Celebrity パン職人 Paul Hollywood has been awarded an MBE at Windsor 城?for his services to baking and broadcasting?on Wednesday.

TV 星/主役にする Paul, 57, has been a 裁判官 on the 攻撃する,衝突する TV show since it started in 2010, co-hosting firstly with Dame Mary Berry and then Dame Prue Leith.

Paul, who was joined by family members 含むing his mother Gill and received his honour from the Princess 王室の, said he would love for the Prince and Princess of むちの跡s to appear on the show.

Speaking after the 儀式, Paul said 存在 made an MBE had left him feeling 'very proud', but he wished his nan had been alive to 証言,証人/目撃する it.

He explained: 'I was over the moon. When I (first 設立する out) I told my mum and she was silent on the phone, which is やめる unusual for my mum.

Celebrity baker Paul Hollywood has been awarded an MBE at Windsor Castle for his services to baking and broadcasting on Wednesday

Celebrity パン職人 Paul Hollywood has been awarded an MBE at Windsor 城 for his services to baking and broadcasting on Wednesday

Paul, who was presented with his honour by the Princess Royal , said he would love for the Prince and Princess of Wales to appear on the show (pictured with Princess Anne)

Paul, who was 現在のd with his honour by the Princess 王室の , said he would love for the Prince and Princess of むちの跡s to appear on the show (pictured with Princess Anne)

Paul's mother Gill (pictured far right in a black floral dress) was on hand to watch the ceremony

Paul's mother Gill (pictured far 権利 in a 黒人/ボイコット floral dress) was on 手渡す to watch the 儀式

Paul admitted that the royal couple would be 'very welcome' to appear on the show

Paul 認める that the 王室の couple would be 'very welcome' to appear on the show

'I wish my nan had seen it. She was very fond of the 王室の family, as we all are.

'But 特に she would've been over the moon. But my mum was here today so she was loving it.'

When asked which 王室の he would 選ぶ to compete in the Bake Off テント, Paul said: 'I think I'd go for Kate and Will - they'd be more than welcome!'?

He later spoke of Princess Anne, who 統括するd over the 儀式, and said that he had 以前 met her before at Buckinham Palace.

He said: 'I've always been fond of the Princess 王室の.

'I met her a few years ago at Buckingham Palace when the (then) Duke of Edinburgh wasn't very 井戸/弁護士席. We were all with members of the 王室の family and I just happened to be there with Princess Anne. So to s ee her again today was fantastic.

'She did say "baking is so integral to the デオキシリボ核酸 of us all. We love the smell". And I said "絶対, I grew up with the smell".

'I think she's 特に fond of Chelsea buns. I 約束d her some, so I put myself on the 位置/汚点/見つけ出す there.'

When asked if the 王室の family were fans of the show, Hollywood 自白するd they were 'fully aware of (it), yes.'

Paul's family looked on as he received the honour from Princess Anne on Tuesday afternoon

Paul's family looked on as he received the honour from Princess Anne on Tuesday afternoon?

TV star Paul, 57, has been a judge on the hit TV show since it started in 2010, co-hosting firstly with Dame Mary Berry and then Dame Prue Leith

TV 星/主役にする Paul, 57, has been a 裁判官 on the 攻撃する,衝突する TV show since it started in 2010, co-hosting firstly with Dame Mary Berry and then Dame Prue Leith

Speaking after the ceremony, Paul said being made an MBE had left him feeling 'very proud', but he wished his nan had been alive to witness it

Speaking after the 儀式, Paul said 存在 made an MBE had left him feeling 'very proud', but he wished his nan had been alive to 証言,証人/目撃する it

He explained: 'I was over the moon. When I (first found out) I told my mum and she was silent on the phone, which is quite unusual for my mum

He explained: 'I was over the moon. When I (first 設立する out) I told my mum and she was silent on the phone, which is やめる unusual for my mum

Bake Off made Paul a 世帯 指名する and he moved with the show when it switched from the BBC to Channel 4 in 2016.

When asked about both his 未来 and the 未来 of the programme, he said: 'I'm not going anywhere yet. Season 15 is starting soon. We'll work on that, the American 見解/翻訳/版 and the Stand Up To 癌 Bake Off.

'So for the 残り/休憩(する) of the year it's going to be 十分な on Bake Off, which I love.

'It's taken off as a 全世界の brand. We get these 抱擁する A-lister celebrities 接触するing me and coming の上に the 始める,決める.

'We're just gobsmacked. This little baking programme in a テント has created this 抱擁する 動かす.

'So I think it's more of the same. It's not broken, so pointless trying to 直す/買収する,八百長をする it.

'The パン職人s every year get better and better. The 基準 is amazing and we all love 存在 in our second home, which is the Bake Off テント.'

Paul also 確認するd that he was working on a new 調書をとる/予約する which will be about 'celebrating Christmas, 復活祭 and festivals throughout the year'.

He 追加するd: 'It's very much a celebratory 味方する of baking. It's more fun and more relaxed.'

He later spoke of Princess Anne, who presided over the ceremony, and said that he had previously met her before at Buckinham Palace

He later spoke of Princess Anne, who 統括するd over the 儀式, and said that he had 以前 met her before at Buckinham Palace

He said: 'I've always been fond of the Princess Royal' (pictured? at the investiture)

He said: 'I've always been fond of the Princess 王室の' (pictured? at the investiture)?