How Zoe Ball transformed herself from the poster girl of wild ladette culture to embrace a 静かな family life after her struggles with alcohol 誘発するd a stint in rehab - as she 支払う/賃金s 尊敬の印 to her mother に引き続いて her death

Zoe Ball has 直面するd a 騒然とした life, 戦う/戦いs with alcohol, relatonship woes and 破滅的な family loss.

にもかかわらず kickstarting her career as the poster girl of the ladette lifestyle, in later years Zoe has transformed herself, admitting last year she prefers listening to Gardeners World over a wild night out.

The BBC 無線で通信する 2 星/主役にする was 攻撃する,衝突する by a 破滅的な blow when she 明らかにする/漏らすd?that her 'dear mama' Julia had sadly passed away, after 戦う/戦いing pancreatic .?

Zoe had taken a break from her 無線で通信する work to help care for her mother during her final weeks.?

MailOnline takes how Zoe has 発展させるd from 存在 a fixture on the London party scene, to a low-重要な 星/主役にする with a 静かな family life...

Ladette life?

During her rise to fame in the 1990s, Zoe became the image of so-called 'ladette culture' thanks to her wild partying

During her rise to fame in the 1990s, Zoe became the image of いわゆる 'ladette culture' thanks to her wild partying

Zoe has also confssed that while preparing to host her Radio 1 show live in Ibiza, she was so 'high' she had trouble speaking while hosting the live broadcast

Zoe has also confssed that while 準備するing to host her 無線で通信する 1 show live in Ibiza, she was so 'high' she had trouble speaking while hosting the live broadcast

During her rise to fame in the 1990s, Zoe became the image of いわゆる 'ladette culture' thanks to her wild partying.

She 以前 told Grazia Magazine: 'I loved it at first. Hanging out with people who partied every day, woke at 5pm, had a few 発射s of vodka and a 捕らえる、獲得する of 半導体素子s, then went clubbing again.'

The 星/主役にする has also 認める that at times her partying was so wild, she only has 'vague memories' of her time at the 舵輪/支配 of the BBC 無線で通信する 1 Breakfast Show.

She 追加するd: 'It was やめる a time. It was the Nineties. It was wild, it was wild.'

Zoe has also confssed that while 準備するing to host her show live in Ibiza, she was so 'high' she had trouble speaking while hosting the live broadcast.?

She 追加するd that her behaviour also began to 関心 BBC bosses, 説: 'I remember turning up one day looking at the clock and trying to say it's ten past seven ? and all the words (機の)カム out in the wrong or der.

'So something had to give. I know the bosses were a bit 関心d about my health ? and my mental health.'

Alcohol struggles

In previous years, Zoe has detailed her struggles with alcohol and wild partying, having become the poster girl for ladette culture

In previous years, Zoe has 詳細(に述べる)d her struggles with alcohol and wild partying, having become the poster girl for ladette culture

She said it took her several attempts to tackle her alcohol problem that accompanied her career from children's television presenter to the first female host of Radio 1's Breakfast Show

She said it took her several 試みる/企てるs to 取り組む her alcohol problem that …を伴ってd her career from children's television presenter to the first 女性(の) host of 無線で通信する 1's Breakfast Show

Explaining how she finally dealt with her problem drinking, Zoe says: 'I was lucky enough to go to rehab actually and through meeting other people who had addictions as well'

Explaining how she finally dealt with her problem drinking, Zoe says: 'I was lucky enough to go to rehab 現実に and through 会合 other people who had 中毒s 同様に'

In previous years, Zoe has 詳細(に述べる)d her struggles with alcohol and wild partying, having become the poster girl for ladette culture.

The mother-of-two said it took her several 試みる/企てるs to tac kle her alcohol problem that …を伴ってd her career from children's television presenter to the first 女性(の) host of 無線で通信する 1's Breakfast Show.

'You'll find that you'll を取り引きする it a little bit but then you slip 支援する into old ways,' she says. 'It took me a couple of 試みる/企てるs to sort that out.'

Explaining how she finally dealt with her problem drinking, Zoe says: 'I was lucky enough to go to rehab 現実に and through 会合 other people who had 中毒s 同様に.'?

Her 評判 as a party girl 増加するd after her 1999 marriage to superstar DJ Fatboy わずかな/ほっそりした, when she often 設立する herself の中で other 女性(の) 星/主役にするs known for their booze-fuelled antics.

'It's weird, because you do this 職業 and you are talking and are gregarious and all these things but I am 現実に やめる shy. But you could walk into the room if you'd had a drink.'

She credits her 外見 in the 2005 一連の 厳密に Come Dancing, when she (機の)カム third, for 許すing her to reinvent herself as an adult presenter.

'You go from this sort of ladette, this sort of boozy person who is always in trouble,' she says.

'I went on 厳密に and people did a 二塁打-take. I will always be 感謝する to that show.'?

結婚の/夫婦の antics

In 2016, Zoe revealed that she had split from her husband Norman Cook , known as Fatboy Slim, after 18 years of marriage (pictured in 2002)

In 2016, Zoe 明らかにする/漏らすd that she had 分裂(する) from her husband Norman Cook , known as Fatboy わずかな/ほっそりした, after 18 years of marriage (pictured in 2002)

Their romance began in 1997 after they met in Ibiza and they married two years late

Their romance began in 1997 after they met in Ibiza and they married two years late

For 18 years, Zoe was married to 退役軍人 DJ Fatboy わずかな/ほっそりした, whose real 指名する is Norman Cook, before they 分裂(する) in 2016.

Their romance began in 1997 after they met in Ibiza and they married two years later - but 分裂(する) 簡潔に in 2003 when it 現れるd she had an 事件/事情/状勢 with a の近くに friend of her husband's DJ Dan Peppe.?

While Zoe had painted herself as a low-重要な mother-of-two during her marriage, the final years of her 関係 with Norman were tinged with 演劇.

にもかかわらず 解放(する)ing a 声明 主張するing their 結婚の/夫婦の 分裂(する) was an 友好的な one, a source told The Sun at the time: 'Zoe packed her 捕らえる、獲得するs and left. They have been arguing a lot recently and she decided she'd had enough.'?

The newspaper (人命などを)奪う,主張するs the marriage has been in trouble in their marriage for months when the couple fought during a trip to Ibiza.

The source 追加するd: 'There was a 列/漕ぐ/騒動 about her drinking and it all (機の)カム out then. Zoe is supposed to be 乾燥した,日照りの but she has been going out drinking more and more with girlfriends.'

It also (機の)カム nine months after Zoe was seen embracing Franklin Lake singer Tay Tay Starhz at the 2015 包む party for 厳密に Come Dancing's BBC2 spin-off show It Takes Two.

Zoe 報道によれば met the rising pop 星/主役にする at Soho's Freedom nightclub in the 早期に hours of the morning.

She 明らかにする/漏らすd she was feeling worse for wear on Twitter the に引き続いて day, 令状ing: 'Ouch. It Takes Two 包む party last night. Piecing together the 乗組員s drunken antics in Soho.' (sic)

A 広報担当者 for Zoe 解任するd her antics on the night out, 主張するing: 'This was nothing more than a silly moment at a Christmas party that meant 絶対 nothing.'

Later, the presenter alluded to the kiss on Twitter with a 地位,任命する that read: 'Ouch. It Takes Two 包む party last night. Piecing together the 乗組員's drunken antics in Soho.'

その上の playing 負かす/撃墜する the 出来事/事件, Zoe later joked of her husband: 'He has always said he wants his gravestone to read, 'Norman was a very 患者 man.' And that sums it up really!'

にもかかわらず a 騒然とした end to their marriage, Norman and Zoe have stayed on good 条件, with the DJ discussing their 関係 in a 2023 interview, 株ing that Zoe would 'check him' on his behaviour.

He told the Changes podcast: 'One thing I did have to keep a lid on during that crazy time was my ego.

'While you've got l icence to break 支配するs, you've always got a lot of people who'll let you get away with 殺人.

'Zoe was really good for me for that, because she knew the fame game and we would sort of check each other.

'If I wasn't respectful to people, she'd go: 'Oi, come on, that's not how we behave! Go 支援する and thank them for that.'

'We were both やめる good at keeping each other's feet on the ground. Because it's hard when everyone's 説: 'Here, have this, take this, drink this, you're brilliant.'

'It's hard to keep some 肉親,親類d of 限界 and say: ''I am 現実に a human 存在, not a superstar.'' I think we probably saved each other a lot of bother.'


Zoe has previusly credited the birth of her daughter Nelly with helping herself and her then-husband Norman quit booze

Zoe has previusly credited the birth of her daughter Nelly with helping herself and her then-husband Norman やめる booze?

In 2012, Zoe 株d that she had given up booze in 2009, telling MailOnline: 'It meant I was on tim e for Chris [Evans] show and I never had a hangover. I 港/避難所't touched a 減少(する) since January 2009, although I do have a boozy dessert now and again.

'The problem was that if I opened a 瓶/封じ込める of ワイン, I couldn't have just one, or maybe two, glasses. I had the whole 瓶/封じ込める. It got to the point when it was easier not to drink anything at all.'

The 星/主役にする, who is parents to son Woody, 23, and daughter Nelly, 14, credited the arrival of her second child with helping herself and then-husband Norman to やめる alcohol.

She said: 'The truth is, she (機の)カム along when we both stopped drinking. I'm sure that's the 推論する/理由.

'The fact we hadn't managed to have another child for all those years and then Nelly was conceived when we gave up the booze must be linked. It felt like our reward. Very much so.

'Now, I'm really enjoying having 攻撃する,衝突する my 40s. There's a feeling of 救済 that I can take life at a わずかに slower pace.?

'I've also come to understand the joy you get from your kids. It's wonderful watching them grow and discover the world. It feels like a good time at the moment.'

選び出す/独身 life?

After she and Norman split, Zoe began dating her longtime friend Billy Yates in 2017, but he tragically died by suicide that year after a long battle with depression

After she and Norman 分裂(する), Zoe began dating her longtime friend Billy Yates in 2017, but he tragically died by 自殺 that year after a long 戦う/戦い with 不景気

After she and Norman 分裂(する), Zoe began dating her longtime friend Billy Yates in 2017, but he tragically died by 自殺 that year after a long 戦う/戦い with 不景気.

In an emotional 2020 interview, the 星/主役にする 認める that Billy's death was 'the hardest thing she's ever had to を取り引きする in her life.'

Zoe went の上に date model Michael Reed, but they 分裂(する) in 2023, with sources (人命などを)奪う,主張するing that?he 関係 began to break 負かす/撃墜する after he became 'a bit 需要・要求するing'.

In 最近の years the 星/主役にする has 始める,決める up home in a £1.5 million mansion in Sussex.

The six-bedroom 所有物/資産/財産, which was created by Baron Vladimir de Wolff in the 1920s, has a swimming pool, tennis 法廷,裁判所 and acres of gardens.

At the time, Zoe, daughter of Johnny Ball, put her 18th century cottage in Ditchling on the market for £1.25 million, £275,000 more than she paid for it two years 事前の.

Before that, In February 2018, the BBC 星/主役にする sold her beachfront mansion in Brighton for £2.5million before moving to the period 所有物/資産/財産 in a 静かな village.

From wild raves to '静かな nights'

In 2023, Zoe 株d that she has left her partying days behind her for 静かな nights at home watching Gardners' World after (警官の)巡回区域,受持ち区域ing her 戦う/戦い with booze

She told The Mirror how she now pops into parties only briefly before heading home to put her feet up (pictured in 2003)

She told The Mirror how she now pops into parties only 簡潔に before 長,率いるing home to put her feet up (pictured in 2003)

In 2023, Zoe 株d that she has?left her partying days behind her for 静かな nights at home watching Gardners' World after (警官の)巡回区域,受持ち区域ing her 戦う/戦い with booze.

She told The Mirror how she now pops into parties only 簡潔に before 長,率いるing home to put her feet up.

'I do the French 出口 now. I go 早期に. Everyone sees you, and you get to see your friends. Then I do a 'Woohoo' and they don't ever remember you weren't there for a bit.

追加するing: 'I am 支援する in bed with some crumpets and watching Gardeners' World by 10 most nights'.

Gardners' World is a series that 握りこぶし debuted on the BBC way 支援する in 1968 申し込む/申し出ing テレビ視聴者s tips and advice for their own outdoor spaces.

反映するing on her past, the mother of two, who 株 son Woody, 23 and daughter Nell, 13, with ex-husband Norman Cook said she was glad to have her crazy 'tales to tell'.

'Woody's やめる impressed by it. Nell's not impressed by it yet, hopefully one say she will be'.

Family support

In April 2024, Zoe shared the sad news that her 'dear mama' had passed away after a short battle with pancreatic cancer

In April 2024, Zoe 株d the sad news that her 'dear mama' had passed away after a short 戦う/戦い with pancreatic 癌?

The BBC Radio 2 star announced in early March that her mother had been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and was being 'incredibly brave'

The BBC 無線で通信する 2 星/主役にする 発表するd in 早期に March that her mother had been 診断するd with pancreatic 癌 and was 存在 'incredibly 勇敢に立ち向かう'?

Although Zoe's parents, Julia and Johnny, 分裂(する) when she was just a toddler, she 持続するd a の近くに 関係 with them in later years.

In April 2024, Zoe 株d the sad news that her 'dear mama' had passed away after a short 戦う/戦い with pancreatic 癌.

The BBC 無線で通信する 2 星/主役にする 発表するd in 早期に March that her mother had been 診断するd with pancreatic 癌 and was 存在 'incredibly 勇敢に立ち向かう'.

Earlier that week, Zoe told her BBC 無線で通信する 2 listeners Julia had been transferred to a hospice, as she 献身的な a Bon Jovi song to paramedics who helped her.

In a 尊敬の印, she said: 'Sleep tight dear Mama. Thank you for teaching us how to love 無条件に, to always show courage and empathy. And how, even in the darkest of days, laughter is the greatest of gifts.

It continued: 'We are bereft without you but will 持つ/拘留する so tight to each other. Your grace & your smile that lit up every room you were in, will light the 星/主役にするs to guide us.'

After 発表するing her mother's illness last month, Gaby Roslin 'occasionally' stepped in to 取って代わる her on The Zoe Ball Breakfast Show so the pair could spend time together.

Zoe 株d the heartbreaking news a week earlier that Julia was 存在 transferred into hospice care, telling listeners that things were 'pretty 堅い at the moment for the family.'

She said: 'Things are really 堅い for my mum at the moment, just sending out 負担s of love. Love you Mum.'

Zoe 明らかにする/漏らすd her mother's pancreatic 癌 diagnosis on March 6, as she told fans on social マスコミ she would be taking time away from her BBC show to 焦点(を合わせる) on her family, who were going through '堅い times' - but 追加するd her mother was 存在 極端に '勇敢に立ち向かう'.

Zoe shared the heartbreaking news a week earlier that Julia was being transferred into hospice care, telling listeners that things were 'pretty tough at the moment for the family'

Zoe 株d the heartbreaking news a week earlier that Julia was 存在 transferred into hospice care, telling listeners that things were 'pretty 堅い at the moment for the family'?

にもかかわらず her mother's diagnosis, Zoe remained 肯定的な as she told fans at the time she is 'in awe' of the nurses and doctors in 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金 of her care.

地位,任命するing a picture of Julia surrounded by family last month, 同様に as a second of her receiving chemotherapy in hospital, she wrote: 'Heartbreakingly our beautiful Mama Julia has been 診断するd with 癌.

'As many of you know from experience, these are 極端に 堅い times. Mum is 存在 incredibly 勇敢に立ち向かう.

'My brother Jamie & I are 完全に in awe of the brilliant Doctors, Nurses & support teams looking after Mum. Thank you.

'感謝 to our families & our 延長するd family & friends at home & at work for their support at this time.

'Sending out love to people reading this who are 戦う/戦いing 癌, or を待つing diagnosis & also to the folk looking after their dear ones who are 貧しく.'