Jeremy Clarkson is left visibly shaken as 劇の scenes in the third 一連の Clarkson's Farm see Kaleb Cooper 扱う/治療するd by medics after a 汚い 事故.

The 最高の,を越す Gear?星/主役にする is seen 恐れるing for his 権利-手渡す man after he 攻撃する,衝突するs his 長,率いる in a new trailer for the 近づいている series.

In the trailer, Kaleb 苦しむs a 落ちる while working on a?JCB, but forgetting he was still strapped into a safety harness, he spins 一連の会議、交渉/完成する and bangs his 長,率いる.

Jeremy and a team of off-審査する medics 急ぐ to his 援助(する), but in the preview, the presenter seems to make light of the 状況/情勢.

He says: 'This health and safety 器具/備品, we've got to get rid of it, it's really 負傷させるing people.'

Jeremy Clarkson is left visibly shaken as dramatic scenes in the third series of Clarkson's Farm see Kaleb Cooper treated by medics after a nasty accident

Jeremy Clarkson is left visibly shaken as 劇の scenes in the third 一連の Clarkson's Farm see Kaleb Cooper 扱う/治療するd by medics after a 汚い 事故

The Top Gear star is seen fearing for his right-hand man after he hits his head in a new trailer for the upcoming series

The 最高の,を越す Gear 星/主役にする is seen 恐れるing for his 権利-手渡す man after he 攻撃する,衝突するs his 長,率いる in a new trailer for the 近づいている series

Jeremy and the ギャング(団) are 支援する for a third series and it looks as 活動/戦闘 packed as ever, as the team welcome some new arrivals and 苦しむ heartbreak.

As ever, Jeremy is fighting a Red Tape war with the 地元の 会議, who have の近くにd 負かす/撃墜する the restaurant he opened at the end of the last series.

The trailer for the Prime ビデオ season kicks off with some bad news, as the farm is served an 施行 Notice, and they 宣言する they are '支援する at square one'.

Jeremy tells the group they have to '中止する use of any part of the land as a restaurant or cafe', bringing an abrupt 停止(させる) to their farm restaurant.

どこかよそで, Jeremy 発表するs he has made a 'big 決定/判定勝ち(する)', as he tells Kaleb: 'I've made you farm 経営者/支配人!'

Kaleb delightedly 受託するs and Jeremy 示唆するs: 'Why don't we make it a 競争, who can make the most money, me out of unfarmed land or you out of farmed land.'?

Jeremy and Kaleb each take 500 acres each and get to work on who can make the most money out of their space.

疑わしい Charlie questions: 'This farm 競争?', while Kaleb questions 'God knows, his idea!'?

The dramatic teaser also shows the Top Gear star comforting his girlfriend Lisa Hogan after the pigs' birthing season takes an emotional turn

The 劇の teaser also shows the 最高の,を越す Gear 星/主役にする 慰安ing his girlfriend Lisa Hogan after the pigs' birthing season takes an emotional turn

Jeremy and the gang are back for a third series and it looks as action packed as ever, as the team welcome some new arrivals and suffer heartbreak

Jeremy and the ギャング(団) are 支援する for a third series and it looks as 活動/戦闘 packed as ever, as the team welcome some new arrivals and 苦しむ heartbreak

Jeremy also anno unces his next harebrained idea, which is bringing a drove of pigs to the farm to live on his unfarmed land.?

He 宣言するs: 'I've got a new thing, pigs! It will be fun to have little piglets running around!'

However, this don't やめる go to 計画(する) as the next scene shows Jeremy and his girlfriend Lisa 乾燥した,日照りのing to herd the pigs in the 注ぐing rain.

Jeremy shouts to 'get the 薄焼きパン/素焼陶器s', seemingly to distract the pigs who are trying to engage in some X-率d activity.

He then discovers that one of his new arrivals has been 'sick in his pocket', as he discovers a brown mush in his jacket.

However, as birthing season rolls 一連の会議、交渉/完成する, there is 悲劇 on the farm as not all of the piglets 生き残る their arrival into the world.

Jeremy 公式文書,認めるs that one of the baby pigs is 'weak as hell', before pulling two out looking limp and lifeless.?

The trailer concludes with Kaleb meeting Prime Minister Rishi Sunak to discuss the state of farming in the UK

The trailer 結論するs with Kaleb 会合 総理大臣 Rishi Sunak to discuss the 明言する/公表する of farming in the UK

The moment is too much for Lisa, who breaks 負かす/撃墜する in 涙/ほころびs and leans on Jeremy for support.?

The new series also welcomes some adorable baby goats, who don't take an instant liking to Jeremy and kick him in the nether 地域s.

すぐに alarmed, Jeremy dashes from his digger to help, but once he discovers Kaleb is okay, he quips: 'This health and safety?器具/備品, we've got to get rid of it, it's really 負傷させるing people.'

The trailer 結論するs with Kaleb 会合 総理大臣 Rishi Sunak to discuss the 明言する/公表する of farming in the UK.?

Part 1 (episodes 1-4) will 開始する,打ち上げる May 3, followed by Part 2 (episodes 5-8) 開始する,打ち上げるing on May 10 on アマゾン Prime ビデオ.