厳密に's Angela Rippon, 79, 告発する/非難するs BBC of sexism and misogyny as she (人命などを)奪う,主張するs former Director General John Birt told her to 辞職する at 50 because she'd 'had her day'

Angela Rippon?has 開始する,打ち上げるd a blistering attack at former BBC Director General John Birt as she (刑事)被告 him of 'sexism and misogyny' during his time running the 会社/団体.?

The 79-year-old presenter, 79, who most recently took part in this year's 一連の 厳密に Come Dancing, 攻撃する,衝突する out at the company ethos as she (人命などを)奪う,主張するd she was told? to stand 負かす/撃墜する 老年の 50 because she'd 'had her day'.?

Angela 解任するd how the BBC boss had 勧めるd her to 辞職する as she appeared on 行う/開催する/段階 to collect TRIC's 優れた 業績/成就 Award at the Londoner Hotel on Tuesday.?

During her 受託 speech, she told the audience: 'It's 現実に now 57 years since I've started doing broadcasting.?

'When I was 50, I had a conversation with the then director general of the?BBC, who was called John Birt, who said I was having a bit of a problem with something at the BBC.

Angela Rippon has claimed the BBC tried to make her quit aged 50 after being told she'd 'had her day' (pictured at Tuesday's TRIC Awards)

Angela Rippon has (人命などを)奪う,主張するd the BBC tried to make her やめる 老年の 50 after 存在 told she'd 'had her day' (pictured at Tuesday's TRIC Awards)?

The presenter, 79, who most recently took part in this year's series of Strictly Come Dancing , blasted former BBC Director General John Birt as 'ageist and sexist'

The presenter, 79, who most recently took part in this year's 一連の 厳密に Come Dancing , 爆破d former BBC Director General John Birt as 'ageist and sexist'

'He said to me, "Angela, you have to recognise now that you're 50, you've had your day and it's time to make way for the younger women coming up behind you."

'So he managed to be a misogynist and an ageist in one 声明, which I thought was やめる a trick, and the thing is, John Birt, you said I've had my day, [but] what I've 現実に had 権利 up until now, is the time of my life.'?

Angela began her television career at BBC South West in Plymouth in 1966, when she was 21, before becoming a reporter for BBC TV news.

She first 現在のd a 国家の news programme on BBC2 in 1974.?

Angela went on to tell the audience she has a 職業 she '絶対 adores' and is '極端に proud' of the women who are now reading 国家の news as she felt 'like a novelty' when she first started out.?

'When he said I had to make my way for younger women coming up behind me, I have to say one of the 広大な/多数の/重要な 楽しみs of my half a century now in broadcasting - I am a little bit older than 商業の 無線で通信する,' she said.

'In that half century, it has been wonderful for me, having been something of a novelty when I started to read the news for the first time on 国家の television, as the only woman who was reading it 国家的に.?

'To find so many wonderful, young women have climbed up through that 穴を開ける in the glass 天井 behind me. I am so proud of every one of them, all of those women of all ages now who have 論証するd by their 技術 and by talent - they're not 実行するing an HR box ticking 演習.?

Angela recalled how the BBC boss had urged her to resign when s
he was 50 (pictured in 1996)

Angela 解任するd how the BBC boss had 勧めるd her to 辞職する when she was 50 (pictured in 1996)?

In an exclusive chat with MailOnline, Angela spoke about her time on Strictly after she exited the show in a 'full circle' moment at Blackpool Tower

In an 排除的 雑談(する) with MailOnline, Angela spoke about her time on 厳密に after she 出口d the show in a '十分な circle' moment at Blackpool Tower

'They're there on 長所 because what they do, and they stand shoulder to shoulder with their male 同僚s. And there is 尊敬(する)・点 on both 味方するs, and I love that now about the 産業 in which I work.'

Angela 一連の会議、交渉/完成するd off her speech by 説: 'And one final message to John Birt, when I was 50, you said I'd had my day. I'm now 79, and I ain't finished yet!'

?MailOnline has 接触するd the BBC for comment.

In an 排除的 雑談(する) with MailOnline, Angela spoke about her time on 厳密に after she 出口d the show in a '十分な circle' moment at Blackpool Tower.?

She said: '厳密に hasn't come to an end 原因(となる) I will be doing the 小旅行する so it continues. I’m very much excited and of course we al l have to dance in the final 同様に, so it hasn’t yet come to an end.?

'I dance when I can because I am an 外交官/大使 for the Silver Swans Programme of The 王室の 学院 [of Dance], and I go to a ballet class probably once every six weeks, which is what I can manage with work, so I should keep up 存在 fit.'?

Angela has also 支配するd out starring in any other reality TV shows in the 未来 as she had a 'wonderful' time with professional ダンサー Kai Widdrington, 28.?

She said: 'No, I’m done, but I’ve had a wonderful time with a wonderful partner, and I loved every minute of it. It was 広大な/多数の/重要な.'?

Of celebrating her milestone 80th birthday next year, Angela said: 'I’m still thinking about what I’m going to do for that, that’s still in the pipeline.

'I had a big bash for my 60th and I went to Amman on my own for my 70th, so I don’t know what I’m going to do yet for my 80th - there’s a few ideas in the pipeline, but au 港/避難所’t got 一連の会議、交渉/完成する to deciding yet.'