Declan Rice fans leap to the defence of footballer's 'beautiful' girlfriend Lauren Fryer after she 削除するs her entire Instagram grid over vicious comments about her 外見: 'The people who criticise her are sick'

Fans of 兵器庫 and England footballer Declan Rice have jumped to the defence of his long-称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 girlfriend after she 削除するd her Instagram account over 消極的な comments about her 外見.?

Lauren Fryer, who met Rice at school in 2016 and raises a son with the footballer, had been routinely 的d by merciless online trolls over a period of months, 誘発するing her to 削除する every image on her grid.?

These 含むd innocent photos of the couple on overseas breaks, …に出席するing さまざまな events and partying at festivals.?

The 25-year old has since been vigorously defended by Rice fans over the comments - 含むing one from an 匿名の/不明の account that 示唆するd the midfielder 'could do better.'?

Taking to X, 以前は Twitter, on Wednesday, 乱暴/暴力を加えるd fans wrote:? 'I honestly worry about the mindset of some people. This is Lauren Fryer the girlfriend of Declan Rice who has 苦しむd so much on line 乱用 recently.?

Fans of Arsenal and England footballer Declan Rice have jumped to the defense of his long-term girlfriend after she deleted her Instagram account over negative comments about her appearance

Fans of 兵器庫 and England footballer Declan Rice have jumped to the 弁護 of his long-称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 girlfriend after she 削除するd her Instagram account over 消極的な comments about her 外見

Lauren, who is the childhood sweetheart of Arsenal player Rice, wiped all posts from her Instagram page in recent days after finding herself the target of abuse

Lauren, who is the childhood sweetheart of 兵器庫 player Rice, wiped all 地位,任命するs from her Instagram page in 最近の days after finding herself the 的 of 乱用

Rice has been romantically involved with Lauren for nearly eight years,?but the couple prefer to conduct their relationship away from the public eye

Rice has been romantically 伴う/関わるd with Lauren for nearly eight years,?but the couple prefer to 行為/行う their 関係 away from the public 注目する,もくろむ

'A beautiful woman, a couple in love, with a young family. Some within this world need to get a 支配する;?

'評価 地位,任命する for this beautiful woman Lauren Fryer. We’re sorry to see that in 2024 women are still 支配する to so many disgusting comments;?

'Lauren Fryer you are a beautiful young woman. Stay strong;

'Ar**穴を開けるs!! Pathetic numpties who go after these fish lipped 偽の clones. Get a 支配する!!;?

'Lauren Fryer?you are fabulous, don’t let the negativity get you 負かす/撃墜する;?

'Lauren Fryer is a beautiful woman with a wonderful smile. The people who 非難する her are sick people with 無 empathy. They only deserve the worst of contempt and that life takes its (死傷者)数 on them and they receive what they deserve. All my 尊敬(する)・点 to Declan and Lauren.'?

'Lauren Fryer you are the most beautiful woman on earth. Declan Rice is lucky to have you... all 力/強力にする to you;?

'I really feel for Declan Rice Mrs man she seems like a nice lass they met young and been together since they love each other people can't seem to let em be.' [sic]? ?

The 25-year old has since been vigorously defended by Rice fans over the comments - including one from an anonymous account that suggested the midfielder 'could do better'

The 25-year old has since been vigorously defended by Rice fans over the comments - 含むing one from an 匿名の/不明の account that 示唆するd the midfielder 'could do better'

The いじめ(る)ing first starting in December when an 匿名の/不明の account told England international team member Declan he 'could do better'.

Recently, Rice was told he had 'low 基準s' for 存在 in a 関係 with Lauren, who is the mother to their 20-month-old son, Jude.?

While Lauren still has 64,000 信奉者s on Instagram and has kept her profile public rather than 私的な, she has 削除するd all her pictures and ビデオs まっただ中に the 乱用, 誘発するing reality 星/主役にする?Liberty Poole, 24, to speak out.

Liberty, who appeared on the seventh 一連の Love Island in 2022 and Love Island All 星/主役にするs earlier this year,?wrote on her Instagram Stories: 'I think she's beautiful this is crazy.?

'What happened to celebrating different 団体/死体 types and e mbracing how we are all 個々に made.?

'Beauty 基準s these days are unrealistic and everyone's gone mad because of social マスコミ.?

'I'm going to keep preaching about it till I die. Time for change, this can't continue.'

In December fans 急ぐd to Lauren's defence after a vile troll 地位,任命するd about Declan's 'low 基準s'.

The account which 地位,任命するd the tweet has since been 一時停止するd after hundreds criticised the troll.

Love Island star Liberty Poole has shown her support for Declan Rice's girlfriend Lauren Fryer after the WAG received a barrage of abuse online (Lauren and Declan pictured)

Love Island 星/主役にする Liberty Poole has shown her support for Declan Rice's girlfriend Lauren Fryer after the WAG received a 一斉射撃,(質問などの)連発/ダム of 乱用 online (Lauren and Declan pictured)

Liberty (pictured) felt compelled to speak out after Lauren was taunted for her appearance at the hands of cruel trolls

Liberty (pictured) felt compelled to speak out after Lauren was taunted for her 外見 at the 手渡すs of cruel trolls

'Declan Rice is a successful, professional football player. He has a beautiful girlfriend who he has been with since they were both 17. They are also the parents to a beautiful child. He is happy and blessed,' one 使用者 wrote in a tweet that went viral, while others called the troll 'a 不名誉 to this fanbase.'?

More recently a 誤った (人命などを)奪う,主張する 循環させるd online (人命などを)奪う,主張するing that Rice defended Lauren during a 圧力(をかける) 会議/協議会, which has only led to more 焦点(を合わせる) on the couple's 関係.

The footballer has been romantically 伴う/関わるd with Lauren for nearly eight years, but the couple prefer to 行為/行う their 関係 away from the public 注目する,もくろむ.

In August 2022,?he appeared to 確認する the birth of their first child by 明らかにする/漏らすing a tattoo 献身的な to a newborn boy during a game when he played for West Ham 部隊d.?

He 誘発するd 憶測 at the time that he had welcomed a son, 指名するd Jude, with his long-称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 girlfriend earlier that month by exposing a tattoo of the child's 指名する and 明らかな birth date - August 7.

Jude's 星/主役にする-調印する, Leo - characterised as a symbol of self-信用/信任 and attractiveness - also featured within the delicate 署名/調印するing on then West Ham captain Rice's lower left arm.

The bullying starting in December last year when an anonymous account told England international team member Declan he 'could do better'

The いじめ(る)ing starting in December last year when an 匿名の/不明の account told England international team member Declan he 'could do better'

In August 2022, Declan appeared to confirm the birth of his first child with Lauren by revealing a tattoo dedicated to a newborn boy during a game when he played for West Ham United

In August 2022, Declan appeared to 確認する the birth of his first child with Lauren by 明らかにする/漏らすing a tattoo 献身的な to a newborn boy during a game when he played for West Ham 部隊d?

The tattoo, which circled the England international's lower left arm, revealed the name Jude, an apparent birthdate and a quote

The tattoo, which circled the England international's lower left arm, 明らかにする/漏らすd the 指名する Jude, an 明らかな birthdate and a 引用する?

にもかかわらず a preference for privacy, the couple let their hair 負かす/撃墜する during a rare public 外見 at the Reading Festival in 2021.

They were pictured rubbing shoulders with 悪名高い former Oasis hellraiser Liam Gallagher に引き続いて his headline 業績/成果 at the 年次の event.

Rice had 以前 認める that his long-称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 girlfriend is jealous of his 社債 with Chelsea エース Mason 開始する - a childhood friend from their time together at the west London club's 学院.

He told The Sun: 'My missus is やめる worried. I'm genuinely 存在 serious. She's やめる worried. Oh she's just always: 'You two . . . you love him more than you love me'.?

'Honestly. We just get it in the neck all the time. But they need to understand the friendship.'

The footballer joined the famed West Ham 学院 as a child and 熟考する/考慮するd at the Robert Clack School, in the London Borough of Barking & Dagenham, the largest 第2位 school in Europe.

When he was 栄冠を与えるd Young Player of the Year at the London Football Awards, she wrote on social マスコミ: 'Couldn't be more proud of my Dec winning young player of the year. You deserve everything and more.'

When Lauren celebrated her 19th birthday, Rice wrote on his Instagram account: 'Happy 19th birthday to my gorgeous girlfriend Lauren Fryer.?

'Looking 今後 to making many more memories with you, I love you.'

Rice had previously admitted that his long-term girlfriend is jealous of his bond with Chelsea ace Mason Mount - a childhood friend from their time together at the club's academy

Rice had 以前 認める that his long-称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 girlfriend is jealous of his 社債 with Chelsea エース Mason 開始する - a childhood friend from their time together at the club's 学院

When he was crowned Young Player of the Year, she wrote on social media: 'Couldn't be more proud of my Dec winning young player of the year. You deserve everything and more'

When he was 栄冠を与えるd Young Player of the Year, she wrote on social マスコミ: 'Couldn't be more proud of my Dec winning young player of the year. You deserve everything and more'

Despite a preference for privacy, the couple were pictured rubbing shoulders with notorious former Oasis hell-raiser Liam Gallagher?at Reading Festival in 2021

にもかかわらず a preference for privacy, the couple were pictured rubbing shoulders with 悪名高い former Oasis hell-raiser Liam Gallagher?at Reading Festival in 2021

Last month?Harry Styles and James Corden threw a party to celebrate Declan?(人命などを)奪う,主張するing his 50th cap during England's 2-2 行き詰まらせる with Belgium.?

The 兵器庫 midfielder was also rewarded with the captain's armband for the friendly tie at Wembley, in a gesture that Rice 述べるd as leaving him 'speechless'.?

When Gareth Southgate let him know that he would be 主要な the 味方する out against Domenico Tedesco's 味方する, Rice said that he 'stood up, shook his 手渡す, gave him a 抱擁する and said 'thank you so much'.'

'Since I've come into the 味方する, he's put his 信用 and belief in me,' Rice 追加するd.?

And with 原因(となる) for 祝賀, Corden - a 声の?West Ham fan - and superstar Styles decided to 祝う/追悼する the night in some style.?

Choosing A-名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる) hotspot Chiltern Firehouse as their 場所, the trio partied until 4am before 長,率いるing out into the 早期に morning, in a party which 含むd international team-mates James Maddison and Jordan Henderson.?

同様に as a party hosted in his honour, Rice was also gifted a pair of bespoke adidas boots from fellow ex-大打撃を与える Frank Lampard ahead of the tie.?

Former England midfielder Lampard - who 得点する/非難する/20d 29 goals in 106 caps for England between 1999 and 2014 - met up with Rice in 共同 with Adidas ahead of the game to 現在の him with a one-of-a-肉親,親類d pair of boots.

The design of the adidas Copa boot 含むd the colours of England - red, white and blue - with a special 50 caps message on the 味方する, while the 国家の 旗 was also emblazoned across the bespoke design.

When 現在のing Rice with the boots, Lampard 株d a few words with the 兵器庫 man and あられ/賞賛するd him for reaching the milestone.

'Declan shouldn't underestimate this 業績/成就,' he said. 'Every kid playing football growing up dreams of playing for their country, so to 攻撃する,衝突する 50 caps is something very special.

'I am excited to see what the summer brings for him and this young team going into the Euros.'

Last month Rice was handed a custom-made pair of boots by England legend Frank Lampard to commemorate his 50th cap

Last month Rice was 手渡すd a custom-made pair of boots by England legend Frank Lampard to 祝う/追悼する his 50th cap?

The Chelsea legend was keen to stress that Rice should not 'underestimate' his reaching the milestone at such a young age

The Chelsea legend was keen to 強調する/ストレス that Rice should not 'underestimate' his r eaching the milestone at such a young age?

Rice echoed these thoughts and 追加するd: 'It is a 大規模な 業績/成就 for me to reach this milestone.

'Those の近くに to me, know how much playing for my country means, so to 攻撃する,衝突する 50 caps is incredible. I am excited to wear my new boots on the field to celebrate the moment.'

At just 25, Rice is the fifth-youngest 国家の team player to reach the milestone, behind boldfaced 指名するs such as Wayne Rooney, Michael Owen, and Raheem 英貨の/純銀の.?

But the player was unable to see out a 勝利,勝つ on his half-century, after England fell behind the 訪問者s twice before seeing out a late draw through gritted teeth.?