Brad Pitt 告発する/非難するs 'hypocrite' Angelina Jolie of 辞退するing to 調印する 'cruel' NDA she (人命などを)奪う,主張するd '原因(となる)d her to nearly shutdown'- as the war of the ros?s drags on

  • Brad Pitt's 弁護士/代理人/検事s are 捜し出すing to discredit Jolie's (人命などを)奪う,主張するs that she 辞退するd to sell her 株 of Miraval 予定 to the 'unconscionable' and 'cruel' NDA he 提案するd
  • His 合法的な team is now 需要・要求するing the actress turn over NDA 文書s she has 以前 調印するd with third parties, in a new 動議 とじ込み/提出するd on Thursday?
  • In a 審理,公聴会 at LA Superior 法廷,裁判所 on Friday, Pitt's lawyers said Jolie's 反対 was an 試みる/企てる to 'rationalize' her betrayal?

Brad Pitt has branded ex-wife Angelina Jolie a hypocrite for (人命などを)奪う,主張するing he 手配中の,お尋ね者 to use an NDA in the sale of their French vineyard to '支配(する)/統制する' her ? にもかかわらず 定期的に gagging her own staff with 類似の 契約s.

Pitt, 60, and Jolie, 48, have been locked in a bitter 戦う/戦い over their French vineyard and home after the Tomb Raider 星/主役にする sold her $64million 火刑/賭ける to ロシアの 億万長者 Yuri Shefler in 2021.

The Chateau Miraval 広い地所, which produces an award-winning sparkling ros?, is at the 中心 of a long-running 法廷,裁判所 戦う/戦い between the pair.

合法的な 文書s seen by show that the actress (人命などを)奪う,主張するd she walked out of 会談 to sell her part of the vineyard to Pitt for $54million because of 基準 非,不,無-disparagement 条項 in his 提案するd 契約 for the sale.

She (人命などを)奪う,主張するs that it was an 'unconscionable' 試みる/企てる by her ex-partner to '支配(する)/統制する her' after their 分裂(する).

Brad Pitt is now demanding ex-wife Angelina Jolie turn over NDA documents for previous agreements she's entered with third parties, in the latest motion in their ongoing legal battle over their Miraval winery. He is pictured at the chateau with business partner Marc Perrin

Brad Pitt is now 需要・要求するing ex-wife Angelina Jolie turn over NDA 文書s for previous 協定s she's entered with third parties, in the 最新の 動議 in their 現在進行中の 合法的な 戦う/戦い over their Miraval winery. He is pictured at the chateau with 商売/仕事 partner Marc Perrin

The actor's attorneys are seeking to discredit Jolie's claims that she refused to sell her share of Chateau Miraval to Pitt after she took issue with his proposed NDA

The actor's 弁護士/代理人/検事s are 捜し出すing to discredit Jolie's (人命などを)奪う,主張するs that she 辞退するd to sell her 株 of Chateau Miraval to Pitt after she took 問題/発行する with his 提案するd NDA?

An aerial view of Chateau Miraval in Le Val, southeastern France, the winery and home that Brangelina bought for $27million

An 空中の 見解(をとる) of Chateau Miraval in Le Val, southeastern フラン, the winery and home that Brangelina bought for $27million

Pitt's lawyers told LA Superior 法廷,裁判所 on Friday that Jolie's NDA 反対 was really just a cover story which she cooked-up to 'rationalize' her betrayal of Pitt, as first 報告(する)/憶測d by TMZ.?

The Fight Club 星/主役にするs 弁護士/代理人/検事s also (人命などを)奪う,主張する that she asked for Pitt to 調印する a broader NDA just six months later as part of th eir 離婚 解決/入植地 会談.

Part of their 動議 asks for Jolie to 公表する/暴露する any other NDA's that she entered into with third parties - 含むing her own personal staff.

The South of France chateau, where the couple wed in 2014, became Pitt's 'passion' and one of the world's most highly-regarded producers of ros? wine

The South of フラン chateau, where the couple 結婚する in 2014, became Pitt's 'passion' and one of the world's most 高度に-regarded 生産者s of ros? ワイン

They argue that it could '土台を崩す her 弁護' and is the 最新の 新たな展開 in the いわゆる 'War of the Ros?s' between the former Hollywood couple.

Pitt's lawyers argue that 公表,暴露 of her NDAs will 最終的に discredit Jolie's arguments over why she abandoned the 会談 with her estranged husband.

法廷,裁判所 文書s 明言する/公表する: 'If Jolie 条件d her continued 雇用 of an individual on that individual's 協定 to an NDA covering what they 証言,証人/目撃するd in her home―含むing her 治療 of her children and Pitt―that would be 高度に probative of whether she truly be lieved the 準備/条項 requested by Pitt was an 'unconscionable gag order.'

'The same is true with 尊敬(する)・点 to any NDA between Jolie and any third party with whom she is in a 関係 or who has 補助装置d with the care of the couple's children.

'To the extent that Jolie requested this third party's silence about her family or home life, 特に in a circumstance where there was no 商売/仕事 justification, it would speak 容積/容量s about whether Jolie 現実に 見解(をとる)d Pitt's requested NDA, which was linked to the Miraval 商売/仕事, as the 取引,協定-ender she subsequently 申し立てられた/疑わしい it to be.'

Pitt's lawyers argue that disclosure of her NDAs will ultimately discredit Jolie's arguments over why she abandoned the talks with her estranged husband

Pitt's lawyers argue that 公表,暴露 of her NDAs will 最終的に discredit Jolie's arguments over why she abandoned the 会談 with her estranged husband

Pitt at Chateau Miraval during 
a launch of his skincare line,?Le Domaine

Pitt at Chateau Miraval during a 開始する,打ち上げる of his skincare line,?Le Domaine

Pitt states that he was blindsided when Jolie sold her share of Chateau Miraval, a 35-room estate and celebrated vineyard in the south of France that Pitt and Jolie bought for $60million in 2011. The 1,000-acre estate ? now valued at $164million ? is where the couple tied the knot in 2014

Pitt 明言する/公表するs that he was blindsided when Jolie sold her 株 of Chateau Miraval, a 35-room 広い地所 and celebrated vineyard in the south of フラン that Pitt and Jolie bought for $60million in 2011. The 1 ,000-acre 広い地所 ? now valued at $164million ? is where the couple tied the knot in 2014

A letter from Jolie's 合法的な team 時代遅れの April 2021 含むd her own 草案 非,不,無-disparagement 協定, along with a second from her US 離婚 lawyers six months after she pulled out of the sale which 示唆するd an even broader NDA as part of their 離婚.

Pitt's とじ込み/提出するing 追加するs: 'The 範囲, 条件, and 支配する 事柄 covered by the NDAs that Jolie has 調印するd or asked a third party to 調印する are probative of whether Jolie truly withdrew from the 交渉s with Pitt because of the NDA he requested, as she 主張するs.

'By way of example only, if Jolie has 要求するd others to 調印する NDAs that were at least as 幅の広い as the one she (人命などを)奪う,主張するs was so 'unconscionable' here, it would 厳しく 土台を崩す her (人命などを)奪う,主張するd excuse for 終結させるing 交渉s with Pitt and covertly 交渉するing with Stoli. Nor is the 存在 of these 文書s 思索的な.'

Jolie is (刑事)被告 of '毅然とした 辞退するing' to produce other NDAs that she 調印するd or requested others to 調印する, and 主張するs that they are not 関連した.

It comes 24 hours after Jolie's team とじ込み/提出するd new 文書s which (人命などを)奪う,主張するd that Pitt was 肉体的に abusive to her before their 2016 列/漕ぐ/騒動 on a 計画(する) which led to their 分裂(する).

Sources の近くに to Pitt are 告発する/非難するing Jolie of making the filings to create 'a smokescreen' to distract from the 問題/発行するs central to the Chateau Miraval 事例/患者.

Pitt was shocked when his ex-wife sold her half of their stunning Chateau Miraval estate without his agreement to Russian billionaire Yuri Shefler in 2021
The couple had initially agreed to give each other first refusal if either of them ever decided to sell their share

Pitt was shocked when his ex-wife sold her half of their 素晴らしい 雑談(する) au Miraval 広い地所 without his 協定 to ロシアの 億万長者 Yuri Shefler in 2021

Angelina and Vivienne have been working together on the project as the teen has been interested in theater. Also seen was Matt Dillon, who was one of the stars of the Francis Ford Coppola 's 1983 coming-of-age crime drama

Angelina and Vivienne have been working together on the 事業/計画(する) as the teen has been 利益/興味d in theater. Also seen was Matt Dillon, who was one of the 星/主役にするs of the Francis Ford Coppola 's 1983 coming-of-age 罪,犯罪 演劇

Here Vivienne is seen center bottom with the cast and crew; mom Angelina is to the right

Here Vivienne is seen 中心 底(に届く) with the cast and 乗組員; mom Angelina is to the 権利

A friend told 'This 事例/患者 isn't about what took place on a 計画(する) in 2016.

It's about whether they had an 協定 not sell their 利益/興味s in the winery and family home without the other's 同意.

'That's what Brad and his team are 焦点(を合わせる)d on, and so far the 合法的な 勢い has been on their 味方する.

'The NDA Jolie was asked to 調印する is a 基準 商売/仕事 契約 designed to 保護する the 資産 存在 sold - in this 事例/患者 her 火刑/賭ける in Chateau Miraval.

'It's 不明瞭な why she finds this so unconscionable when her own lawyers 示唆するd a 相互に binding gagging 条項 as part of their 離婚 just a few months later.'

The arguments come after Pitt has landed several 合法的な victories in the 戦う/戦い for the winery 含むing a 重要な 裁判/判断 in Luxembourg which 手渡すd him 支援する 支配(する)/統制する of the award-winning vineyard 未解決の その上の 審理,公聴会s.

Last month LA Superior 法廷,裁判所 拒絶するd the 主張s that his 控訴 was 'frivolous, malicious, and part of a problematic pattern.'