EXCLUSIVEWhat I discovered about the real Taylor Swift when I visited her £40m home: The superfan 招待するd into her house 明らかにする/漏らすs the 星/主役にする's secret doors hidden in bookcases and what she keeps in the 洗面所

  • Read Katie Hind's 排除的 interview with the Taylor Swift superfan 招待するd into 星/主役にする's home?

If anyone ever 疑問d Taylor Swift's megastar status, the reaction to her 11th studio album could not have been more emphatic.

The 拷問d Poets Department ― her surprise 二塁打 album 解放(する)d on Friday ― broke streaming 記録,記録的な/記録するs across all the major 壇・綱領・公約s, from Spotify to Apple Music. It's the first album in Spotify history to have over 300 million streams in a 選び出す/独身 day; it's the biggest pop album of all time by first-day streams on Apple Music; and on the day of its 解放(する), became the most streamed album on アマゾン Music ― ever.

Which is probably why (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) on the 億万長者 singer, however inconsequential, is now a 抱擁する 商品/必需品.?

Step 今後 Tyler Conroy, a self-自白するd superfan who has been 雇うd by?ITV's This Morning to be the show's first Taylor Swift 特派員. によれば Conroy, who has followed her for 16 years, Swift remains determinedly 負かす/撃墜する-to-earth にもかかわらず her 巨大な stardom. Her biggest 証拠不十分: monogrammed bath towels. Monochrome, with TS embroidered on them, to be 正確な.

Conroy, a 31-year-old Massachusetts-born influencer, has been に引き続いて Ms Swift since 2008. 老年の 15, he began having guitar lessons so that he could learn to play every song from her second album, Fearless. He penned the 2016 biography Taylor Swift: This Is Our Song.

Conroy, now 31, has been following Ms Swift since 2008. He said: 'When I met Taylor she just hugged me so closely, she knew I had been bullied and she knew she had helped me. I didn't want to let her go'

Conroy, now 31, has been に引き続いて Ms Swift since 2008. He said: 'When I met Taylor she just hugged me so closely, she knew I had been いじめ(る)d and she knew she had helped me. I didn't want to let her go'

The Tortured Poets Department ? Taylor Swift's surprise double album released on Friday ? broke streaming records across all the major platforms, from Spotify to Apple Music
The Tortured Poets Department ? Taylor Swift's surprise double album released on Friday ? broke streaming records across all the major platforms, from Spotify to Apple Music

The 拷問d Poets Department ― Taylor Swift's surprise 二塁打 album 解放(する)d on Friday ― broke streaming 記録,記録的な/記録するs across all the major 壇・綱領・公約s, from Spotify to Apple Music

Tyler Conroy is a self-confessed superfan who has been hired by ITV 's This Morning to be the show's first Taylor Swift correspondent

Tyler Conroy is a self-自白するd superfan who has been 雇うd by ITV 's This Morning to be the show's first Taylor Swift 特派員

The undoubted zenith of Conroy's life, Tyler says, took place when he was 招待するd to spend the day with his idol at her New York home after putting on a musical in her honour.

There, he and other select fans were given 解放する/自由な rein over the 星/主役にする's downstairs living 4半期/4分の1s ― using her bathroom (and those monogrammed towels), helping themselve s to anything from her 巨大(な) fridge that was filled to the brim with her beloved 国会 Coke, eating pizza, and wandering around her library where Taylor likes to 退却/保養地 to read Harry Potter novels.

Her 保護の father, Scott, was even there at the time, relaxing in the TV nook.

And the music in the background as the astonished superfan made himself at home? Taylor's chart-topping 攻撃する,衝突する Shake It Off, of course.

Taylor, 34, bought the seven-bedroom $18 million (£15 million) Tribeca townhouse from Lord Of The (犯罪の)一味s director Peter Jackson in 2014. When she was considering its 購入(する), Sir Ian McKellen was 宿泊するing there, as Tyler 明らかにする/漏らすs: 'Her father told me when Taylor went to look at her apartment Ian McKellen was sat there at the dining (米)棚上げする/(英)提議する in his pyjamas.'

After McKellen moved out to make way for her, Taylor then 拡大するd the 所有物/資産/財産, snapping up three 部隊s in the building next door for just under $10m (£8m) each, before 連合させるing the 最高の,を越す two 床に打ち倒すs together to create one 広大な space, spanning 8,300 sq ft.

Ms Swift bought the seven-bedroom £15 million Tribeca, New York townhouse from Lord Of The Rings director Peter Jackson in 2014, which she then expanded with three more units

Ms Swift bought the seven-bedroom £15 million Tribeca, New York townhouse from Lord Of The (犯罪の)一味s director Peter Jackson in 2014, which she then 拡大するd with three more 部隊s?

Today, the 所有物/資産/財産 is 概算の to be 価値(がある) $50m (£40m). Inside, says Tyler, the decor is rather rustic. Taylor is 悪名高くも 私的な when it comes to 株ing her life at home, but in those few pictures of her apartment on social マスコミ you can see her yellow-塀で囲むd kitchen has white, rather country-style cupboard doors and 木造の beams that (期間が)わたる the 天井. A large 木造の dining (米)棚上げする/(英)提議する has pride of place.

Another room has a large TV hidden in a wardrobe, 隠すd behind some dainty looking Laura Ashley-style white curtains.

Red 塀で囲むs, velvet couches and neoclassical chandeliers throughout also 完全にする the look.

Tyler tells me more: 'Taylor had the whole 最高の,を越す 床に打ち倒す. Everything was brown, it was in an old New York style with a red sofa and a nook.

'Her dad was sat there when I was there and told me they had watched Frozen a few weeks before. It was so 削減(する).

'I played with her pet cats and it was then I noticed that there was a birdcage with a broken Grammy award in it. Taylor had broken it [after dropping it at the awards 儀式] and she 手配中の,お尋ね者 to look after it by putting it in the cage.'

Unsurprisingly, awards litter the house, says Tyler: 'They were all over the place, there were a couple on the fireplace. There was even one on the 最高の,を越す of the 洗面所, I have never seen anything like that bef 鉱石. Most people have some potpourri or some flowers but she had a Grammy award on her loo.'

And the apartment's 栄冠を与えるing glory was undoubtedly the bathroom. 'To get to [it] there is a secret door behind a bookcase. It's a 肉親,親類d of speak-平易な,' 明らかにする/漏らすs Tyler.

Ms Swift's new album is?the first in Spotify history to have over 300 million streams in a day

Ms Swift's new album is?the first in Spotify history to have over 300 million streams in a day

The singer also has a Polaroid camera on a cupboard in the lounge, as she likes to take 正規の/正選手 発射s off the cuff. Indeed, her 塀で囲むs are covered with many Polaroid pictures of her family.

It's fitting for someone who still tries to keep her feet on the ground, によれば her friends. While she has been recently criticised for using 私的な jets to visit her boyfriend, those who work with her say she 'always mucks in'.

Indeed, her work ethic is said to be 'stupendous' for which her parents, Andrea and Scott, are credited.

Taylor 定期的に 主張するs that her fans come first and she enjoys engaging with them. 'There are no 空気/公表するs and graces, unlike some,' says a member of her team.

That doesn't mean she shies away fr om 直面するing critics, however. Her new album has already made headlines for seemingly criticising her 敵s in its lyrics.

Fans (人命などを)奪う,主張する Kim Kardashian ? with whom Taylor famously has had a long-running 反目,不和 after a vicious spat between the singer and Kardashian's ex-husband Kanye West ? is the 的 of acidic song 'thanK you aIMee', as the letters K, I and M are capped up to (一定の)期間 out her 指名する.

'The ultimate f*** you' wrote one Taylor fan online, while another said: 'Kim your day of reckoning is here'.

Others see Matt Healy ― Taylor's ex and lead singer of 禁止(する)d The 1975 ― as a 的 of her song The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived, with 残虐な lyrics that seem to 言及する to their short-lived 関係 last summer.

一方/合間 So Long, London seems 明確に 目的(とする)d at her ex, British actor Joe Alwyn and the end of their six-year 関係.

Truly, when Taylor speaks, her adoring fans listen 井戸/弁護士席. Indeed, Tyler Conroy 主張するs she 'helped me through my 20s when I was working myself out. She has been my professor over the years.

'When I met Taylor she just hugged me so closely, she knew I had been いじめ(る)d and she knew she had helped me. I didn't want to let her go.'

同様に as this, Tyler, who is gay, says: 'She helped me come out. She helped me speak out. I was a freshman at college in New York and was 18 and I thought something 深い was going on and I had to do some 深い searching.

'Taylor helped me come out to my family. It was scary but I listened to her Fearless album and I just knew.'

'The last time I saw her I asked Taylor to 令状 the word 'Fearless' in her handwriting on a piece of paper. She was so thrilled to do it and I then took it to get a tattoo of it on my left foot.

'I am an advo cate for her and I know so much about her. I feel like the luckiest Swifty in the world.'