old ダンサー and choreographer were pictured just days before the news broke.

The couple looked as if nothing was amiss in their 関係 as they chatted with friends and Portman's May December director Todd Haynes while in Paris on May 29, に引き続いて the film's acclaimed 首相 at the Cannes Film Festival.

The 審査する 星/主役にする and her husband were even seen 株ing a romantic kiss.

They were dining with Haynes and other friends at the restaurant Georges, and Portman could be seen outdoors as she had a conversation with Haynes, an acclaimed filmmaker known for directing Carol, Far From Heaven and 安全な, の中で other 作品.?

At ease: Natalie Portman (center) and her husband Benjamin Millepied (far left) were seen on May 29 in Paris, just four days before he was reported to have carried on an affair with a 25-year-old woman

At 緩和する: Natalie Portman (中心) and her husband Benjamin Millepied (far left) were seen on May 29 in Paris, just four days before he was 報告(する)/憶測d to have carried on an 事件/事情/状勢 with a 25-year-old woman

Loved-up? The?41-year-old Oscar winner and the 45-year-old dancer and choreographer were even seen sharing a kiss at the dinner, seemingly indicating that things were going well between the two at the time

Loved-up? The?41-year-old Oscar 勝利者 and the 45-year-old ダンサー and choreographer were even seen 株ing a kiss at the dinner, seemingly 示すing that things were going 井戸/弁護士席 between the two at the time

Millepied's 申し立てられた/疑わしい 事件/事情/状勢, first 報告(する)/憶測d by the French 出口 Voici, was 報道によれば with a 25-year-old woman, によれば Page Six.

A source also 確認するd to DailyMail.com that Portman?and Millepied are still together.

However,?People?報告(する)/憶測d that an insider (人命などを)奪う,主張するd the 申し立てられた/疑わしい 事件/事情/状勢 was 'short-lived' and is now 'over.'

They went on to call it an 'enormous mistake,' though they (人命などを)奪う,主張するd Millepied, 45, was aware of the 規模 of his 申し立てられた/疑わしい transgression and was working to 修理 the 損失 with Portman.?

代表者/国会議員s for Portman 拒絶する/低下するd to comment to DailyMail.com. So far, neither she nor Millepied have commented on the 最近の 報告(する)/憶測s.?

During their May 29 social 遠出, Portman could be seen grinning ear-to-ear while chatting with Haynes as most of the group sipped on ワイン.

She looked lovely in a pink patterned dress with short sleeves and a maxi skirt, along with chic 黒人/ボイコット cat-注目する,もくろむ sunglasses.?

Millepied appeared to sit next to his wife at the dining (米)棚上げする/(英)提議する when it was time to eat, but he was まず第一に/本来 pictured chatting with another woman while Portman was also 占領するd.

Catching up: During their May 29 social outing, Portman could be seen grinning ear-to-ear while chatting with her May December director Todd Haynes (second to right) as most of the group sipped on wine

Catching up: During their May 29 social 遠出, Portman could be seen grinning ear-to-ear while chatting with her May December director Todd Haynes (second to 権利) as most of the group sipped on ワイン

Good friends: Haynes, who is openly gay, gave his leading lady an affectionate hug as they reminisced at sunset

Good friends: Haynes, who is 率直に gay, gave his 主要な lady an affectionate 抱擁する as they reminisced at sunset

On his own: Millepied was primarily pictured chatting with another woman while Portman was also occupied

On his own: Millepied was まず第一に/本来 pictured chatting with another woman while Portman was also 占領するd

Staying close: But when it was time for dinner, Millepied was seen sitting to Portman's side, while she chatted with Haynes on her other side

Stay ing の近くに: But when it was time for dinner, Millepied was seen sitting to Portman's 味方する, while she chatted with Haynes on her other 味方する

Haynes, who is 率直に gay, gave his 主要な lady an affectionate 抱擁する as they reminisced at sunset.?

A source 以前 (人命などを)奪う,主張するd to Page Six that the two had separated last year before 再会させるing, though it appears to have been 関係のない to his 申し立てられた/疑わしい 事件/事情/状勢 with the 25-year-old.

However, her 報告(する)/憶測d 発見 of the 事件/事情/状勢 in March of this year has thrown their marriage into 騒動 once again.

複雑にするing 事柄s are photos published in フラン that show Millepied with the 気候 行動主義者 Camille ?tienne, who is 25.

Page Six's source said Portman and Millepied are 'trying to work things out' at he moment.

'Ben is doing everything he can to get Natalie to 許す him. He loves her and their family,' they said.

They 追加するd that Portman is 'incredibly 私的な' about 事柄s 伴う/関わるing her marriage.

'Her biggest 焦点(を合わせる) 権利 now is 保護するing the kids,' the source 追加するd.

によれば Page Six, the problems with Portman and Millepied's marriage 流出/こぼすd over into the filming of her 近づいている film May December.

The film 星/主役にするs Julianne Moore and Riverdale's Charles Melton as a married couple who were (海,煙などが)飲み込むd in スキャンダル years earlier when her 関係 to the much-younger man was discovered.

Trouble in paradise? A source previously claimed to Page Six that the two had separated last year before reuniting, though it appears to have been unrelated to his alleged affair with the 25-year-old

Trouble in 楽園? A source 以前 (人命などを)奪う,主張するd to Page Six that the two had separated last year before 再会させるing, though it appears to have been 関係のない to his 申し立てられた/疑わしい 事件/事情/状勢 with the 25-year-old

Shocking find: Portman allegedly discovered Millepied's affair in March of this; he is seen chatting with another woman during their dinner outing

Shocking find: Portman 恐らく discovered Millepied's 事件/事情/状勢 in March of this; he is seen chatting with another woman during their dinner 遠出

Awkward: Complicating matters are photos published in France that show Millepied with the climate activist Camille ?tienne, who is 
25; he is pictured with an unidentified woman on May 29

ぎこちない: 複雑にするing 事柄s are photos published in フラン that show Millepied with the 気候 行動主義者 Camille ?tienne, who is 25; he is pictured with an 身元不明の woman on May 29

Damage control: Page Six's source said Portman and Millepied are 'trying to work things out' at he moment, adding that 'Ben is doing everything he can to get Natalie to forgive him. He loves her and their family'; he is pictured with an unidentified woman on May 29

損失 支配(する)/統制する: Page Six's source said Portman and Millepied are 'trying to work things out' at he moment, 追加するing that 'Ben is doing everything he can to get Natalie to 許す him. He loves her and their family'; he is pictured with an 身元不明の woman on May 29

Portman plays an actress who comes to visit them in 準備 to play Moore's character in a movie about the 論争, but her dredging up their history 脅すs to destroy their marriage.

It was 報道によれば an 'open secret' during the 23-day shoot in November 2022 that Portman and her husband were having 結婚の/夫婦の 問題/発行するs.

May December received rapturous reviews after its 首相 at the Cannes Film Festival last month, which reviewers 選び出す/独身ing out all three leads for 賞賛する, but Millepied did not …を伴って his wife to the high-profile event.

But the two were 報道によれば still together at the time of the festival, and they seemed to signal that thing were going 井戸/弁護士席 in the に引き続いて days.

They were spotted …に出席するing a Beyonc? concert together on May 26 in Paris, and they were subsequently photographed 株ing a kiss on May 29 in the same city.

Voici's 報告(する)/憶測 (人命などを)奪う,主張するs that Portman had discovered the 申し立てられた/疑わしい 事件/事情/状勢 two months earlier in March.?

The 出版(物) also published photos that appear to show both Millepied and ?tienne walking into his office 分かれて on May 24 ― just days ahead of his loved-up 陳列する,発揮するs with Portman ― before they both left about ten minutes apart after nearly two hours.

DailyMail.com has reached out to ?tienne for comment.?

Portman and Millepied met in 2009 on the 始める,決める of Darren Aronofsky's psychological horror film 黒人/ボイコット Swan, which earned her an 学院 Award for Best Actress.

Millepied choreographed the ballet-主題d film and even danced in it.

Spilling over to her work: According to Page Six, the problems with Portman and Millepied's marriage spilled over into the filming of her upcoming film May December; seen in September 2022 in Toronto

流出/こぼすing over to her work: によれば Page Six, the problems with Portman and Millepied's marriage 流出/こぼすd over into the filming of her 近づいている film May December; seen in September 2022 in Toronto

Interfering with work: It was reportedly an 'open secret' that Portman's marriage was in trouble in November on the set, and Millepied did not attend its successful Cannes Film Festival premiere; still from May December

干渉するing with work: It was 報道によれば an 'open secret' that Portman's marriage was in trouble in November on the 始める,決める, and Millepied did not …に出席する its successful Cannes Film Festival 首相; still from May December

In his free time: Photos published in France reportedly show Milliepied spending time with the climate activist Camille ?tienne, who is 25

In his 解放する/自由な time: Photos published in フラン 報道によれば show Milliepied spending time with the 気候 行動主義者 Camille ?tienne, who is 25

New issues? The French outlet Voici reported that Portman had discovered Millepied's affair in March. It also published photos of Millepied and??tienne entering his office separately on May 24, then leaving 10 minutes apart after two hours; ?tienne seen on March 6 in Brussels

New 問題/発行するs? The French 出口 Voici 報告(する)/憶測d that Portman had discovered Millepied's 事件/事情/状勢 in March. It also published photos of Millepied and??tienne entering his office 分かれて on May 24, then leaving 10 minutes apart after two hours; ?tienne seen on March 6 in Brussels

The lovebirds got engaged in 2010 were married in 2012 at Big Sur, California. They went on to welcome a son, Aleph, 12, and a daughter, Amalia, six.

Millepied again worked on choreography for Portman's dark 演劇 Vox Lux in 2018, in which she played a woman who 生き残るs a school 狙撃, only to become a pop 星/主役にする, though a group of テロリストs are 明らかに 奮起させるd by one of her music ビデオs years later.?

The couple gave no hint of 未来 troubles when Portman 地位,任命するd a photo of them beaming and 持つ/拘留するing 手渡すs in August of last year to celebrate their tenth 周年記念日.

'Ten years today @benjaminmillepied, and it keeps getting better…' she wrote at he time.