EXCLUSIVEThe real 推論する/理由 Josie Gibson is unlucky in love: Her rise from call centre 労働者 to TV darling has been meteoric, but there's only one man for her

  • The truth is that Josie has not had much success when it comes to romance, 明らかにする/漏らすs KATIE HIND in her 排除的 報告(する)/憶測?

The arrival of a beautiful new 同僚 has all the 可能性のある to leave even the most 安全な・保証する of women feeling discombobulated.

So one might imagine that This Morning's Josie Gibson has been rather jittery since Cat Deeley arrived to 取って代わる Holly Willoughby as the show's main presenter last month.

But while the long-四肢d Brummie glamazon has certainly won over both テレビ視聴者s and her new bosses at ITV, I can 明らかにする/漏らす that 負かす/撃墜する-to-earth Josie - who helped keep the ship 安定した after the torturous Phillip Schofield debacle left the show's bigwigs agonising over which presenters to 雇う to 取って代わる him and Willoughby - is now the new darling of ITV.

I've been told they are searching for a big new 付加 役割 for her.

Josie Gibson set tongues wagging last weekend when she was caught holding hands with fellow television star Stephen Mulhern

Josie Gibson 始める,決める tongues wagging last 週末 when she was caught 持つ/拘留するing 手渡すs with fellow television 星/主役にする Stephen Mulhern

Josie was born and bred in Bristol and attended
 Brimsham Green School in nearby Yate, where she still lives

Josie was born and bred in Bristol and …に出席するd Brimsham Green School in nearby Yate, where she still lives

So captivated are they by the bubbly blonde, who now is the holiday cover presenter for the 旗艦 show, ITV's director of television Kevin Lygo's daughter is one of her スパイ/執行官s. I'm told: 'Kevin wants to look after Josie, he's a 抱擁する fan.'

The secret to Josie's 星/主役にする 力/強力にする, however, was 精製するd not during years of grind in backroom TV 職業s or 熟考する/考慮するing broadcast マスコミ - but, endearingly, in her first 職業 in a Bristol call centre.

Those who know her tell me that Josie's 負かす/撃墜する-to-earth demeanour, which makes the 網状組織's millions of テレビ視聴者s so comfortable with her, was honed during her first 職業 as a call centre operative at 保険 会社/堅い AXA's (警察,軍隊などの)本部 in her home city.

It was a 役割 which 要求するd Josie - who was born and bred in Bristol and …に出席するd Brimsham Green School in nearby Yate, a town where she still lives - to 過程 health 保険 (人命などを)奪う,主張するs, with 転換s beginning at 7am and finishing as late as 11pm.

It is an ありそうもない place to start out, but those who knew her at the time say Josie was 'a 権利 hoot' when she began working there 老年の 19.

As giggly then as she is today, one former 同僚 解任するs how she was always the one who was 主要な the 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金 to socialise.

'Josie was a 装備する ht laugh, she was fun and really lovely,' says a former 同僚.

Josie Gibson, on This Morning with co-presenter Dermot O'Leary, is now the new darling of ITV

Josie Gibson, on This Morning with co-presenter Dermot O'Leary, is now the new darling of ITV

One might imagine that This Morning?s Josie Gibson has been rather jittery since Cat Deeley arrived to replace Holly Willoughby as the show?s main presenter last month

One might imagine that This Morning's Josie Gibson has been rather jittery since Cat Deeley arrived to 取って代わる Holly Willoughby as the show's main presenter last month

Josie became an ambassador for Curvissa clothing and began a career in showbusiness journalism

Josie became an 外交官/大使 for Curvissa 着せる/賦与するing and began a career in showbusiness journalism

She arrived at the Big Brother house back in 2010, much to the surprise of her call centre colleagues

She arrived at the Big Brother house 支援する in 2010, much to the surprise of her call centre 同僚s

I?m A Celeb viewers watched her pine for son Reggie while she was in the jungle for three weeks, before she eventually finished the show in fourth place

I'm A Celeb テレビ視聴者s watched her pine for son Reggie while she was in the ジャングル for three weeks, before she 結局 finished the show in fourth place

'She was at the centre of everything and would always be up for socialising. There would be work nights out where things would get boozy.

'She was hard-working but she knew how to enjoy herself. But we never saw her 達成するing what she has today. It is amazing.

'She didn't even seem like she 手配中の,お尋ね者 to be 特に famous 支援する then.'

And, perhaps ironically given how her life mapped out, Josie, now 39, would while her lunch hour away by clicking on MailOnline where she would read the 最新の celebrity gossip in depth ? and then spend the afternoon discussing it with 同僚s.

'We would all sit there reading the sidebar,' says Josie's friend. 'Then we would all have a 権利 gossip, she loved it.'

All that bouncy fun was 井戸/弁護士席 on show when Josie arrived at the Big Brother house 支援する in 2010, much to the surprise of her call centre 同僚s. 栄冠を与えるd series 勝利者 with an 前例のない 77 per cent of the public 投票(する), the public 即時に took to her.

But while many BB 勝利者s have tried to make it after their 位置/汚点/見つけ出す in the limelight, few have managed to carve out a soli d career.

After working as a roving reporter and 競争 announcer on This Morning, she got her big break covering Holly Willoughby some two and a half years ago.

にもかかわらず her riches ? 含むing a £100,000 支払う/賃金 check from ITV when she starred on I'm A Celeb last winter ? she has 公約するd never to leave Bristol.

Cat Deeley has won over both viewers and her new bosses at ITV since she joined This Morning full-time

Cat Deeley has won over both テレビ視聴者s and her new bosses at ITV since she joined This Morning 十分な-time

It's not the usual behaviour of most television 星/主役にするs, 特に one who has enjoyed such a successful year.

But insiders say the fact that Josie is open and 'ordinary' means ITV bosses 'adore her' - 同様に as the fact that she helped the show in its worst hour.

Last July she was 仕事d with the biggest challenge in This Morning's 35-year history - to 取って代わる the スキャンダル-攻撃する,衝突する Phillip Schofield and sit と一緒に Holly as co-presenter.?

No 平易な 仕事, considering her 外見 followed Schofield quitting the channel after he 認める having an 事件/事情/状勢 with a much younger 同僚 from the programme. Then, に引き続いて Holly's 出発 last October, Josie stepped in to cover her while the show's other stand-in host, Alison Hammond, was in pantomime.

Fans grew to love Josie even more, and many ? 含むing some ITV bosses ? 手配中の,お尋ね者 her to get the gig 十分な time.

Some fans even now 辞退する to watch the show because Cat got the 職業.

For Josie though, it was a dream she knew she was never going to 達成する ? even though, arguably, she deserved it.

At first, Josie capitalised on her Big Brother 人気 by selling 主題d 商品/売買する, 含むing a perfume 指名するd Josie. She also sold hoodies and 最高の,を越すs, became an 外交官/大使 for Curvissa 着せる/賦与するing and began a career in showbusiness journalism.

In 2011, she featured on the Channel 5 show 承認する! TV as a reporter and presenter before the show was cancelled at the end of the same year. A year later, she became a columnist for celebrity magazine Now.

She has since been open about her struggles with her 負わせる and has lost six 石/投石する since finding fame - something which has 控訴,上告d to This Morning's 女性(の) audience.

Other TV 役割s saw her on ITV's Loose Women, 同様に as her own reality shows like There's Something About Josie.

にもかかわらず her professional success, personal happiness still seems to elude her. She did 始める,決める tongues wagging last 週末 when she was caught 持つ/拘留するing 手渡すs with fellow television 星/主役にする Stephen Mulhern, 47, に引き続いて the finale of Ant and Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway in which they both starred.

Rumours of a romance followed and when subsequently asked about their 関係 status, Josie told MailOnline: 'I'm in love with Stephen Mulhern. There you go. But story of my life, I don't think he loves me.'

Her fans 敏速に took to social マスコミ, hoping that somehow love would come good for Josie. Indeed, those who watch Josie on TV are desperate to see her settle 負かす/撃墜する.

One ITV insider who 監視するs soci al マスコミ 地位,任命するs relating to onscreen talent tells me: 'You will see 負担s of people willing to see Josie find love.

'Those watching at home feel like she is one of their friends and get 特に 投資するd with her happiness. It's lovely.'

For all her 甘い nature, the truth is that Josie has not had much success when it comes to romance.

While in the Big Brother house she fell for her Aussie housemate, John James. The pair 攻撃する,衝突する it off on the show and 時代遅れの for just under a year afterwards. Josie was heartbroken when their 関係 ended.

Her next beau was plumber Luke Sanwo. He popped the question in 2012, just six months after 会合, but the pair decided to go their separate ways in April 2015.

Next up was 所有物/資産/財産 developer and family friend Terry (whose surname has never been 公表する/暴露するd). They began dating in 2017 after knowing each other for two 10年間s. The couple then welcomed a little boy, Reggie, who was born in September 2018, but just five months later it was 発表するd that they had 分裂(する).

Last August, Josie opened up about her 現在の 関係 status, 主張するing: 'I'm still 選び出す/独身. I couldn't pull a cracker.'

すぐに afterwards, though, she 誘発するd much excitement amongst her 信奉者s after admitting she was in the 早期に 行う/開催する/段階s of a romance, 説: 'There is someone in my life at the moment but it's 早期に 行う/開催する/段階s... I've said I love you.

'It's best to just get it out of the way, I don't like playing games.'

Fans were 納得させるd that she was dating カメラマン Sam Morter after she 株d a picture of them 持つ/拘留するing 手渡すs while on a 職業 in Paris, but she later said they were just friends.

(疑いを)晴らすing up the 憶測, she later said: 'I am not in a 関係, neither am I in love with カメラマン Sam. I am not with Sam Morter... I love Sam Morter, he is my work 同僚, I'm like his older sister. I'm like his auntie. That's as far as it goes.'

For now, Josie has one 優先: her son, Reggie. I'm A Celeb テレビ視聴者s watched her pine for him while she was in the ジャングル for three weeks, before she 結局 finished the show in fourth place.

One friend tells me: 'Josie loves work but she loves Reggie more. She always says that he's the only man for her.'

As for what's next for her career, ITV insiders say it's something big.

'Josie is a ratings driver. She can't believe her success. To her it is mad, 特に when you look at how she started her working life in a call centre.

'Now, she loves reading about herself on MailOnline.'

And if there was ever a 手段 of how far she has come, that's it.