Anne Hathaway, 41, 明らかにする/漏らすs she had a miscarriage while starring in off-Broadway play in 2015 - as she 解任するs the '苦痛' of trying for a baby

  • Hathaway, 41, first hinted at her fertility struggles in a 2019 Instagram 地位,任命する
  • Five years later she's 確認するd she 苦しむd a miscarriage 支援する in 2015?
  • 'I was onstage pretending everything was 罰金,' she told Vanity Fair?

Anne Hathaway?has 明らかにする/漏らすd that she 苦しむd a miscarriage in 2015 when she was starring in an off-Broadway play in a candid new interview.

The 41-year-old opened up about the '苦痛' of trying for a baby in the April 問題/発行する of Vanity Fair - explaining the story behind a 2019 Instagram 地位,任命する where she had first 言及/関連d going through 'infertility and conception hell'.

Hathaway and husband Adam Shulman have been married since 2012 and have two sons: Jonathan, seven, and Jack, three.?

'The first time it didn't work out for me. I was doing a play and I had to give birth onstage every night,' she told the magazine, 言及/関連ing the storyline of her character having to give birth in the play.

Hathaway was starring in?Grounded, a one-woman play about a 女性(の) U.S. 空気/公表する 軍隊 操縦する who is grounded when she gets 妊娠している.

Although it is not (疑いを)晴らす when the miscarriage happened, the play - written by George Brant - ran for six weeks in April of 2015.?

Anne Hathaway, 41, reveals she had a miscarriage while starring in off-Broadway play in 2015 - as she recalls the 'pain' of trying for a baby

Anne Hathaway, 41, 明らかにする/漏らすs she had a miscarriage while starring in off-Broadway play in 2015 - as she 解任するs the '苦痛' of trying for a baby?

'It was too much to keep it in when I was onstage pretending everything was 罰金. I had to keep it real さもなければ.... So when it did go 井戸/弁護士席 for me, having been on the other 味方する of it - where you have to have the grace to be happy for someone - I 手配中の,お尋ね者 to let my sisters know, "You don’t have to always be graceful. I see you and I’ve been you."' she said.?

Getting emotional with 涙/ほころびs in her 注目する,もくろむs per the 報告(する)/憶測, she said: 'It's really hard to want something so much and to wonder if you’re doing something wrong.'?

Hathaway decided to talk about the experience after feeling there was a 欠如(する) of (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) about miscarriages 主要な women to feel '孤立するd'.?

'I thought, where is this (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状)? Why are we feeling so unnecessarily 孤立するd?' Hathaway said.

'That’s where we take on 損失. So I decided that I was going to talk about it. The thing that broke my heart, blew my mind, and gave me hope was that for three years after, almost daily, a woman (機の)カム up to me in 涙/ほころびs and I would just 持つ/拘留する her, because she was carrying this [苦痛] around and suddenly it wasn’t all hers anymore.'?

Anne pictured at the opening night for Grounded at the The Public Theatre in 2015, around the time she suffered her miscarriage

Anne pictured at the 開始 night for Grounded at the The Public Theatre in 2015, around the time she 苦しむd her miscarriage?

Hathaway and husband Adam Shulman have been married since 2012 and have two sons: Jonathan, seven, and Jack, three (the pair pictured in 2015)

Hathaway and husband A dam Shulman have been married since 2012 and have two sons: Jonathan, seven, and Jack, three (the pair pictured in 2015)

Hathaway pictured in November 2015

Hathaway pictured in November 2015

Hathaway first hinted at her fertility struggles five years ago in July 2019 when she 明らかにする/漏らすd she was 推定する/予想するing her second child.

'It's not for a movie...,' she captioned a snap of herself with a baby bump.

'#2 All kidding aside, for everyone going through infertility and conception hell, please know it was not a straight line to either of my pregnancies. Sending you extra love.'

どこかよそで in the wide-範囲ing 雑談(する), Hathaway also 明らかにする/漏らすs she was told in her 早期に days of working as an actress that she really did not have any sex 控訴,上告.

'I was like, "I’m a Scorpio. I know what I’m like on a Saturday night,"' she told the magazine as she graced the cover in a 黒人/ボイコット bra with her hair up.

But she 追加するd things were different 20 years ago.

'The male gaze was very 支配的な and very 普及(する) and very juvenile,' 追加するd the Oscar 勝利者 who 認める that she worried about how she (機の)カム off to the world.

The 星/主役にする - who is 促進するing her new romantic comedy The Ide a Of You about an older woman who hooks up with a younger pop 星/主役にする - played the part of a femme 致命的な for photographer Norman ジーンズ Roy for the 出版(物) as she modeled 黒人/ボイコット leotards and a nearly see through dress.

At the time, Hathaway was starring in Grounded, a play about a female U.S. Air Force pilot who is grounded when she gets pregnant.

At the time, Hathaway was starring in Grounded, a play about a 女性(の) U.S. 空気/公表する 軍隊 操縦する who is grounded when she gets 妊娠している.

Hathaway, 41, first hinted at her fertility struggles in a 2019 Instagram post (pictured above)

Hathaway, 41, first hinted at her fertility struggles in a 2019 Instagram pos t (pictured above)

The former teen 星/主役にする also talked about her mental health.

She told writer Julie Miller that she used to be 十分な of 苦悩 which 原因(となる)d her problems on movie 始める,決めるs - she is known for the movies The Princess Diaries and The Devil Wears Prada.

And the 星/主役にする 追加するd that she felt 'humiliation' too much.

She also said she was 感謝する to director Christopher Nolan for believing in her and giving her a beautiful movie that 証明するd her 事実上の/代理 chops.?

She starred in his 2014 movie Interstellar.?

The former 行う/開催する/段階 星/主役にする also said that she was told she needed to '保護する herself' at all costs, but now she is 'not 装甲の' as in she does not have a public 保護物,者, she said in a 明らかにする/漏らすing sit 負かす/撃墜する with the Oscar winning actress.

苦悩 used to eat her up.?

'Part of the way I can tell myself that I am okay is by having such a 完全にする level of 準備 that if I get a 批判的な 発言する/表明する in my 長,率いる, you can 静かな it 負かす/撃墜する by 説 that you did everything you could to 準備する.'

What 原因(となる)s a miscarriage?

It is 高度に ありそうもない that you will ever know the actual 原因(となる) of a one-off miscarriage, but most are 予定 to the に引き続いて problems:


The most ありふれた 原因(となる) of miscarriages in the first couple of months is a one-off 異常な 開発 in the fetus, often 予定 to 染色体 anomalies. 'It's not as though the baby is 罰金 one minute and suddenly dies the next,' says Professor James Walker, Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the University of 物陰/風下d.?

'These pregnancies fail from the 手始め and were never 運命にあるd to 後継する.' Most miscarriages like this happen by eight weeks, although bleeding may not start until three or four weeks later, which is 価値(がある) remembering in その後の pregnancies. 'If a ざっと目を通す at eight weeks shows a healthy heart (警官の)巡回区域,受持ち区域, you have a 95 per cent chance of a successful pregnancy,' says Professor Walker.


A hormonal blip could 原因(となる) a 時折起こる miscarriage and never be a problem again. However, a small number of women who have long cycles and 不規律な periods may 苦しむ 頻発する miscarriages because the lining of the uterus is too thin, making implantation difficult.?

Unfortunately, hormone 治療 is not terribly successful.?

'There used to be a 傾向 for progesterone 治療, but 裁判,公判s show this really doesn't work,' 警告するs Professor Walker. 'There is some 証拠 that 注射s of HCG (human chorionic gonadotrophin, a hormone 解放(する)d in 早期に pregnancy) can help, but it's not the answer for everyone.' The 治療 must be started as soon as the pregnancy is 確認するd, at around four or five weeks.

? AGE?

For women over 40, one in four women who become 妊娠している will miscarry. [One in four women of all ages miscarry, but these 人物/姿/数字s 含む women who don't know that they are 妊娠している. Of women who do know that they're pregna nt, the 人物/姿/数字 is one in six. Once you're over 40, and know that you're 妊娠している, the 人物/姿/数字 rises to one in four]


Around 20 per cent of 頻発する miscarriers を煩う lupus or a 類似の 自動車-免疫の disorder that 原因(となる)s 血 clots to form in the developing placenta.?

A simple 血 実験(する), which may need to be repeated several times, can 明らかにする/漏らす whether or not this is the problem.'One 消極的な 実験(する) does not mean that a women is okay,' 警告するs Mr Roy Farquharson, 顧問 gynaecologist who runs an 早期に pregnancy 部隊 at the Liverpool Women's Hospital.?

Often pregnancy can be a 誘発する/引き起こす for these disorders, so a 実験(する) should be done as soon as possible,' he 追加するs.But it can easily be 扱う/治療するd with low dose aspirin or heparin 注射s, which help to thin the 血 and 妨げる 血 clots forming - a 最近の 裁判,公判 also showed that women do 平等に 井戸/弁護士席 on either. ''We have a 70 per cent live birth 率 in women 扱う/治療するd for these disorders,' says Dr Farquharson, 'which is excellent.'


While uterine abnormalities, such as fibroids, can 原因(となる) a miscarriage, many women have no problems carrying a pregnancy to 称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語. An incompetent cervix can also 原因(となる) miscarriage at around 20 weeks.?

While this can be 扱う/治療するd by a special stitch in the cervix, 裁判,公判s 示唆する it is not 特に successful, although it may 延期する 労働 by a few weeks.遺伝子 and chromosomal abnormalities, which can be (悪事,秘密などを)発見するd by 血 実験(する)s, may also 原因(となる) 頻発する miscarriages in a small number of couples.?

A 手続き known as preimplantation genetic diagnosis can help. After in-vitro fertilisation (IVF), a 選び出す/独身 独房 is taken from the developing embryo and 実験(する)d for the 遺伝子 defect. Only healthy embryos are then 取って代わるd in the womb.

?It is an expensive and stressful 手続き - and pregnancy 率s tend to be やめる low - but for some this is より望ましい to repeated miscarriages or a genetically 異常な baby.


早期に in her career, she says 'I had a horrible 苦悩 attack and I was by myself and didn't know what was happening. I certainly couldn't tell anybody, and it was 構内/化合物d by thinking I was keeping 始める,決める waiting. Now I feel much safer going to someone in 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金, pulling them to the 味方する, and explaining, "I'm going through this 権利 now."

'Most people will sit there with you for the ten minutes it takes for you to come 支援する 負かす/撃墜する.'

She has a way to 対処する now: 'I make a lot of my lifestyle choices in service of supporting mental health. I stopped 参加するing in things that I know to be draining or can 原因(となる) spirals.'?

Hathaway said that she was told to be very careful when she was younger.

'All the advice that you're given is to 保護する yourself,' Hathaway tells Vanity Fair.

'Everybody's dangerous and everybody's trying to get something from you.'... People were advising me that I armor myself and keep that distance, and that I have two selves…I 設立する that terribly 混乱させるing so I don't do it that way. I'm not 装甲の.'

And she touched on those years she was slammed online for 存在 prissy.?

'A lot of people wouldn't give me 役割s because they were so 関心d about how 有毒な my 身元 had become online.?

'I had an angel in Christopher Nolan, who did not care about that and gave me one of the most beautiful 役割s I've had in one of the best films that I've been a part of,' Hathaway said.

'I don't know if he knew that he was 支援 me at the time, but it had that 影響 and my career did not lose 勢い the way it could have if he hadn't 支援するd me.'

For many years Hathaway was a joke online with trolls attacking her left and r ight for almost nothing.

'Humiliation is such a rough thing to go through,' she said.

The former stage star also said that she was told she needed to 'protect herself' at all costs, but now she is 'not armored' as in she does not have a public shield, she said in a revealing sit down with the Oscar winning actress; Anne is also in Mother's Instinct with Jessica Chastain

The former 行う/開催する/段階 星/主役にする also said that she was told she needed to '保護する herself' at all costs, but now she is 'not 装甲の' as in she does not have a public 保護物,者, she said in a 明らかにする/漏らすing sit 負かす/撃墜する with the Oscar winning actress; Anne is also in Mother's Instinct with Jessica Chastain

'The 重要な is to not let it の近くに you 負かす/撃墜する. You have to stay bold, and it can be hard because you're like, "If I stay 安全な, if I 抱擁する the middle, if I don't draw too much attention to myself, it won't 傷つける."

'But if you want to do that, don't be an actor. You're a tightrope walker. You're a daredevil.?

'You're asking people to 投資する their time and their money and their attention and their care into you.

'So you have to give them something 価値(がある) all of those things. And if it's not costing you anything, what are you really 申し込む/申し出ing?'

The headline of the story is Anne Hathaway on Intensity, 苦悩, and 辞退するing to Hide Her True Self and is in the April 問題/発行する.

She also 株d she has really come around in her 40s: 'This is the first time I’ve known myself this 井戸/弁護士席. I don’t live in what others think of me. I know my own mind and I am connected to my own feelings.

'I’m way quicker to laugh now.'

And she talked her new movie:?“The idea of anything you say 存在 選ぶd to define you is daunting,” she says. She’s not as serious as interviews make her seem, she tells me. But as we first start talking at least, she’s definitely careful―現在の and engaged but also pausing to mentally ざっと目を通す answers for web-flammable sound bites before 株ing them.?

“You don’t want to say anything to 刺激する any 肉親,親類d of reaction, but you also?don’t want to say something that could be misinterpreted,” she says as we begin. “I’m feeling a little goldfishy.”?

Read the 十分な story by Julie Miller in Vanity Fair's April 問題/発行する and on

She was photographed by Norman ジーンズ Roy for Vanity Fair.