EDEN CONFIDENTIAL: Meghan Markle 捜し出すs 操る for a new 投機・賭ける as she interviews 可能性のある CEOs for her cooking and lifestyle 商売/仕事

にもかかわらず Queen Elizabeth trying her hardest to find suitable 役割s for Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex's ambitions could never be 実行するd within the 王室の Family.

Now 解放する/自由な of such 強制s, Prince Harry's wife is ハッチング 計画(する)s for world 支配.

In her 最新の move, the former actress is, I can 明らかにする/漏らす, 捜し出すing a 大統領 Officer for her new cooking and lifestyle 商売/仕事, American Riviera Orchard.


'Meghan is interviewing 候補者s for the CEO 役割 at the moment,' a source tells me.

The Duchess, 42, 明かすd the 投機・賭ける last week by 地位,任命するing a glitzy ビデオ on Instagram in which she could be seen busying herself in a rustic-looking kitchen, arranging white and pink flowers, and 素早い行動ing something in a bowl.

In her 最新の move, the former a ctress is, I can 明らかにする/漏らす, 捜し出すing a 大統領 Officer for her new cooking and lifestyle 商売/仕事, American Riviera Orchard.?‘Meghan is interviewing 候補者s for the CEO 役割 at the moment,’ a source tells me
The Duchess, 42, 明かすd the 投機・賭ける last week by 地位,任命するing a glitzy ビデオ on Instagram in which she could be seen busying herself in a rustic-looking kitchen, arranging white and pink flowers, and 素早い行動ing something in a bowl
Meghan is said to hope American Riviera Orchard, which will 焦点(を合わせる) on home, garden, food and lifestyle wares, will be 高度に lucrative

She 地位,任命するd the ビデオ the day after I 接触するd her office for comment on her 計画(する)s, which may have 影を投げかけるd an 外見 by Harry, 経由で ビデオ link, at an event that evening for the Diana Award, an organisation の近くに to his heart.

Meghan is said to hope American Riviera Orchard, which will 焦点(を合わせる) on home, garden, food and lifestyle wares, will be 高度に lucrative.

An insider told me last week: 'The brand is meant to 同時に起こる/一致する with the 開始する,打ち上げる of a new cookery show for Netflix. Meghan will be making and selling 製品s such as jams. At some point there will be a 調書をとる/予約する and a blog.' Meghan's lawyer has 適用するd to trademark the brand in the U.S. for さまざまな goods, 含むing cutlery, recipe 調書をとる/予約するs, tablecloths, napkins, jams, edible oils, vegetable and 酪農場-based spreads.

The trademark 使用/適用 also appears to 延長する to a physical shop where items could be sold.

The 身元s of 候補者s for the 長,指導者 (n)役員/(a)執行力のある 役割 are not yet known, but they may need to be strong characters. There have been a string of 出発s from Harry and Meghan's 全労働人口.

The total number of staff the Sussexes have lost since they married in 2018 is said to be at least 17, with eight or more having left since they moved to California.

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