EXCLUSIVEChannel 10 was slammed by a 裁判官 for Lisa Wilkinson's Logies grandstanding speech. But just hours later, The 事業/計画(する) made a 類似の mistake

The 事業/計画(する) host Sarah Harris introduced a guest whose 申し立てられた/疑わしい rapist was acquitted of 性の 強襲,強姦 as a '強姦 生存者', just hours after?網状組織 Ten was slammed over Lisa Wilkinson's 悪名高い Logies speech.

The guest was 犠牲者s' 支持する Saxon Mullins and her (刑事)被告 攻撃者, Luke Lazarus, was 設立する not 有罪の seven years ago of having had 性の intercourse with her without 同意.

Bruce Lehrmann's 裁判,公判 for 強姦ing Brittany Higgins was 延期するd for three months when Wilkinson 賞賛するd the then-申し立てられた/疑わしい 犠牲者's courage at the Logies before he had 直面するd a 陪審/陪審員団.

His 裁判,公判 裁判,公判 was 最終的に 中止するd 予定 to 賠審員 不品行/姦通 but 連邦の 法廷,裁判所 裁判官 Michael 物陰/風下 設立する on Monday afternoon Lehrmann had 強姦d Ms Higgin s.

司法(官) 物陰/風下 also 非難するd Ten for 'grossly 妥当でない' 行為/行う in relation to Wilkinson's Logies grandstanding, which he said she should have known was 'fraught with danger'.? ?

He said Ten's 上級の litigation counsel Tasha Smithies should have been aware of 可能性のある 合法的な 問題/発行するs when giving Wilkinson advice about the speech.?

The 事業/計画(する) led its episode on Monday ev ening with news of the 連邦の 法廷,裁判所 defamation 裁判/判断 in which 司法(官) 物陰/風下 設立する against Lehrmann.

While 司法(官) 物陰/風下 支配するd in favour of Ten, he was 批判的な of Wilkinson's February 2021 interview with Ms Higgins on The 事業/計画(する), finding the program had failed to 適切に 調査/捜査する inconsistencies in her 見解/翻訳/版 of events.

He criticised The 事業/計画(する) for failing to question the 動機s of Ms Higgins's fiance David Sharaz for encouraging Ms Higgins to come 今後, and for not doing enough to 接触する Lehrmann.?

Lehrmann had (人命などを)奪う,主張するd he was defamed by Ten and Wilkinson when Ms Higgins said in The 事業/計画(する) interview she was 強姦d in 議会 House in March 2019.

Ms Higgins did not 指名する Lehrmann - who had not yet been 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金d with 強姦 - but he said he could be identified by what was said.

The Project host Sarah Harris introduced a guest whose alleged attacker was acquitted of sexual assault as a 'rape survivor', just hours after Network Ten was slammed over Lisa Wilkinson's infamous Logies speech

The 事業/計画(する) host Sarah Harris introduced a guest whose 申し立てられた/疑わしい 攻撃者 was acquitted of 性の 強襲,強姦 as a '強姦 生存者', just hours after 網状組織 Ten was slammed over Lisa Wilkinson's 悪名高い Logies speech

On Monday night, The 事業/計画(する) パネル盤 spoke to lawyer Justin Quill, who 行為/法令/行動するd for Ten, and said the 網状組織 had 安全な・保証するd a 'big 勝利,勝つ'.?

Host Sarah Harris then introduced Saxon Mullins from 強姦 and 性の 強襲,強姦 研究 and Advocacy (RASARA) to discuss 司法(官) 物陰/風下's 決定/判定勝ち(する).?

'Saxon Mullins is a 強姦 生存者, and 犠牲者s' 支持する,' Harris said, without any explanation that Ms Mullins' (刑事)被告 rapist had been acquitted.

'It must have been 特に 誘発する/引き起こすing for you - you had to go through that 司法(官) system after an 強襲,強姦 - what was that like?' Harris said.

Ms Mullins was 18 when she (刑事)被告 21-year-old Luke Lazarus, son of multimillionaire hotelier Andrew Lazarus, of 強姦ing her in an alley behind his father's Soho night club at Kings Cross in May 2013.

Mr Lazarus was 設立する 有罪の 2015 of 強姦ing Ms Mullins and spent 11 months i n 刑務所,拘置所 but was 認めるd a retrial and acquitted in 2017 by a NSW 地区 法廷,裁判所 裁判官 sitting without a 陪審/陪審員団.

Sarah Harris described victims' advocate Saxon Mullins as a 'rape survivor' (above). Ms Mullins's accused rapist, Luke Lazarus, was cleared seven years ago of having had sexual intercourse with her without consent.

Sarah Harris 述べるd 犠牲者s' 支持する Saxon Mullins as a '強姦 生存者' (above). Ms Mullins's (刑事)被告 rapist, Luke Lazarus, was (疑いを)晴らすd seven years ago of having had 性の intercourse with her without 同意.

裁判官 Robyn Tupman 設立する while Ms Saxon did not 同意 to anal intercourse, there was no 証拠 to find Lazarus knew she was not 同意ing, or was 無謀な.?

'I have come to the 決意 that the 栄冠を与える has not 設立するd that there were no reasonable grounds for believing the 原告,告訴人 was not 同意ing,' she said.?

Ms Mullins remained 匿名の/不明の throughout the 合法的な 過程 but 許すd herself to be identified in a Four Corners episode 肩書を与えるd I Am That Girl which 空気/公表するd in May , 2018.?

Nine days after Ms Higgins told her story, Mr Lazarus rang 2GB's Ben Fordham to defend himself.?

In that interview Mr Lazarus said he believed Ms Mullins had '手配中の,お尋ね者 to be there' when he had anal sex with the virgin, four minutes after 会合 her.

There had never been any 論争 that Mr Lazarus had sex with Ms Mullins; the only 問題/発行する was whether or not she gave 同意.

Ms Mullins, whose biography on the RASARA website 言及するs to 'her 2013 性の 強襲,強姦', said she asked Mr Lazarus to stop. He said she didn't.

Saxon Mullins was 18 when she accused Luke Lazarus, son of Soho night club owner Andrew Lazarus, of raping her in an alley behind the Kings Cross venue in May 2013. Mr Lazarus is pictured outside court in 2017

Saxon Mullins was 18 when she (刑事)被告 Luke Lazarus, son of Soho night club owner Andrew Lazarus, of 強姦ing her in an alley behind the Kings Cross 発生地 in May 2013. Mr Lazarus is pictured outside 法廷,裁判所 in 2017

'It's been 設立する [that] my belief she was 同意ing was a reasonable one,' Mr Lazarus told Fordham.

'I think this whole night's 残念な. At the end of the day I've been 設立する innocent. [(刑事)被告 persons acquitted of 罪,犯罪s are not '設立する innocent'].

網状組織 Ten did not 答える/応じる to a request for comment. Daily Mail Australia 試みる/企てるd to 接触する Mr Lazarus at this workplace.?

Ms Mullins appeared と一緒に Ms Higgins and Wilkinson at the March 4 司法(官) 決起大会/結集させる outside 議会 House in March 2021.?

Wilkinson 配達するd her Logies speech in June 2022 when she 受託するd a statuette for Most 優れた News ニュース報道 or Public 事件/事情/状勢s for the Higgins interview.

'Brittany Higgins was a political problem,' Wilkinson had said. 'And 政府s tend to like political problems to go away. But Brittany never did.

'And the truth is, this honour belongs to Brittany. It belongs to a 26-year-old woman's unwavering courage.

Mr Lazarus was found guilty 2015 of raping Ms Mullins and spent 11 months in prison but was granted a retrial and acquitted in 2017 by a NSW District Court judge sitting without a jury. Mr Lazarus and Ms Mullins are pictured in CCTV footage

Mr Lazarus was 設立する 有罪の 2015 of 強姦ing Ms Mullins and spent 11 months in 刑務所,拘置所 but was 認めるd a retrial and acquitted in 2017 by a NSW 地区 法廷,裁判所 裁判官 sitting without a 陪審/陪審員団. Mr Lazarus and Ms Mullins are pictured in CCTV (映画の)フィート数

'Thank you for helping to change the 国家の conversation. And on に代わって of all of the 世代s of women to come, thank you, Brittany, for never giving up.'

That speech (機の)カム eight days before Lehrmann's 強姦 裁判,公判 in the ACT 最高裁判所 was 始める,決める to 開始する.?

長,指導者 司法(官) Lucy McCallum 延期するd the 審理,公聴会 because what Wilkinson had said '完全に obliterated' the distinction between an 主張 and a finding of 犯罪.

司法(官) 物陰/風下 設立する Ten's 行為/行う?was 'grossly 妥当でない and 正統化できない' in encouraging Wilkinson to make the comments she did.

'[Wilkinson] only (機の)カム to give the speech as a result of 存在 不正に let 負かす/撃墜する by those to whom she turned for advice and counsel,' he said.

Justice Michael Lee also said as an experienced journalist Wilkinson should have known what she said at the Logies about Brittany Higgins was 'fraught with danger'. Wilkinson is pictured with her barrister Sue Chrysanthou SC

司法(官) Michael 物陰/風下 also said as an experienced 新聞記者/雑誌記者 Wilkinson should have known what she said at the Logies about Brittany Higgins was 'fraught with danger'. Wilkinson is pictured with her barrister 告訴する Chrysanthou SC

'I 悔いる to say that the continuing 欠如(する) of insight by Ms Smithies as to the inappropriateness of her 行為/行う 関係のある to the speech 反映するs, in my 見解(をとる), a 欠如(する) of proper 評価 of her professional 義務s as a solicitor,' he said.

司法(官) 物陰/風下 also said Wilkinson should have known as an experienced 新聞記者/雑誌記者 what she said at the Logies was 'fraught with danger'.

Wilkinson had given the speech because she had become 'inextricably intertwined with Ms Higgins' and not because of 圧力 from Ten, he said.

Ms Mullins (選挙などの)運動をするd for changes to NSW 強姦 法律制定 which resulted in 法律s 要求するing a person to do or say something to their partner to show they 同意 to sex.?

She was the 受取人 of the Australian Human 権利s (売買)手数料,委託(する)/委員会/権限's 2018 Young Persons' Human 権利s メダル.