Abbie Chatfield has 選び出す/独身d out the 'objectification of women' and Australia's '悲惨な' mental ヒース/荒れ地 care system as the 原因(となる)s of the Westfield Bondi Junction 大虐殺.

The podcaster, 28, took to Instagram on Wednesday with an 爆発性の ビデオ after police 明らかにする/漏らすd knifeman Joel Cauchi was 'definitely 的ing women'.

Cauchi, 40, 殺人d five women and one man after he entered the shopping centre (権力などを)行使するing a 30cm knife on Saturday at about 3.20pm.

Chatfield said in her emotional ビデオ: 'This 暴力/激しさ doesn't start from nowhere. This starts from people speaking about women as though they're 反対するs, continuously.'

'That objectification of women 許すs the dehumanisation of women, and that 許すs men to easily go 負かす/撃墜する a slippery slope に向かって 暴力/激しさ.'

Abbie Chatfield, 28, (pictured) has slammed the 'objectificatio
n of women' and Australia's 'dire' mental heath care system as the cause of the Westfield Bondi Junction massacre

Abbie Chatfield, 28, (pictured) has slammed the 'objectification of women' and Australia's '悲惨な' mental ヒース/荒れ地 care system as the 原因(となる) of the Westfield Bondi Junction 大虐殺

She continued: 'Whether that's 暴力/激しさ in the home, 国内の 暴力/激しさ, 言葉の 乱用, catcalling, 性の いやがらせs, 性の 強襲,強姦, 強姦, 殺人, 集まり 殺人.'

'These aren't 孤立するd f**king 出来事/事件s. These are very f**king 明確に all 関係のある. How can people not see?

'Speaking about women online in violent, volatile ways leads to 暴力/激しさ and volatility in real life. In our homes, in our f**king shopping centres.'

It was at this point Chatfield began to lose her temper and passionately 追加するd: 'Walking at night. Travelling alone. We can't do f**king anything.'

'We're not seen as anything but 支え(る)s,' she tearfully 明言する/公表するd.

The podcaster took to Instagram on Wednesday with an explosive video after police revea
led knifeman Joel Cauchi was 'definitely targeting women'

The podcaster took to Instagram on Wednesday with an 爆発性の ビデオ after police 明らかにする/漏らすd knifeman Joel Cauchi was 'definitely 的ing women'

Chatfield went on to 激突する the 明言する/公表する of Australia's mental health care system and the difficult 過程 伴う/関わるd in admitting oneself to a psychiatric 施設.

She said misogyny and mental health are '悲惨な' 問題/発行するs within the country, and often lead to 悲惨な 結果s when they cross paths.

'This is not to say Joel Cauchi was a 犠牲者, but there has to be some 責任/義務 on the structures in which we live,' she said.

Chatfield then called for better 基金ing に向かって?'取り去る/解体するing patriarchy and 建設するing a 強健な mental health care system' in Australia.

NSW Police Commissioner Karen Webb 確認するd earlier this week it was 'obvious' Cauchi was 的ing women during his horror rampage.

Cauchi, 40, (pictured) murdered five women and one man after he entered the shopping centre wielding a 30cm knife on Saturday at about 3.20pm

Cauchi, 40, (pictured) 殺人d five women and one man after he entered the shopping centre (権力などを)行使するing a 30cm knife on Saturday at about 3.20pm

The stabbing attack ended when NSW Police 視察官 Amy Scott, who was patrolling nearby,?選び出す/独身-handedly 直面するd Cauchi before 狙撃 him dead.

His 犠牲者s were:

A police source told the Daily Telegraph that 捜査官/調査官s believe Cauchi was 'definitely 的ing women'.

The source explained police had 見解(をとる)d 広範囲にわたる (映画の)フィート数 of Cauchi's movements throughout the shopping centre and 観察するd him selecting his 犠牲者s.

'I don't think there's any other way to look at it,' the source told the newspaper.?

'You can see on the (映画の)フィート数 he walks past other people. He just keeps moving past them and then attacks a woman.'

Mum Ashlee Good died and her nine-month-old baby was also stabbed
Dawn Singleton, the daughter of multi-millionaire advertising guru John Singleton, was killed
Mother-of-two and Architect Jade Young was fatally stabbed

Cauchi's 犠牲者s 含む - Ashlee Good, a 38-year-old mum (left);?夜明け Singleton (centre), the 25-year-old daughter of multi-millionaire advertising guru John Singleton; and mother-of-two and Architect Jade Young (権利)?

Police Commissioner Webb 確認するd the 憶測 to ABC on Monday, 説: 'It's obvious to me... The 違反者/犯罪者 焦点(を合わせる)d on women and 避けるd the men.

'We don't know what was operating in the mind of the 違反者/犯罪者 and that's why it's important now that 探偵,刑事s spend so much time interviewing those who know him, were around him, の近くに to him.

'So we can get some insight into what he might have been thinking. We won't know やむを得ず but we have to take a 裁判/判断 from those who know him.'

Cauchi was known to police and had been living in Sydney sporadically over the past couple of years.

He was 診断するd with schizophrenia at the age of 17, and it's understood he has a history of 存在 obsessed with knives.

Westfield security guard and Pakistani refugee was killed in the rampage
Bondi Junction woman?Pikria Darchia was stabbed to death
Chinese national and student?Yixuan Cheng was also killed

Cauchi's 犠牲者s from left to 権利: Westfield 安全 guard and Pakistani 難民, 30-year-old Faraz Tahi; 地元の artist and Bondi Junction woman, 55-year-old Pikria Darchia and Chinese 国家の and student?Yixuan Cheng

While living with his parents in Toowoomba, southeast Queensland, they became so worried about his fixation that they took his knives away from him.

His parents, Andrew and Michele, both in their 70s, 拒絶する/低下するd to speak with マスコミ after 述べるing their son's stabbing spree as 'truly horrific'.

The 荒廃させるd pair recognised their son from (映画の)フィート数 on TV and made a frantic phone call to police.

The Cauchis said in their 声明 on Sunday that they have 'no 問題/発行するs' with 視察官 Scott's 活動/戦闘s or that of the NSW Police.

'We are 絶対 荒廃させるd by the traumatic events that occurred in Sydney yesterday,' they said.

A police source claimed investigators believe Cauchi was 'definitely targeting women' (pictured, member of the public lays flowers as a tribute to? victims outside Oxford Street Mall)

A police so urce (人命などを)奪う,主張するd 捜査官/調査官s believe Cauchi was 'definitely 的ing women' (pictured, member of the public lays flowers as a 尊敬の印 to? 犠牲者s outside Oxford Street 商店街)

Police Commissioner Webb confirmed the speculation to ABC on Monday, saying: 'It's obvious to me... The offender focused on women and avoided the men. Pictured: Joel Cauchi

Police Commissioner Webb 確認するd the 憶測 to ABC on Monday, 説: 'It's obvious to me... The 違反者/犯罪者 焦点(を合わせる)d on women and 避けるd the men. Pictured: Joel Cauchi

They continued: 'Our thoughts and 祈りs are with the families and friends of the 犠牲者s and those still を受けるing 治療 at this time.

'Joel's 活動/戦闘s were truly horrific, and we are still trying to comprehend what has happened.

'He has 戦う/戦いd with mental health 問題/発行するs since he was a 十代の少年少女.

'We are in 接触する with both the New South むちの跡s Police 軍隊 and Queensland Police Service and have no 問題/発行するs with the Police Officer who 発射 our son as she was only doing her 職業 to 保護する others and we hope she is c oping alright.'

Police are searching through a 'very small 貯蔵 施設' in Sydney that Cauchi rented out すぐに after his move from Brisbane to Sydney.

He was 報道によれば sleeping rough and had no 直す/買収する,八百長をするd 演説(する)/住所.

Cauchi's attack ended when NSW Police Inspector Amy Scott confronted him before shooting him dead (pictured). Cauchi's parents said they have 'no issues' with Inspector Scott's actions

Cauchi's attack ended when NSW Police 視察官 Amy Scott 直面するd him before 狙撃 him dead (pictured). Cauchi's parents said they have 'no 問題/発行するs' with 視察官 Scott's 活動/戦闘s

Just six days before the attack, Cauchi 招待するd Sydneysiders to join him for a surf at Bondi Beach in a 地位,任命する 株d to a Facebook group for beginner surfers.

Cauchi wrote: 'Hi I am surfing Bondi this afternoon if anyone wants to 会合,会う there for a surf!'

In another 地位,任命する, 株d in December 2020 to an outdoor adventure Facebook group for Brisbane 居住(者)s, Cauchi explained he 手配中の,お尋ね者 to 会合,会う with people who shoot guns.

'Hi I am looking for groups of people who shoot guns, 含むing handguns, to 会合,会う up with, 雑談(する) with and get to know. Please send me DM if you can help me out! I live in Brisbane by the way,' Cauchi wrote.

Social マスコミ 使用者s noticed the alarming 地位,任命する hours after police identified Cauchi.

'Thank goodness you didn't get your 手渡すs on a gun... the 荒廃 you have 原因(となる)d is horrible enough,' one person wrote.