Monica Galetti's squid dish leaves MasterChef The Professionals fans unimpressed as テレビ視聴者s 激突する other 裁判官s for not telling her the truth

Monica Galetti's squid dish left MasterChef The Professionals fans unimpressed on Monday night's episode.

The 最新の instalment of the BBC show saw four more chefs try to impress the 裁判官s with their 技術s in the kitchen.?

First off the contestants had to 完全にする a 技術s 実験(する) 始める,決める by Monica where she asked them to make some squid croquettes.

But those watching at home said they thought the dish didn't look too 控訴,上告ing, even when it was cooked by her as an example at the start.

Some even (人命などを)奪う,主張するd that the other two 裁判官s Gregg Wallace and Marcus Wareing should have told her it wasn't a good dish.

Not happy: Monica Galetti's squid dish left MasterChef The Professionals fans unimpressed on Monday night's episode

Not happy: Monica Galetti's squid dish left MasterChef The Professionals fans unimpressed on Monday night's episode

Food: First off the contestants had to complete a skills test set by Monica where she asked them to make some squid croquettes

Food: First off the contestants had to 完全にする a 技術s 実験(する) 始める,決める by Monica where she asked them to make some squid croquettes

One said: 'Squid? No thanks, I don't care how it is cooked, even by Monica. Disgustingl stuff! #mastercheftheprofessionals #masterchef.'

Another wrote: 'If only Gregg had turned 一連の会議、交渉/完成する and said '現実に Monica ….. it's not very good'. That would make brilliant TV…'

A third penned: '#MasterChef wonder does Marcus ever want to really critique Monica. He's bound to think いつかs I can do that better @marcuswareing.'

長,率いる chef Simon, 36, was the first to take on the challenge but things ended up going wrong.

As 裁判官 Marcus 削減(する) into the croquette, he said: 'The squid is raw.'

Monica 追加するd: 'You made the bechamel, you made the croquettes, they're lovely and crispy.

'But the mix, it's not edible. You knew the squid needed to be cooked before it went into the bechamel, but you weren't sure how to do it.'

The 裁判官s weren't the only ones who pointed out the mistake and took to X to 株 their 見解(をとる)s.

Oh dear: But those watching at home said they thought the dish didn't look too appealing, even when it was cooked by her as an example at the start

Oh dear: But those watching at home said they thought the dish didn't look too 控訴,上告ing, even when it was cooked by her as an example at the start

Awkward: Some even claimed that the other two judges Gregg Wallace and Marcus Wareing should have told her it wasn't a good dish

ぎこちない: Some even (人命などを)奪う,主張するd that the other two 裁判官s Gregg Wallace and Marcus Wareing should have told her it wasn't a good dish

Disaster: Head chef Simon, 36, was the first to take on the challenge but things ended up going wrong

災害: 長,率いる chef Simon, 36, was the first to take on the challenge but things ended up going wrong

One said on the social マスコミ 壇・綱領・公約: 'Raw squid time #MasterChefTheProfessionals.'

Another wrote: 'No Simon. Not raw squid. #MasterChefTheProfessionals.'

A third penned: 'Whoops! #MasterChefTheProfessionals.'

It comes after?裁判官 Monica 明らかにする/漏らすd the 推論する/理由 for her return to show as the new series kicked off last month.

The chef, 46, 発表するd her 決定/判定勝ち(する) to leave her 役割 as a 裁判官 on the BBC?show last year to 焦点(を合わせる) on her family after her then 15-year-old 甥 was 診断するd with .

But now she is 支援する and has explained on the The 中央の-Point podcast what led her to returning to the popular cooking series.

She said:?'I saw a therapist. I've never done that before.

'I've never had so many things happening at the same time, I needed to reach out to outside help ― someone just to talk to with everything. T hat was one of the best things I did.'

'I feel more energetic, more excited to be 支援する in it this year having had that time out.'?

The chef 発表するd last April that she was leaving MasterChef Professionals after 14 years because she felt like 'she needed to be 分裂(する) into four people' to 対処する with the 需要・要求するs of raising her daughter and running her restaurant.?

Speaking to The Times, Monica explained that part of the 推論する/理由 was 予定 to having to juggle the workload with the running of her restaurant Mere, which is struggling from staff 不足s.

Yet she 明らかにする/漏らすd that her biggest 動機 behind quitting MasterChef was to spend time with her family after her 甥, Otis, was 診断するd with desmoplastic small 一連の会議、交渉/完成する 独房 tumour - a rare and 積極的な 癌 that 原因(となる)s 集まりs in the abdomen.

Otis lives in New Zealand, but Monica said they are very の近くに as he is の近くに in age to her daughter Ana?s, 14, who she 株 with husband David.

Otis underwent chemotherapy, but Monica said at the time: 'We're told it's not a cure. It's just buying us time'.

In a 声明 Monica said she was taking a step 支援する from the TV 役割 to 焦点(を合わせる) on her family and her London restaurant.

Monica said in her 声明: 'It is with a 激しい heart that I've made this 決定/判定勝ち(する) to step 支援する from filming this year's 一連の MasterChe f: The Professionals.

'My family need me, my restaurant needs me and trying to balance long filming days over the next three months with all these かかわり合いs meant that something had to give.

'So, for the moment, my 焦点(を合わせる) has to be 100% about my loved ones and 再構築するing my kitchen team who have had a 乱打するing over the last few months 特に. Those in the 歓待 産業 know just how 堅い it is at the moment.

'To my MasterChef family, 乗組員 and friends, I'm so sorry that I won't be with you this year but I hope to be 支援する soon.'

She continued: 'Thank you to both BBC and 向こうずね TV for 存在 so understanding of my 決定/判定勝ち(する) but for this year I'll be your number one 支持者 from the 味方する lines.?

'To my fellow 裁判官s and friends Marcus and Gregg ? I'll be watching ? you've got this! If you're ever 自信のない just think ? what would Mon do?! See you soon!'

Back: It comes after judge Monica revealed the reason for her return to show as the new series kicked off last month

支援する: It comes after 裁判官 Monica 明らかにする/漏らすd the 推論する/理由 for her return to show as the new series kicked off last month

Difficult: The chef, 46, announced her decision to leave her role as a judge on the BBC show last year to focus on her family after her then 15-year-old nephew was diagnosed with cancer

Difficult: The chef, 46, 発表するd her 決定/判定勝ち(する) to leave her 役割 as a 裁判官 on the BBC show last year to 焦点(を合わせる) on her family after her then 15-year-old 甥 was 診断するd with 癌

The 星/主役にする delighted fans earlier this year by 説 she'd soon return to MasterChef: The Professionals.

She 地位,任命するd: 'A year ago I made the 堅い call to take a break from MasterChef The Professionals,' she said 経由で Instagram.?

'I'm so 感謝する for everyone's support that 許すd me time out to get 支援する on 最高の,を越す of managing 商売/仕事 and family かかわり合いs.?

'I'm delighted to say that I am able to come 支援する to MasterChef: The Professionals this year and I'm 最高の thrilled to see what new talent is out there & to be 支援する with my buddies @greggawallace and @marcuswareing.'