Jimmy Carr 収容する/認めるs he is 'still not over' the death of his mother Nora: 'I couldn't imagine anything worse than losing her'

Jimmy Carr has opened up about the death of his mother Nora, 説 he is still not 'over it yet'.

The comedian's mother passed away from pancreatitis in 2001 老年の 57 and the pair were always very の近くに.

Speaking on The 開発 by David podcast with David McIntosh, Jimmy said:?'I lost her when I was about 26. I don't think I'm over it yet. Grief is the price we 支払う/賃金 for love.?

'I was so の近くに to my mother, I couldn't imagine anything worse than losing her. The 利益 of losing her is a sense of freedom, 押し進めるing the f**k it button.'

Jimmy に例えるd a person's death to the time before they were born, 説 there isn't any difference between the two.

Jimmy Carr has opened up about the death of his mother Nora, saying he is still not 'over it yet'

Jimmy Carr has opened up about the death of his mother Nora, 説 he is still not 'over it yet'

The comedian's mother passed away from pancreatitis in 2001 aged 57

The comedian's mother passed away from pancreatitis in 2001 老年の 57?

He said:?'You get mortality, in a way. We die and we're the lucky ones because we get to live. 示す Twain said it brilliantly, I wasn't alive for billions of years before my birth and it didn't inconvenience me in the least.

'This is why life is so special, it's this little 軸 of light in the middle of it all.?

'It's not an 平易な thing to lose a parent. Grief, we don't talk about it enough. Society is 始める,決める up to 肉親,親類d of hide it away.'

Jimmy's parents Nora and Patrick -? known as Jim - moved to England from Limerick, Ireland and raised Jimmy and his two brothers in Slough.?

The comic has been estranged from his father since Nora's death and said in November 2021 he hadn't spok en to his dad in 21 years.?

どこかよそで during the interview, Jimmy spoke about 取り消す culture which he jokes about in his new Netflix special Natural Born 殺し屋.?

Jimmy is 毅然とした that comedians should never apologise for jokes, no 事柄 who may find them 不快な/攻撃.

He said: 'There's a bit on the new special. You can't go around apologising for jokes.

Elsewhere during the interview, Jimmy spoke about cancel culture which he jokes about in his new Netflix special Natural Born Killer

どこかよそで during the interview, Jimmy spoke about 取り消す culture which he jokes about in his new Netflix special Natural Born 殺し屋

Jimmy is adamant that comedians should never apologise for jokes, no matter who may find them offensive

Jimmy is 毅然とした that comedians should never apologise for jokes, no 事柄 who may find them 不快な/攻撃

'So what I'm gonna do the next time I get cancelled, I'm going to say the day of the 取り消し, I'm going to say, [mock childish 発言する/表明する] "I'm sorry."?

'The people who are 感情を害する/違反するd will say, "You don't really mean that 陳謝," an d I'll say, '"So you're 説 I can say something and not mean it?" Now you're getting it.'

Jimmy isn't bothered if his jokes aren't received 井戸/弁護士席 by everyone, 説: 'It's valid people don't like my jokes. Some people are repelled by my sense of humour. They don't like it.'