Jason Momoa's Aquaman and The Lost Kingdom PANNED by critics as an 'underwhelming franchise 別れの(言葉,会)' - and one of the WORST 率d movies in the DCEU: 'It should 沈む to the 底(に届く)'

  • The DC Universe 活動/戦闘 flick, starring Momoa, Amber Heard and Yahya Abdul-Mateen II, has been slammed for its 'juvenile?トン' and 'formulaic' 陰謀(を企てる)
  • Behind-the-scenes 演劇 flooded the film with Heard's Johnny Depp defamation 裁判,公判 and Momoa's 申し立てられた/疑わしい drunk antics on 始める,決める making headlines
  • The sequel follows 2018's Aquaman, which 越えるd 期待s and became a $1 billion 攻撃する,衝突する

Jason Momoa's Aquaman and The Lost Kingdom won't be making a splash this holiday season, によれば the critics.?

The sequel to the 2018 粉砕する 攻撃する,衝突する Aquaman received a dismal 37% movie 得点する/非難する/20 経由で Rotten Tomatoes on Thursday, as film critics 大部分は panned the 報道によれば final film in the DC 延長するd Universe.?

'Tired tropes, a forgettable 陰謀(を企てる) and a cast going through the 動議s ? if this is the last movie in the DC 延長するd Universe it should 沈む to the 底(に届く), never to be seen again,' wrote The 後見人 critic Peter Bradshaw.?

While comic 調書をとる/予約する fans hoped the $215 million superhero flick -- starring Momoa, Amber Heard, Yahya Abdul-Mateen II, Nicole Kidman -- might send the franchise off on a high, it appears moviegoers are in for a long and dismal goodbye.

'At the end of 124 long minutes, both film and audience are 深く,強烈に immersed in something ? but it isn’t seawater,' 追加するd Bradshaw.

Jason Momoa 's Aquaman and The Lost Kingdom won't be making a splash this holiday season, according to the critics

Jason Momoa 's Aquaman and The Lost Kingdom won't be making a splash this holiday season, によれば the critics

The sequel to the 2018 smash hit Aquaman received a dismal 37% movie score via Rotten Tomatoes on Thursday, as film critics largely panned the reportedly final film in the DC Extended Universe

The sequel to the 2018 粉砕する 攻撃する,衝突する Aquaman received a dismal 37% movie 得点する/非難する/20 経由で Rotten Tomatoes on Thursday, as film critics 大部分は panned the 報道によれば final film in the DC 延長するd Universe

The James 病弱な-directed 事業/計画(する) features Momoa returning as?Arthur Curry, now King Of Atlantis, who has married Mera (Heard), welcomed a son, 分裂(する)s his life between land and sea and has 設立する an arch nemesis in 黒人/ボイコット Mantra (Abdul-Mateen II).?

The first flood of reviews みなすd the 陰謀(を企てる) 'formulaic' and featuring a 'juvenile トン'.?

'The Lost Kingdom becomes more and more formulaic as it digs into its mythos, as if the movie were caught between 存在 its own thing and 存在 nothing at all,' wrote IndieWire.?

Linda Marric of HeyUGuys?argued the movie 'struggles with a juvenile トン, a pendulous script and a cast who can't 開始する the 転換ing sands of those challenges.'

She 追加するd, 'Another low point for the DCEU.'

'Even the actors seem worn out by the ridiculousness of this sequel,' 追加するd?Variety.

Bradshaw also 公式文書,認めるd, 'The Aquaman franchise is just flatlining, floating through the dreary depths like the 肉親,親類d of discarded plastic 捕らえる、獲得する which is going to choke.'

The Rotten Tomatoes 得点する/非難する/20 positions the Aquman sequel の中で the least 好意的に reviewed 入ること/参加(者)s in the DCEU, 据えるd between the ratings of Batman v Superman: 夜明け of 司法(官) (29%) and 黒人/ボイコット Adam (38%).?



Valerie コンビナート/複合体 令状s: 'Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom struggles with inconsistent character 描写, subpar CGI, and a 欠如(する) of narrative direction. A 決定的な 面 of any franchise is its ability to make the audience 投資するd in what’s next. There is 非,不,無 of the care put 前へ/外へ here. This universe is over, why should anyone care? 最終的に, it’s a film that has its moments but 最終的に struggles to find its 地盤 in the expansive ocean t hat is the superhero genre.'


Owen Gleiberman 令状s: 'This has already 登録(する)d as the year when the MCU つまずくd and maybe began its slow 落ちる from cultural dominance. But, of course, it’s not just Marvel that people are 疲れた/うんざりした of. It’s the numbing repetition of comic-調書をとる/予約する movies in general. It’s not as if DC is 免除された. In “Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom,” all the talk about the 同盟 of the seven kingdoms, and the ominous 人物/姿/数字 of Kordax (Pilou Asbaek), and the malignant lost kingdom of Necrus wears you 負かす/撃墜する.

The Hollywood Reporter

Lovia Gyarkye 令状s: 'What’s most disappointing are the 火刑/賭けるs. Even as Momoa and Wilson leap, kick, fight, tease and save themselves and each other all the way to the Big Finale, the 演劇 of their story stays at the same level. There are rarely any 陰謀(を企てる) turns here when you really 恐れる that Aquaman might fail or that his 約束 in Orm could be misplaced. I can 解任する just one moment in which I almost gasped..'


David Ehrlich 令状s: 'Where the previous “Aquaman” was psychedelically high on its own 供給(する) and so eager to 最高の,を越す itself that it 結局 led to Jason Momoa talking to a mythical sea monster who sounded a lot like Julie Andrews, “The Lost Kingdom” becomes more and more formulaic as it digs into its mythos, as if the movie were caught between 存在 its own thing and 存在 nothing at all.


Ross Bonaime 令状s: 'With Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom, we get the best and worst of the DCEU, but also a 思い出の品 that there’s still hope for these characters, with a bit more 焦点(を合わせる), and a 思い出の品 of what 作品 and what doesn’t with this world. Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom isn’t the wet fart of an ending that it seemed like the DCEU might be going out on, but it also shows that a 10年間 in, the DCEU never やめる learned the lessons it needed to. The DCEU is dead, long live the DCU.

'Tired tropes, a forgettable plot and a cast going through the motions ? if this is the last movie in the DC Extended Universe it should sink to the bottom, never to be seen again,' wrote The Guardian critic Peter Bradshaw

'Tired tropes, a forgettable 陰謀(を企てる) and a cast going through the 動議s ? if this is the last movie in the DC 延長するd Universe it should 沈む to the 底(に届く), never to be seen again,' wrote The 後見人 critic Peter Bradshaw?

The James Wan-directed project features Momoa returning as Arthur Curry, now King Of Atlantis, who has married Mera (Heard), welcomed a son, splits his life between land and sea and has found an arch nemesis in Black Mantra (Yahya Abdul-Mateen II)

The James 病弱な-directed 事業/計画(する) features Momoa returning as Arthur Curry, now King Of Atlantis, who has married Mera (Heard), welcomed a son, 分裂(する)s his life between land and sea and has 設立する an arch nemesis in 黒人/ボイコット Mantra (Yahya Abdul-Mateen II)

The first Aquaman 分割払い 獲得するd a 65% 是認 率ing.

The reviews follow a 傾向 in this year's superhero movie-going, as many comic 調書をとる/予約する adaptations have failed to connect with an audience.

In a 最近の Rotten Tomato 査定/評価, Shazam! Fury of the Gods received a 49% 率ing, while The Flash 達成するd a 63% 得点する/非難する/20.

Blue Beetle 配達するd a かなり more impressive 78%.

Even before the 消極的な reviews 注ぐd in, Aquaman and The Lost Kingdom was under a deluge of bad publicity.?

While comic book fans hoped the $215 million superhero flick -- starring Momoa, Amber Heard , Yahya Abdul-Mateen II, Nicole Kidman -- might send the franchise off on a high, it appears moviegoers are in for a long and dismal goodbye

While comic 調書をとる/予約する fans hoped the $215 million superhero flick -- starring Momoa, Amber Heard , Yahya Abdul-Mateen II, Nicole Kidman -- might send the franchise off on a high, it appears moviegoers are in for a long and dismal goodbye

The first flood of reviews deemed the plot formulaic and featuring a 'juvenile tone'

The first flood of reviews みなすd the 陰謀(を企てる) formulaic and featuring a 'juvenile トン'

'Even the actors seem worn out by the ridiculousness of this sequel,' added Variety

'Even the actors seem worn out by the ridiculousness of this sequel,' 追加するd Variety?

In 中央の-September, when Warner Bros. 解放(する)d the trailer for Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom, troubling 文書s from the Johnny Depp-Amber Heard defamation 裁判,公判 現れるd on Reddit on the same day.?

法廷,裁判所 文書s from Heard's therapist 述べるd a 敵意を持った Aquaman 始める,決める where an 恐らく intoxicated Momoa dressed like Depp and 押し進めるd to have Heard booted from the 役割 of Mera.

A DC spokesperson 反駁するd Heard’s characterization at the time, 説, 'Jason Momoa 行為/行うd himself in a professional manner at all times on the 始める,決める of Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom.'

The therapist's 公式文書,認めるs also 描写するd Heard sensing a 欠如(する) of support from the film's director, 病弱な.

The DC spokesperson said in a 声明 in support of 病弱な, 'James is known for 扱う/治療するing members of his cast and 乗組員 with the 最大の 尊敬(する)・点 and for fostering a 肯定的な, collaborative 環境 on 始める,決める ― the Aquaman? films were no exception.'

Even before the negative reviews poured in, Aquaman and The Lost Kingdom was under a deluge of bad publicity, including court documents bashing Momoa from the Johnny Depp/Amber Heard defamation suit; Heard seen in 2021

Even before the 消極的な reviews 注ぐd in, Aquaman and The Lost Kingdom was under a deluge of bad publicity, 含むing 法廷,裁判所 文書s bashing Momoa from the Johnny Depp/Amber Heard defamation 控訴; Heard seen in 2021

Court documents from Heard's therapist described a hostile Aquaman set where an allegedly intoxicated Momoa dressed like Depp and pushed to have Heard booted from the role of Mera; seen in November

法廷,裁判所 文書s from Heard's therapist 述べるd a 敵意を持った Aquaman 始める,決める where an 恐らく intoxicated Momoa dressed like Depp and 押し進めるd to have Heard booted from the 役割 of Mera; seen in November

There were 報告(する)/憶測s Heard was almost 解雇する/砲火/射撃d from the sequel 同様に.?

However, sources told Variety?that the 'sequel 耐えるd challenges outside of the Heard saga' and was 実験(する)ing in the 60s before the summer of 2022.

Reshoots even took place 権利 up until this year’s WGA strike in May.?

にもかかわらず the 売春婦-hum reviews, time will tell if the sequel might still work at the box office.?

'Everybody’s 負かす/撃墜する on DC, but there is a chance, 特に with the 限られた/立憲的な 競争 during the holiday season, that Aquaman could still play like gangbusters because of 欠如(する) of 製品,' Jeff Bock, a box office 分析家 with Exhibitor Relations, told Variety.

'いつかs the 権利 film at the 権利 time is all you need.'