By Ciara 農業者 For Mailonline

Rachel Woolford has been 指名するd the 勝利者 of The 見習い工's 18th series.?

On Thursday evening, it was 明らかにする/漏らすd the fitness entrepreneur, 28, from 物陰/風下d has become the fifth 女性(の) 候補者 in a 列/漕ぐ/騒動 to 勝利,勝つ Lord Sugar's £250,000 投資 after (警官の)巡回区域,受持ち区域ing pie shop owner Phil Turner, 37.?

In the final 仕事, Rachel and Phil went 長,率いる-to-長,率いる to 証明する to Lord Sugar why they deserved to receive his 4半期/4分の1 of a million 続けざまに猛撃する 投資 and to form a 50/50 共同 with the TV 星/主役にする and 商売/仕事 mogul.

With the 援助 of 補佐官s?Baroness Karren Brady and Tim Campbell MBE, Lord Sugar chose Rachel to 勝利,勝つ the 投資, 説: 'It's very, very hard for me... My gut feeling is telling me that, Rachel, you're going to be my 商売/仕事 partner.'

After learning of her 勝利,勝つ, Rachel said: 'To 参加する the 過程 has been incredible and to come out a 勝利者 is just something beyond my wildest dreams.'?

Rachel Woolford has been named the winner of The Apprentice's 18th series

Rachel Woolford has been 指名するd the 勝利者 of The 見習い工's 18th series

On Thursday evening, it was revealed the fitness entrepreneur, 28, from Leeds has become the fifth female candidate in a row to win Lord Sugar 's £250,000 investment after beating pie shop owner Phil Turner, 37

On Thursday evening, it was 明らかにする/漏らすd the fitness entrepreneur, 28, from 物陰/風下d has become the fifth 女性(の) 候補者 in a 列/漕ぐ/騒動 to 勝利,勝つ Lord Sugar 's £250,000 投資 after (警官の)巡回区域,受持ち区域ing pie shop owner Phil Turner, 37

In the final boardroom, Baroness Karren and Tim, issued their thoughts on the finalists' performance before Lord Sugar made his decision

In the final boardroom, Baroness Karren and Tim, 問題/発行するd their thoughts on the finalists' 業績/成果 before Lord Sugar made his 決定/判定勝ち(する)

Thursday evening's finale saw?候補者s who were 解雇する/砲火/射撃d earlier in the series return to help the two finalists bring their 商売/仕事 計画(する)s to life before they took on the biggest pitch of their lives to Lord Sugar and 産業 専門家s.

In the final boardroom, Baroness Karren and Tim, 問題/発行するd their thoughts on the finalists' 業績/成果 before Lord Sugar made his 決定/判定勝ち(する).

About Rachel, Baroness Brady said: 'This 商売/仕事 is her life and her passion for it really comes across. The 問題/発行する really is just how expensive it is to open gyms, and she'll 燃やす through your 投資 pretty quickly.'

Tim 追加するd: 'I think the thing with Rachel is that she's going into a 広大な/多数の/重要な 産業 部門 and she's a 広大な/多数の/重要な 支持する for her 製品 and service...

'It's about the scalability of that. Can she systemise what she's done very 井戸/弁護士席 at two gyms over at many, many more?.'

Talking about Phil, Tim said: 'I think the thing for his 商売/仕事 is that you've given him (疑いを)晴らす 指示,表示する物s of what is needed to grow this 商売/仕事, will he 受託する tha t direction and put into place what you're thinking he needs to grow?'

Baroness Brady 追加するd: 'He 明確に has a good 商売/仕事, and his 製品 is excellent. But he has to embrace new ways of doing things and you're going to have to be 納得させるd that he's going to take your advice and make those 堅い 決定/判定勝ち(する)s...

'Because いつかs you have to make 堅い 決定/判定勝ち(する)s in 商売/仕事. That's how you 生き残る.'

About Rachel, Baroness Brady said: 'This business is her life and her passion for it really comes across. The issue really is just how expensive it is to open gyms, and she'll burn through your investment pretty quickly'

About Rachel, Baroness Brady said: 'This 商売/仕事 is her life and her passion for it really comes across. The 問題/発行する really is just how expensive it is to open gyms, and she'll 燃やす through your 投資 pretty quickly'?

Rachel said: 'To take part in the process has been incredible and to come out a winner is just something beyond my wildest dreams. I was twenty-four years old when I started North Studio'

Rachel said: 'To 参加する the 過程 has been incredible and to come out a 勝利者 is just something beyond my wildest dreams. I was twenty-four years old when I started North Studio'

'It's very, very hard for me. I'm having trouble here. But my gut feeling is telling me that, Rachel, you're going to be my business partner, Lord Sugar announced

'It's very, very hard for me. I'm having trouble here. But my gut feeling is telling me that, Rachel, you're going to be my 商売/仕事 partner, Lord Sugar 発表するd??

After a last 情熱的な pitch from each finalist for why they should become his partner, Lord Sugar made his 決定/判定勝ち(する) 説: 'Let me 結論する here...

'This is a very 堅い 決定/判定勝ち(する), I've got to say because I've got two very, very 信頼できる people in 前線 of me. I've got Rachel who (人命などを)奪う,主張するs she's making money and that she's going to make even more when she gets the second gym up and running but gyms are, with all 予定 尊敬(する)・点, two-a-penny...

'Specialist pies are not an d it's a market that I'm very 利益/興味d in but how can I be 利益/興味d in it if there's no light at the end of the tunnel...

'There's a loss-making 商売/仕事 at the moment which you tell me is going to turn around and be okay and that's my 窮地.'

'It's very, very hard for me. I'm having trouble here. But my gut feeling is telling me that, Rachel, you're going to be my 商売/仕事 partner.'

After 表明するing her delight, a thrilled?Rachel said: 'To 参加する the 過程 has been incredible and to come out a 勝利者 is just something beyond my wildest dreams. I was twenty-four years old when I started North Studio...

Rachel successfully convinced Lord Sugar she and her boutique business were a worthy investment despite last year's winner, boxer Marnie Swindells, also being a gym owner

Rachel 首尾よく 納得させるd Lord Sugar she and her boutique 商売/仕事 were a worthy 投資 にもかかわらず last year's 勝利者, boxer Marnie Swindells, also 存在 a gym owner

With the assistance of aides Baroness Karren Brady and Tim Campbell MBE, Lord Sugar chose Rachel to win the investment, saying: 'It's very, very hard for me... My gut feeling is telling me that, Rachel, you're going to be my business partner'

With the 援助 of 補佐官s Baroness Karren Brady and Tim Campbell MBE, Lord Sugar chose Rachel to 勝利,勝つ the 投資, 説: 'It's very, very hard for me... My gut feeling is telling me that, Rachel, you're going to be my 商売/仕事 partner'

'I was just a girl from 物陰/風下d and now I cannot believe it, I'm going into 商売/仕事 with Lord Sugar and he's 投資するing in me.'

に引き続いて her 勝利,勝つ, Rachel 明らかにする/漏らすd she?hopes to 達成する 含むing 開始 a third and fourth space with her gym North Studio and 結局 making it 負かす/撃墜する the aisle, after getting engaged to her long-称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 boyfriend in December last year.??

She also 目的(とする)s to 新採用する Alison Hammond as her first celebrity (弁護士の)依頼人 after she met the presenter on This Morning a week before she was 栄冠を与えるd 見習い工 勝利者.??

Rachel 首尾よく 納得させるd Lord Sugar she and her boutique 商売/仕事 were a worthy 投資 にもかかわらず last year's 勝利者, boxer Marnie Swindells, also 存在 a gym owner.?

Speaking 排他的に to MailOnline, she said: 'I t's an honour to have been chosen by Lord Sugar and for him to 投資する in my 商売/仕事 which at the end of the day is my baby and something I have been working on for almost five years now.

Becoming the show's champion marks the end of a four-year grind for Rachel, who says after setting up her business aged 23, she has coped with working long hours

Becoming the show's 支持する/優勝者 示すs the end of a four-year grind for Rachel, who says after setting up her 商売/仕事 老年の 23, she has 対処するd with working long hours?

'For him to see something in me and think my 商売/仕事 is investable is just an incredible and 圧倒的な feeling.?

'I am really looking 今後 to working with Lord Sugar for a number of 推論する/理由s. He is 投資するing a lot of money into me to enable my 商売/仕事 to grow to open a third 場所/位置 and 潜在的に a fourth.

'We don't have a lot of big celebrities in 物陰/風下d and Harrogate but I would love Alison Hammond to come in, she's hysterical...

'I met her last week when I went on This Morning and she is so 広大な/多数の/重要な and funny. I know Lord Sugar cycles too... I would love to get him on a spin bike.'?

As the fifth 連続した 女性(の) 勝利者 of th e BBC series, Rachel hopes she can 奮起させる a younger 世代 of women to go into 商売/仕事 and not be discouraged by their gender, 特に when working in a male 支配するd 環境 like the fitness 部門.?

Rachel beat rival Phil to win The Apprentice this year after presenting her business to industry professionals from the likes of upmarket gyms F45 and Barry's Bootcamp

Rachel (警官の)巡回区域,受持ち区域 競争相手 Phil to 勝利,勝つ The 見習い工 this year after 現在のing her 商売/仕事 to 産業 professionals from the likes of upmarket gyms F45 and Barry's Bootcamp

Rachel says Alison would be her dream celebrity signing because of her ‘hysterical’ sense of humour after she met the This Morning host on the show last week

Rachel says Alison would be her dream celebrity 調印 because of her 'hysterical' sense of humour after she met the This Morning host on the show last week