Rebecca Ferguson 運動s fans wild with 憶測 as to who berated her on 始める,決める - with 疑惑 狭くするing in on three 星/主役にするs

Rebecca Ferguson has driven fans wild with 憶測 as to which actor 恐らく shouted at her while they were working together on 始める,決める.

The actress, 40, said there is one '絶対の idiot of a co-星/主役にする' she will never work with again after how they 扱う/治療するd her on the 始める,決める of a previous film.

She 明らかにするd she was not talking about?Hugh Jackman or Tom 巡航する?, who she 行為/法令/行動するd と一緒に in The Greatest Showman and 使節団 Impossible.?

Her former co-星/主役にするs Dwayne Johnson and Emily Blunt have also both 支配するd themselves out.

憶測 has now risen around Ewan McGregor, who she worked with in Doctor Sleep (2019), Jake Gyllenhaal, who she starred と一緒に in Life (2017), Michael Fassbender who she starred with in The Snowman (2017) and Hugh 認める who she worked with on Florence Foster Jenkins (2016).?

Rebecca Ferguson has driven fans wild with speculation as to which actor allegedly shouted at her while they were working together on set

Rebecca Ferguson has driven fans wild with 憶測 as to which actor 恐らく shouted at her while they were working together on 始める,決める

The actress, 40, said there is one 'absolute idiot of a co-star' she will never work with again after how they treated her on the set of a previous film (pictured in The Snowman, 2017)

The actress, 40, said there is one '絶対の idiot of a co-星/主役にする' she will never work with again after how they 扱う/治療するd her on the 始める,決める of a previous film (pictured in The Snowman, 2017)?

Taking to X/Twitter, fans have been 熱望して giving their theories as to which ex co-星/主役にする Rebecca was talking about.

Some believed it was Ewan, 令状ing: 'I am pretty sure the actor that 侮辱d and belitted Rebeca Ferguson was Ewan McGregor.'

Another wrote: 'I think I 人物/姿/数字d out who yelled at Rebecca Ferguson. I really hate it to be him but Ewan McGregor. A couple months ago an "insider" (刑事)被告 Rebecca Ferrguson of 扱う/治療するing the Doctor Sleep cast and crw horribly. You can just tell it was a 攻撃する,衝突する piece 権利 before Dune 2.'

A third 追加するd: 'You guys are forgetting the most obvious one. Obi 病弱な himself aka Ewan McGregor, was Rebecca Ferguson's co-星/主役にする in Doctor Sleep.'

Others 焦点(を合わせる)d on Hugh 認める, with some 令状ing: 'My money in the who 感情を害する/違反するd Rebecca Ferguson sweepstakes is on Hugh 認める.'

Another wrote: 'People going 負かす/撃墜する a spiral trying to 人物/姿/数字 out who yelled at Rebecca Frguson on 始める,決める once when Hugh 認める is literally 権利 there.'

One fan 追加するd: 'Hugh 認める is known for 存在 a bit testy and getting angry on 始める,決める so I wonder if that's who Rebecca Ferguson was talking about.'

Another penned: 'We need to know who did this to Rebecca Ferguson. After a quick Goggle the 投票(する)s are high on Hugh 認める.'?

Rebecca starred alongside Ewan McGregor in Doctor Sleep (2019)

Rebecca starred と一緒に Ewan McGregor in Doctor Sleep (2019)?

The actress worked with Jake Gyllenhaal in the sci-fi thriller Life (2017)

The actress worked with Jake Gyllenhaal in the sci-fi thriller Life (2017)?

She worked alongside Hugh Grant in Florence Foster Jenkins (2016)

She worked と一緒に Hugh 認める in Florence Foster Jenkins (2016)?

Jake Gyllenhaal did not escape 疑惑 either with one 使用者 令状ing: 'Pretty sure Jake Gyllenhaal 叫び声をあげるd at Rebecca Ferguson. Can't imagine the 激しく揺する or Ryan Reynolds 侮辱ing her in a malicious way.'

Another wrote: 'For some 推論する/理由 I'm 納得させるd it was Jake Gyllenaal that Rebecca Ferguson is talking about.'

A third 追加するd: 'She is 100% talking about Jake Gyllenhaal.'

Another wrote: '[Jake] has even been got wit this Rebecca Ferguson 状況/情勢. We just need someone to 人物/姿/数字 out of he's the 犯人.'

MailOnline has 接触するd 代表者/国会議員s for Ewan McGregor, Hugh 認める and Jake Gyllenhaal for comment.??

Taking to X/Twitter, fans have been eagerly giving their theories as to which ex c
o-star Rebecca was talking about with some believing it was Ewan

Taking to X/Twitter, fans have been 熱望して giving their theories as to which ex co-星/主役にする Rebecca was talking about with some believing it was Ewan

Other fans thought Hugh Grant was the likely culprit

Other fans thought Hugh 認める was the likely 犯人?

Jake Gyllenhaal did not escape suspicion either

Jake Gyllenhaal did not escape 疑惑 either?

During the?統治する with Josh Smith,?Rebecca 明らかにする/漏らすd that there is one '絶対の idiot of a co-星/主役にする' she will never work with again after how they 扱う/治療するd her on the 始める,決める of a previous film.

'I remember there was a moment and this human 存在 was 存在 so insecure and angry because this person couldn't get the scenes out,' she said. 'And I think I was so 攻撃を受けやすい and uncomfortable that I got 叫び声をあげるd at.?

'But because this person was number one on a call sheet, there was no safety 逮捕する for me. So no one had my 支援する. And I would cry walking off 始める,決める.'

Rebecca 解任するd that the co-星/主役にする would say things to her on 始める,決める like 'You call yourself an actor?', 'This is what I have to work with?', and 'What the f**k is this?,' in 前線 of the whole 乗組員.

'I stood there just breaking,' she said.?

Rebecca hoped she would have the support of 生産者s in that 状況/情勢 but said she did not.

However after 存在 支配するd to the co-星/主役にする's temper, Rebecca (人命などを)奪う,主張するd she walked in the next day and spoke up for the first time. 'You get off my 始める,決める,' she told the co-星/主役にする.

Rebecca confirmed the
 co-star in question was not Hugh Jackman, who she acted alongside in The Greatest Showman (pictured)

Rebecca 確認するd the co-星/主役にする in question was not Hugh Jackman, who she 行為/法令/行動するd と一緒に in The Greatest Showman (pictured)

She also assured fans the 'screaming' performer was not her Mission Impossible co-star Tom Cruise (pictured together in Mission Impossible - Dead Reckoning)

She also 保証するd fans the '叫び声をあげるing' performer was not her 使節団 Impossible co-星/主役にする Tom 巡航する (pictured together in 使節団 Impossible - Dead Reckoning)

'I remember 存在 so 脅すd,' she said. 'I looked at this person and I said, "You can F off. I'm gonna work に向かって a tennis ball. I never want to see you again."'

Rebecca (人命などを)奪う,主張するd 生産者s told her she could not do that to the actor in question, referred to as 'number one', because they had to be on 始める,決める.?

But the actress stood her ground and said instead the co-星/主役にする could turn around and she would 行為/法令/行動する to the 支援する of their 長,率いる. 'And I did,' she 援助(する). 'And I remember thinking that time, I was so 脅すd.'

Rebecca said she then went to the director after the scene 需要・要求するing to know why that behaviour was 許すd to continue.?

She 追加するd: 'The director said, "You're 権利. I am not taking care of everyone else. I'm trying to fluff this person. Because it's so 安定性のない."?

'It was 広大な/多数の/重要な from that moment, but it took so long for me to get to that. It's within my last 10 or 12 years and I've 行為/法令/行動するd since I was 16.'

During the episode, Rebecca also spoke about the 価値のある lessons she has learned from working with?Timoth?e Chalamet on Dune: Part One and Dune: Part Two.

'I'm just having fun and I'm doing a plethora of different things, you know,' she said.?

'He's carrying things. I remember the moments where I would giggle and have fun and I could sense that it wasn't really helping him. So I think I learned a lot from looking at the 過程 of one of our incredible 独立した・無所属 actors on the 始める,決める of a studio movie.'

She 追加するd: 'The 尊敬(する)・点 that you need to 持つ/拘留する for everyone… I've learned more from him without him knowing it.'?

What films has Rebecca Ferguson starred in with male leads?

Hercules (2014)?

Re becca starred in 活動/戦闘-fantasy film Hercules in 2014, as?Ergenia, the Princess of Thrace, while?Dwayne Johnson?played the titular 役割.

Life (2017)?

She also took on the 役割 of?Dr. Miranda North in the 2017 science fiction horror, Life, opposite?Jake Gyllenhaal in the lead.

The Greatest Showman (2017)

Rebecca played?famed Swedish singer, Jenny Lind, in the musical with Hugh Jackman in the main 役割 of P. T. Barnum.

The Snowman (2017)?

Rebecca played?Katrine Bratt opposite?Michael Fassbender as 探偵,刑事 Harry 穴を開ける in the 2017?psychological thriller The Snowman.

Doctor Sleep (2019)?

In 2019, she was in the film adaptation of Stephen King's sequel to The 向こうずねing, Doctor Sleep, as Rose the Hat, while?Ewan McGregor lead the film as Dan Torrance.

Men in 黒人/ボイコット: International (2019)

Rebecca transformed into?Riza Stavros, an 外国人 武器 売買業者, in?Men in 黒人/ボイコット: International in 2019, with?Chris Hemsworth and Tessa Thompson in the 最高の,を越す 役割s.

Reminiscence (2021)

She 再会させるd with Hugh Jackman again in science fiction film?Reminiscence in 2021, playing his love 利益/興味, Mae.

使節団: Impossible films (2015-2023)?

Rebecca played undercover スパイ/執行官?Ils a Faust in three 使節団: Impossible films, Rogue Nation (2015), Fallout (2018) and?Dead Reckoning Part One (2023) opposite Tom 巡航する.?