Angelina Jolie is 告発する/非難するing Brad Pitt of trying to 'bleed her 乾燥した,日照りの' in their 現在進行中の bitter 合法的な 戦う/戦い - にもかかわらず him helping 濃厚にする his vengeful ex by の近くに to $100million

  • In newly とじ込み/提出するd 法廷,裁判所 文書s 得るd by, Angelina Jolie (人命などを)奪う,主張するs Brad Pitt's 訴訟 is an example of his '成果/努力s to 支配(する)/統制する and financially drain her'
  • But the Hollywood 星/主役にする, 60,? has 'bent over backwards to support Angie and help her out financially,'? Brad's 同盟(する)s say
  • Since their 分裂(する), Pitt has 手渡すd Jolie, 48, millions in 貸付金s, child support, and a 百分率 of the 所有物/資産/財産 at the heart of the 論争 ? Chateau Miraval

It's a 崩壊/分裂 that's lasted almost as long as the 関係 that に先行するd it.?

Dubbed 'the war of the ros?s,' Angelina Jolie has now (刑事)被告 'controlling' ex Brad Pitt, 60,?of 'financially draining her,' through the 長引いた 合法的な 戦う/戦い over the winery that's dogged the couple since their 分裂(する) in 2016.?


But while she 捜し出すs to (人命などを)奪う,主張する her ex is 'bleeding her 乾燥した,日照りの,' can 明らかにする/漏らす that since their ten-year 関係 ended in 離婚 after a two-year marriage, her fortunes have 急に上がるd.

Far from 原因(となる)ing her 基金s to dwindle, a 調査 明らかにする/漏らすs that Jolie’s 関係 with Pitt has helped 濃厚にする her by の近くに to $100million.

That money has come through 貸付金s, child support, gifts and the millions she 獲得するd from the sale of her 50 パーセント 株 in the 所有物/資産/財産 at the heart of the 論争 - Chateau Miraval ? ten パーセント of which was a gift from Pitt.

The couple’s former French home, a 素晴らしい 1,200 acre 広い地所 and vineyard was 価値(がある) $60million when they bought it in 2008. Now, thanks to Pitt’s 成果/努力 and 投資 in the 商売/仕事, it’s 価値(がある) a staggering $164million.

And, while Jolie, 48,? appears to be crying poverty in her 最新の 法廷,裁判所 filings, sources の近くに to Pitt point out that the Tomb raider 星/主役にする h 広告 十分な 基金s to 調印する a 最近の 取引,協定 to take over 57 広大な/多数の/重要な Jones Street, a unique Manhattan space once owned by Andy Warhol and 以前 rented for $60,000 a month.

Angelina Jolie has (刑事)被告 ex Brad Pitt of trying to '支配(する)/統制する and financially drain her' throughout their 現在進行中の 合法的な 戦う/戦い since their 2016 分裂(する)
Brad Pitt
Angelina Jolie looked effortlessly chic as she visited the storefront for her new fashion house, Atelier Jolie
Friends of the actor (人命などを)奪う,主張する Pitt has been doing his part to support his ex-wife and their kids financially, にもかかわらず their acrimonious 合法的な 戦う/戦い

Jolie has 調印するd an eight-year 賃貸し(する) for the 6,600 square-foot 所有物/資産/財産 to use as a 蓄える/店 to 促進する her fashion label, Atelier Jolie.?

In newly とじ込み/提出するd 法廷,裁判所 文書s 得るd by, the actress (人命などを)奪う,主張するs: 'It is 極端に painful for Jolie to have to defend herself from Pitt's 訴訟 ? itself another example of Pitt's unrelenting 成果/努力s to 支配(する)/統制する and financially drain her ? 特に because Pitt's 誤った 主張s as to the 推論する/理由s the Miraval 取引,協定 噴火口,クレーターd can only proven by doing 正確に/まさに what Jolie never 手配中の,お尋ね者 to do: 供給する to the trier of fact the 推論する/理由 the Miraval 取引,協定 failed, which was Pitt's 需要・要求する for an NDA to cover up his history of physical and emotional 乱用 of Jolie and their family.'


Says one source familiar with the 状況/情勢: 'Angie says Brad is bleeding her 乾燥した,日照りの ? but it looks like she wants to bleed him 乾燥した,日照りの.

'Far from 存在 out to 廃虚 his ex, it looks like Brad has bent over backwards to support Angie and help her out financially in spite of her appearing to be so vindictive,' the source 追加するd.?

Pitt had 初めは sought to buy Jolie out himself, to keep the winery 'in the family' should she want to 選ぶ out. But the 取引,協定 崩壊(する)d まっただ中に acrimony.

Pitt (刑事)被告 Jolie of 違反ing their 購入(する) 協定 when she sold her 50 パーセント 火刑/賭ける in Chateau Miraval to ロシアの oligarch, Yuri Shefler, in 2021, without her ex-husband's 同意.

?によれば Jolie the earlier 申し込む/申し出 to sell it to Pitt for $54million imploded 予定 to his 需要・要求するs.

Since their 2016 分裂(する), the two 星/主役にするs have been fighting in 法廷,裁判所 over their French winery, Chateau Miraval (seen) that they once owned together
Pitt was shocked when his ex-wife sold her half of their 素晴らしい Chateau Miraval 広い地所 without his 協定 to ロシアの 億万長者 Yuri Shefler in 2021
Br 広告 Pitt is now 需要・要求するing ex-wife Angelina Jolie turn over NDA 文書s for previous 協定s she's entered with third parties, in the 最新の 動議 in their 現在進行中の 合法的な 戦う/戦い over their Miraval winery. He is pictured at the chateau with 商売/仕事 partner Marc Perrin
Jolie has (刑事)被告 her ex-husband of 存在 abusive to both her and their six children ? Maddox Chivan, 22, Pax Thien, 20, Zahara Marley, 19, Shiloh Nouvel, 17, and twins Knox Leon and Vivienne Marcheline, 15.

But friends of the Oscar-winning 星/主役にする of Upon a Time in Hollywood have stepped up to defend Pitt as a man who has been nothing but generous in his 取引 with the actress.

By 2018, Pitt had spent more than $1.3million on child support, 含むing therapy for the children, 同様に as 支払う/賃金ing hundreds of thousands in sundry 法案s.

によれば sources Pitt has been 一貫した in his 支払い(額) of these expenses for the past seven years during which time he is believed to have he has stumped up の近くに to $10million in child support.

When the then couple bought Miraval in 2008, Pitt took a 60 パーセント 火刑/賭ける in the winemaking 企業 and 広い地所 while Jolie took 40 パーセント.


Pitt 注ぐd millions into the 広い地所, riding the ros? wave, and 拡大するing the 商売/仕事 in an 成果/努力 that saw sales grow 300 パーセント.

Soon the 広い地所 that they 購入(する)d for an 概算の $60million was 価値(がある) closer to $164million.

By the time of their wedding Jolie had 'stopped 投資するing' によれば 以前 とじ込み/提出するd 法廷,裁判所 記録,記録的な/記録するs ? something that she has 否定するd.?

Still, Pitt transferred 10 パーセント of his 株 to her by way of a wedding gift in December 2013 'for the sum of 1Euro [never paid]' so that by the time of their marriage in August 2014, they were 50/50 equal partners.

によれば sources Pitt (pictured with three of his children and his parents in 2014) has stumped up の近くに to $10million in child support over the years
Sources の近くに to the Hollywood actor have defended Pitt as a man who has been nothing but generous in his 取引 with the ex they brand, 'vindictive'

同様に as this generous gift, Pitt gave his wife a rare Winston Churchill 絵, 'Tower of Koutoubia イスラム教寺院' which she sold in March 2021 for $11.5million.

He 貸付金d her $8million to 購入(する) her 現在の Los Angeles home in 2018.?

Jolie bought the grand 構内/化合物 in Los Feliz, once home to Cecil B. DeMille for $24.5million and has since (人命などを)奪う,主張するd that the $8million from Pitt was in the form of a 貸付金 which (機の)カム with 利益/興味 and a 返済 計画(する).

Ironically, she told Vogue that she chose the 支え(る) erty because she 手配中の,お尋ね者 the children to be closer to their father who lives just five minutes away.

一方/合間, as the war over the sale of the winery plods on, Pitt has landed several 合法的な victories in 最近の months 含むing a 重要な 裁判/判断 in Luxembourg which 手渡すd him 支援する 支配(する)/統制する of Chateau Miraval's award-winning vineyard 未解決の その上の 審理,公聴会s.

Just last month he 得点する/非難する/20d another 勝利,勝つ when LA Superior 法廷,裁判所 拒絶するd Jolie's 主張s that his 控訴 was, 'frivolous, malicious, and part of a problematic pattern.'

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