Barbara Walters 'had secret FLING with Richard Pryor' as Sherri Shepherd (人命などを)奪う,主張するs pair's tryst was exposed when Paul Mooney walked in on them having sex

Barbara Walters had a secret fling with comedian Richard Pryor, Sherri Shepherd has (人命などを)奪う,主張するd.?

Iconic 新聞記者/雑誌記者 Walters - who died on December 30 2022 老年の 93, 恐らく had her steamy romance with Pryor exposed when comedian Paul Mooney walked in on the pair having sex, Shepherd (人命などを)奪う,主張するd on Wednesday's episode of Sherri.

During a 雑談(する) with former The 見解(をとる) co-星/主役にする Joy Behar, 81, Shepherd said: 'The thing about you is I would tell you stuff and you would go and tell it.

'I told you I had run into Paul Mooney, Paul Mooney has said he caught Barbara Walters with Richard Pryor' before 追加するing Mooney had 確認するd Walters slept with Pryor.

'And I (機の)カム 支援する and was like "Joy, guess what! Don't tell nobody!"

Oh my!?Barbara Walters had a secret fling with comedian Richard Pryor, Sherri Shepherd has claimed (pictured 1980)

Oh my!?Barbara Walters had a secret fling with comedian Richard Pryor, Sherri Shepherd has (人命などを)奪う,主張するd (pictured 1980)

Tragic loss:?Iconic journalist Walters? died on December 30 2022 aged 93

悲劇の loss:?Iconic 新聞記者/雑誌記者 Walters? died on December 30 2022 老年の 93

明らかにする/漏らすing Mooney had (人命などを)奪う,主張するd to have seen the pair romping, Shepherd told a shocked Behar: 'Paul Mooney said he walked in on them, he walked in on them. That's what he said he looked through the door and... don't 行為/法令/行動する like you don't remember!

'And I said: "Joy, don't tell nobody.'

'The next day, Barbara walks in and you say "So you're schlepping Richard Pryor, huh?

'Barbara's 長,率いる swiveled like that and she said "who told you that?!"? and I'm sitting there, like I had just got this 職業.

'You do that because you're not 脅すd of Barbara.'

Shepherd 追加するd that Behar had a type and said: 'She was going out with a 黒人/ボイコット 上院議員 [Edward Brooke] which she talked about in her 調書をとる/予約する, Audition. Colin Powell was her 鎮圧する.'

It is not known when Walters and Pryor 時代遅れの - the 新聞記者/雑誌記者 interviewed him several times in the 1970s and 1980s.?

Walters 以前 spoke about interviewing Pryor four times in a 2002 雑談(する) with Oprah, 説: 'He's fascinating because he's more than a comedian. I interviewed him four times.?

Revelation: Walters allegedly had her steamy romance with Pryor exposed when comedian Paul Mooney (pictured 2015) walked in on the pair having sex

発覚: Walters 恐らく had her steamy romance with Pryor exposed when comedian Paul Mooney (pictured 2015) walked in on the pair having sex

Fling: Shepherd said Behar asked Walters: "So you're schlepping Richard Pryor, huh? 'Barbara's head swiveled like that and she said "who told you that?!" (Walters and Pryor pictured 1980)

Fling: Shepherd said Behar asked Walters: "So you're schlepping Richard Pryor, huh? 'Barbara's 長,率いる swiveled like that and she said "who told you that?!" (Walters and Pryor pictured 1980)

'The second time was after he'd 始める,決める himself on 解雇する/砲火/射撃. The third was when he 認める to me that he'd 始める,決める himself on 解雇する/砲火/射撃. I'm touched by Richard Pryor because I saw this brilliant man self-destruct.'

Pryor, who died 老年の 65 in 2005, is known as one of the greatest stand-up comedians of all time, and a 悪名高い lothario, fathering seven children by six different women.

He was married seven times to five different women.?

He famously had a fling with Marlon Brando - with the tryst?first 明らかにする/漏らすd in 2018 by 伝説の music 生産者 Quincy Jones, who said the Godfather 星/主役にする would 'f**k anything'.?

Pryor's 未亡人 Jennifer 物陰/風下 also revea led he was open with his friends about his bisexuality.?

Freebasing コカイン one night in June 1980, while watching on television a Buddhist 修道士 immolate himself in 抗議する to the Vietnam War, Pryor 注ぐd hard アルコール飲料 over his own 団体/死体 and flicked his Bic はしけ.

The 炎上s reached up to his 長,率いる and he bolted out の上に the street.

His polyester shirt had melted の上に his scorched flesh and was in shock when the 救急車 arrived to take him to the 燃やす 部隊 of Sherman Oaks Community Hospital.

Former fling:?Shepherd added that Behar had a type and said: 'She was going out with a black senator [Edward Brooke] which she talked about in her book, Audition' (Brooke is pictured in 1978)

Former fling:?Shepherd 追加するd that Behar had a type and said: 'She was going out with a 黒人/ボイコット 上院議員 [Edward Brooke] which she talked about in her 調書をとる/予約する, Audition' (Brooke is pictured in 1978)

燃やすs covered more than half his 団体/死体 and he spent six weeks in 回復 at Hospital.

Six years later, he was 診断するd with 多重の sclerosis, a degenerative 病気 of the nervous system.

B y 1991, his life was 減ずるd to his bedroom in a rented mansion in Bel 空気/公表する, high above the west 味方する of Los Angeles.

Clutching a .357 Magnum, he was afraid to move he was so emaciated and frail.

He asked Jennifer 物陰/風下 to come 支援する and see him through to the end.

On December 10, 2005, at 65, he 苦しむd a 致命的な heart attack.

Walters made headlines in 1976 when she joined ABC News as the first 女性(の) 網状組織 news 錨,総合司会者 for an evening news program, with an 前例のない $1 million salary. She became a co-host of '20/20,' and in 1997, 開始する,打ち上げるd 'The 見解(をとる).'?

'She lived her life with no 悔いるs. She was a trailblazer not only for 女性(の) 新聞記者/雑誌記者s, but for all women,' her publicist Cindi Berger said in a 声明.

Icon: Pryor, who died aged 65 in 2005, is known as one of the greatest stand-up comedians of all time, and a notorious lothario, fathering seven children by six different women

Icon: Pryor, who died 老年の 65 in 2005, is known as one of the greatest stand-up comedians of all time, and a 悪名高い lothario, fathering seven children by six different women

Frail: On December 10, 2005, at 65, he suffered a fatal heart attack after a battle with MS (pictured 1999 with Mooney)

Frail: On December 10, 2005, at 65, he 苦しむd a 致命的な heart attack after a 戦う/戦い with MS (pictured 1999 with Mooney)

Her 運動 was 伝説の as she competed - not just with 競争相手 網状組織s, but with 同僚s at her own 網状組織 - for each big 'get' in a world jammed with more and more interviewers, 含むing 女性(の) 新聞記者/雑誌記者s に引き続いて in her 追跡する.

'Barbara was a true legend, a 開拓する not just for women in journalism but for journalism itself. She was a one-of-a-肉親,親類d reporter who landed many of the most important interviews of our time, from 長,率いるs of 明言する/公表する to the biggest celebrities and sports icons,' Iger said in a 声明 Friday.

'I had the 楽しみ of calling Barbara a 同僚 for more than three 10年間s, but more importantly, I was able to call her a dear friend. She will be 行方不明になるd by all of us at The Walt Disney Company, and we send our deepest 弔慰s to her daughter, Jacqueline.'

During nearly four 10年間s at ABC, and before that at NBC, Walters' 排除的 interviews with 支配者s, 王族 and 芸能人s brought her celebrity status that 階級d with theirs, while placing her at the 最前部 of the 傾向 that made 星/主役にするs of TV reporters.

Late in her career, she gave infotainment a new 新たな展開 with 'The 見解(をとる),' a live ABC weekday kaffee klatsch with an all-女性(の) パネル盤 for whom any topic was on the (米)棚上げする/(英)提議する and who welco med guests 範囲ing from world leaders to teen idols. With that 味方する 投機・賭ける and 予期しない 攻撃する,衝突する, Walters considered 'The 見解(をとる)' the 'dessert' of her career.

Along with (頭が)ひょいと動く Iger, big 指名するs such as Oprah, Sir Anthony Hopkins, and Dan Rather paid 深く心に感じた 尊敬の印s to the TV icon.