Vicky Pattison 提起する/ポーズをとるs with Italian 旗s as she tries to make light of THAT airport fiasco after she was stopped from 飛行機で行くing to visit dream wedding 発生地 予定 to パスポート 支配する break

Vicky Pattison?tried to make light of her airport fiasco after she was stopped from 飛行機で行くing 予定 to a 損失d パスポート last week.

The TV personality, 36, was gifted a box of Italian goodies from her Heart FM 同僚s during her 無線で通信する show and jokingly 提起する/ポーズをとるd with the country's 旗s.

Vicky was turned away from her easyJet flight to Italy?on Sunday 予定 to her dog chewing and わずかに 損失ing her パスポート.

The former Geordie Shore 星/主役にする was 予定 to 飛行機で行く out and visit her wedding 発生地 同様に as 会合,会う the wedding planner and taste 実験(する) their menu.

However, Vicky and her fianc??Ercan Ramadan?went sent home after easyJet staff told the reality 星/主役にする that her パスポート broke company 政策.

Vicky Pattison, 36, tried to make light of her airport fiasco after she was stopped from flying due to a damaged passport last week

Vicky Pattison, 36, tried to make light of her airport fiasco after she was stopped from 飛行機で行くing 予定 to a 損失d パスポート last week

にもかかわらず 存在 極端に upset and disappointed she couldn't 飛行機で行く, Vicky put on a beaming smile as she returned to work.

She captioned her 地位,任命する: 'Honestly have the BEST little family in the world... I couldn't get to Italy, so they bought Italy to me.

'Thank you so much @chazzychum @adamlawrance and @producerzoe for the cutest little surprise ever... @thisisheart.'?

On Tuesday, Vicky told how she had spent the day at the パスポート office to 適用する for a new 文書 so that she wouldn't 行方不明になる her 女/おっせかい屋 do later this month.?

Speaking on her 無線で通信する show, Vicky told listeners: 'Everyone I'm sure by now knows, I tried to go to Italy at the 週末 to see my wedding 発生地 and try the menu. We were really excited, we got to the airport really 早期に Sunday morning and we got turned away.

'The 航空機による, who will remain nameless because I think I've 原因(となる)d enough grief, said [my パスポート] was too 損失d for their company 政策. I have been travelling with it all year but company 政策 is company 政策.

'I took it on the chin and walked away, and did a couple of stories 説 I was really disappointed. I'd wasted money on the flight and my wedding planner and florist were already out there, I was feeling disappointed and tired.

'I then just got on with my life and went home to my dogs, tried to look on the 有望な 味方する. And then the 圧力(をかける) just went mental, like nobody had ever been turned away from a flight because of a パスポート 引き裂く before. It was 報告(する)/憶測d that I'm like banned from easyJet, they made it sound like I'm on some sort of 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる).

Vicky was turned away from her easyJet flight to Italy on Sunday due to her dog chewing and slightly damaging her passport

Vicky was turned away from her easyJet flight to Italy on Sunday 予定 to her dog chewing and わずかに 損失ing her パスポート?

The TV personality posted a snap of the top of her passport which had been chewed by her pet pooch, while branding easyJet a 'destroyer of dreams'

The TV personality 地位,任命するd a snap of the 最高の,を越す of her パスポート which had been chewed by her pet pooch, while branding easyJet a '破壊者 of dreams'?

Vicky's dog Milo was the culprit behind the damaged passport

Vicky's dog Milo was the 犯人 behind the 損失d パスポート?

Adam questioned: 'You didn't have a 炎ing 列/漕ぐ/騒動 at the gate...

'No I just walked off! I was like are you, can I take my chances? We're not gonna 危険 it. Then I went home to my dogs! You'd like I was some sort of 犯罪の...'

Adam said: 'I'm sorry you didn't get to go to Italy. But the story has a happy ending as you've spent all day in the パスポート office...

Vicky 明らかにする/漏らすd: 'Yeah I went straight there, I am going to Dubai and I've got my 女/おっせかい屋 this month, I'm taking no chances. I think this is the universes way of telling me to sort out my パスポート. So I was proactive, and I did it. And the good news is my new one will be here in a week.'

On Monday, easyJet 問題/発行するd a 声明 about the 出来事/事件.?

A spokesperson told MailOnline: 'We are sorry for Ms Pattison’s ex perience and the inconvenience 原因(となる)d. At easyJet, we work closely with the 当局 and 従う with their 指導/手引 to 確実にする the safety and 安全 of all 乗客s and staff.

'As such, we cannot 許す any 乗客 to travel on their planned flight with documentation 損失d to such a degree that its authenticity is brought into question'.?

They 追加するd: 'It is the 乗客’s 責任/義務 to have suitable documentation for travel.'

The former Geordie Shore star was due to fly out and visit her wedding venue as well as meet the wedding planner and taste test their menu

The former Geordie Shore 星/主役にする was 予定 to 飛行機で行く out and visit her wedding 発生地 同様に as 会合,会う the wedding planner and taste 実験(する) their menu?

Vicky took to Instagram to rage about airline following them turning her away from a flight on Sunda

Vicky took to Instagram to 激怒(する) about 航空機による に引き続いて them turning her away from a flight on Sunday

A spokesperson for easyJet told MailOnline: 'We are sorry for Ms Pattison?s experience and the inconvenience caused. At easyJet, we work closely with the authorities and comply with their guidance to ensure the safety and security of all passengers and staff? (pictured with?fianc? Ercan)

A spokesperson for easyJet told MailOnline: 'We are sorry for Ms Pattison’s experience and the inconvenience 原因(となる)d. At easyJet, we work closely with the 当局 and 従う with their 指導/手引 to 確実にする the safety and 安全 of all 乗客s and staff? (pictured with?fianc? Ercan)

Vicky had taken to her social マスコミ earlier in the day to say she was on her way home to 'cry' after the ordeal.

激怒(する)ing, she wrote: 'Thought we were off to see our wedding 発生地 today, we were so excited..

'I 急ぐd 支援する from Newcastle, packed at midnight last night and jumped into bed and got 3 hours sleep... But I didn't mind because we were going for our menu tasting @ercan_ram.

'Only to have the @easyiet staff turn me away.. I've been travelling with my パスポート all year and no one's said anything, but it's definitely 井戸/弁護士席 travelled to be fair Company 政策 is company 政策 and I get it, I'm just beyond gutted you know??

'My wedding planner, her assistant, my florist, everyone are all 長,率いるing out... ... X And I'm just 長,率いるing home... to have a really good cry I think.

'All the wasted money, how hard it was for me to get the time off, how excited we were, how I've wasted everyone's time.. I'm just really sad I think.'

Vicky had taken to her social media to say she was on her way home to 'cry' after the ordeal

Vicky had taken to her social マスコミ to say she was on her way home to 'cry' after the ordeal

株ing a photo of her パスポート, she 追加するd: 'This is what was wrong with my パスポート for everyone asking, in fairness, I don't know if that is really bad or not, I've just not had anyone ever tell me it was before.. cheeky little milo butt.

'Think rather than waste my glam, I'm going to take some new パスポート pictures, then cry...'

Vicky 結論するd her string of 地位,任命するs with a screenshot from an online form which asked how her パスポート had been 損失d.

令状ing in the answer box, 'My dog chewed the 味方する abit,' she 追加するd in her caption to fans, '@easyjet you 破壊者 of dreams you.'