Barnaby Joyce 誇るs he was more 井戸/弁護士席 known than the PM when he 脅すd to euthanise Amber Heard and Johnny Depp's dogs - after 合法的な 活動/戦闘 against actress for bringing them into Australia is dropped

Former 副 総理大臣 Barnaby Joyce has 反映するd on his 悪名高い 2015 comments where he said he would have Amber Heard and Johnny Depp's dogs 'euthanised'.

Joyce made the comments about the former couple's Yorkshire terriers ピストル and Boo after Heard 違反d 検疫 法律s by taking them on a flight to Australia without 宣言するing them.

The Tamworth native, 56, appeared on Sunrise on Thursday, and unapologetically told host Matt Shirvington he loved the wide attention his comments attracted.

'It was amusing that more people knew of me at that time than the 総理大臣 of Australia. Every talk show host in America was 略奪するing me,' he began.

'I'm 冷静な/正味の with that because it was probably the only time a wider group of people in Australia agreed with me.??

Former Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce has reflected on his infamous 2015 comments where he said he would have Amber Heard and Johnny Depp's dogs 'euthanised'

Former 副 総理大臣 Barnaby Joyce has 反映するd on his 悪名高い 2015 comments where he said he would have Amber Heard and Johnny Depp's dogs 'euthanised'?

'People would say, "You're 全く within your 権利s to stand up for us and make sure our bio 安全 法律s, which are really important to an island continent, are 尊敬(する)・点d,' he 追加するd.

Joyce's comments come まっただ中に 報告(する)/憶測s?Australia won't 起訴する Hollywood 星/主役にする?Heard over 主張s she lied about bringing her two dogs ピストル and Boo into the country eight years ago.

The doggie debacle - which (海,煙などが)飲み込むd Australia in 中央の-2015 and 誘発するd a 脅し from Joyce to put the pups 負かす/撃墜する and an 悪名高い '人質' ビデオ 陳謝 from Heard and her ex-partner?Depp - ended this week with 当局 静かに d ropping their 起訴 活動/戦闘.

Joyce made the comments about the former couple's Yorkshire terriers Pistol and Boo after Heard breached quarantine laws by taking them on a flight to Australia without declaring them. Pictured: Amber Heard with one of the dogs

Joyce made the comments about the former couple's Yorkshire terriers ピストル and Boo after Heard 違反d 検疫 法律s by taking them on a flight to Australia without 宣言するing them. Pictured: Amber Heard with one of the dogs

It 誘発するd a 国家の スキャンダル after then 農業 大臣 Mr Joyce 脅すd to have the dogs euthanised if Heard and Depp didn't 'bugger off' 支援する to the US.

Department of 農業 当局 had been 調査/捜査するing Heard over 主張s of 偽証 に引き続いて 開発s in Depp's 2020 名誉き損 事例/患者 against The Sun newspaper.

It was 申し立てられた/疑わしい Heard had lied about 存在 aware of Australia's strict 検疫 規則s and in a 声明 this week, the department said Heard wouldn't be 起訴するd.?

The Tamworth native, 56, appeared on Sunrise on Thursday and unapologetically told host Matt Shirvington he loved the wide attention his comments attracted

The Tamworth native, 56, appeared on Sunrise on Thursday and unapologetically told host Matt Shirvington he loved the wide attention his comments attracted

'The department 共同製作するd with 機関s, both in Australia and overseas, to 調査/捜査する these (人命などを)奪う,主張するs against Ms Heard,' the department said.

'A 簡潔な/要約する of 証拠 was referred to the 連邦/共和国 Director of Public 起訴s, who has made the 決定/判定勝ち(する) not to 起訴する in this instance having 適用するd the 起訴 政策 of the 連邦/共和国.'

The 起訴 政策 of the 連邦/共和国 含むs 決定するing whether a 事例/患者 is too 'trivial' to 追求する, and also takes into account how long ago an 申し立てられた/疑わしい offence took place.

Heard 最終的に escaped 有罪の判決, instead 支払う/賃金ing a 罰金 for the 違反 in 2016.?

Heard breached Australia's strict quarantine regulations when she brought the pair of Yorkshire terriers (pictured) into the country in May 2015 without declaring them

Heard 違反d Australia's strict 検疫 規則s when she brought the pair of Yorkshire terriers (pictured) into the country in May 2015 without 宣言するing them

Depp and Heard (pictured in 2016) apologised for the breach together in an awkwardly filmed video, which was likened to a hostage or 'proof of life' video

Depp and Heard (pictured in 2016) apologised for the 違反 together in an awkwardly filmed ビデオ, which was lik ened to a 人質 or 'proof of life' ビデオ