Anne Hathaway is spattered with 偽の 血 as she brandishes fireplace poker while 狙撃 scene for 'dinosaur movie' Flowervale Street

Anne Hathaway was spattered with 偽の 血 and smeared with grime as she 発射 a scene for her sci-fi film Flowervale Street in Atlanta this week.

The movie 星/主役にするs Anne opposite Ewan McGregor?and is directed by acclaimed horror filmmaker David Robert Mitchell of It Follows fame.

Insiders have (人命などを)奪う,主張するd Ewan and Anne play the parents of a 1980s family 競うing with dinosaurs, によれば The Hollywood Reporter.

In her 最新の scene, Anne's character wore a hard, 厳しい 表現 and was 着せる/賦与するd in a filthy 戦車/タンク 最高の,を越す that was stained with brown, 乾燥した,日照りのd 血.

She had dirt streaked over her ジーンズs and her 肌, and in one 手渡す she brandished a fireplace poker seemingly as a 武器.

Anne Hathaway was spattered with fake blood and smeared with grime as she shot a scene for her sci-fi film Flowervale Street in Atlanta this week

Anne Hathaway was spattered with 偽の 血 and smeared with grime as she 発射 a scene for her sci-fi film Flowervale Street in Atlanta this week

The sci-fi movie stars Anne opposite Ewan McGregor and is directed by acclaimed horror filmmaker David Robert Mitchell of It Follows fame
Insiders have claimed Ewan and Anne play the parents of a 1980s family contending with dinosaurs, according to The Hollywood Reporter

The sci-fi movie 星/主役にするs Anne opposite Ewan McGregor and is directed by acclaimed horror filmmaker David Robert Mitchell of It Follows fame

In 事例/患者 she 負傷させる up in a 捨てる, her long dark hair was swept 支援する and tied in a ponytail ーするために not 妨げる her 見通し.

Anne's character was …を伴ってd in the scene by three others who appeared to be 十代の少年少女s, as they seemed to be wearing school attire.

One of those characters was played by 20-year-old Nashville alum Maisy Stella, who could be glimpsed (権力などを)行使するing a knife as part of the 役割.

The scene 存在 filmed that day evidently 伴う/関わるd an 上昇傾向d car, as a crane could be spotted lowering a vintage automobile upside 負かす/撃墜する の上に the street.?

Anne, Ewan and Maisy's castmates in Flowervale Street 含む コカイン 耐える child 星/主役にする?Christian Convery and The Wolf Of 塀で囲む Street actor PJ Byrne.?

Although scant (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) is 利用できる about the content of the film, 最終期限?has 報告(する)/憶測d that it is 存在 発射 in IMAX and will come out May 16, 2025.

Anne has a 評判 for assiduously 準備するing for all her 役割s before 狙撃 starts - a habit she explained in a 最近の interview.

'I’d rather not be unseated on the day [of filming] by my 苦悩. Part of the way I can tell myself that I am okay is by having such a 完全にする level of 準備 that if I get a 批判的な 発言する/表明する in my 長,率いる, you can 静かな it 負かす/撃墜する by 説 that you did everything you could to 準備する,' she told Vanity Fair.

Her character wore a hard, stern expression and was clothed in a filthy tank top that was stained with brown, dried blood

Her character wore a hard, 厳しい 表現 and was 着せる/賦与するd in a filthy 戦車/タンク 最高の,を越す that was stained with brown, 乾燥した,日照りのd 血

She had dirt streaked over her jeans and her skin, an
d in one hand she brandished a fireplace poker seemingly as a weapon

She had dirt streaked over her ジーンズs and her 肌, and in one 手渡す she brandished a fireplace poker seemingly as a 武器

Anne's character was accompanied in the scene by three others who appeared to be teenagers, as they seemed to be wearing school attire

Anne's character was …を伴ってd in the scene by three others who appeared to be 十代の少年少女s, as they seemed to be wearing school attire

One of those characters was played by 20-year-old Nashville alum Maisy Stella, who could be glimpsed wielding a knife as part of the role

One of those characters was played by 20-year-old Nashville alum Maisy Stella, who could be glimpsed (権力などを)行使するing a knife as part of the 役割

The scene being filmed that day evidently involved an upturned car, as a crane could be spotted lowering a vintage automobile upside down onto the street

The scene 存在 filmed that day evidently 伴う/関わるd an 上昇傾向d car, as a crane could be spotted lowering a vintage automobile upside 負かす/撃墜する の上に the street

The scene being filmed that day evidently involved an upturned car, as a crane could be spotted lowering a vintage automobile upside down onto the street

The scene 存在 filmed that day evidently 伴う/関わるd an 上昇傾向d car, as a crane could be spotted lowering a vintage automobile upside 負かす/撃墜する の上に the street

Many years ago, when she was much いっそう少なく seasoned an actress, she 苦しむd 'a horrible 苦悩 attack and I was by myself and didn’t know what was happening.'

She 解任するd: 'I certainly couldn’t tell anybody, and it was 構内/化合物d by thinking I was keeping 始める,決める waiting. Now I feel much safer going to someone in 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金, pulling them to the 味方する, and explaining: "I’m going through this 権利 now." Most people will sit there with you for the 10 minutes it takes for you to come 支援する 負かす/撃墜する.'

Anne's 最新の shoot comes 権利 on the heels of the SXSW 首相 of her romantic comedy The Idea Of You, based on a novel that became a COVID-19 時代 bestseller.

She 星/主役にするs in the film as a middle-老年の 選び出す/独身 mother who 落ちるs into an 事件/事情/状勢 with a much younger boy 禁止(する)d superstar played by?Nicholas Galitzine.

The movie was 舵輪/支配d by Michael Showalter, who directed The Big Sick and co-created the Wet Hot American Summer franchise.