EXCLUSIVEJohnny Depp's 再発進する REVEALED: Truth about reprise of Captain Jack Sparrow 役割 in 著作権侵害者s Of The Caribbean reboot... the status of his romance with Amber Heard 裁判,公判 lawyer... and 計画(する)s for actor's own brand of rum

The cheekbones are 支援する. As is a languidly stylish and much shorter haircut.

And while Johnny Depp?保持するs that trademark rough-削減(する) and tattooed charm, the 過度に scruffy ? perhaps even grubby ? look of 最近の months seems to be 井戸/弁護士席 past.

Friends explain that Depp, 60, had a sort of 'gap year' ? 現実に more like two years ? に引き続いて his bruising 2022 法廷,裁判所 事例/患者 against his ex-wife Amber Heard.

The Virigina 法廷,裁判所 設立する in Depp's 好意 that Heard had defamed him on three counts with her 主張s of 国内の 乱用.?

Sources say Depp felt 陶酔的な at the 判決 and, though Heard won only one of her 反対する (人命などを)奪う,主張するs, the 長引いた 裁判,公判 明確に took its (死傷者)数.

Depp 大部分は disappeared from the limelight, grew his hair long and 伸び(る)d 負わせる, while 個人として playing a lot of music (he is an 遂行するd guitarist) and dabbling in 絵.

He travelled 広範囲にわたって, 含むing to Saudi Arabia, where he has stuck up surprising ? if not 議論の的になる ? friendships with the kingdom's 王室の family, who have since financially 支援するd some of his film 事業/計画(する)s.

While Johnny Depp retains that trademark rough-cut and tattooed charm, the excessively scruffy - perhaps even
 grubby - look of recent months seems well past. (Pictured last year)

While Johnny Depp 保持するs that trademark rough-削減(する) and tattooed charm, the 過度に scruffy - perhaps even grubby - look of 最近の months seems 井戸/弁護士席 past. (Pictured last year)?

Friends explain that Depp had a sort of 'gap year' - actually more like two years - following his bruising 2022 court case against his ex-wife Amber Heard . (Pictured last week).

Friends explain that Depp had a sort of 'gap year' - 現実に more like two years - に引き続いて his bruising 2022 法廷,裁判所 事例/患者 against his ex-wife Amber Heard . (Pictured last week).

He has also spent months at a time on his $5 million 私的な Caribbean island, Little Parrot Cay, 穴を開けるd up with select pals.

二塁打 悲劇 then (機の)カム with the 予期しない sudden death of two の近くに friends.

He was at 激しく揺する legend Jeff Beck's 病人の枕元 when he passed away 老年の 78 in January last year. Sources 述べるd the pair as '極端に の近くに' and said that Depp had been left '荒廃させるd' by Beck's death.

But there was little time for 嘆く/悼むing as, just ten months later, Pogues frontman Shane MacGowan died after a long period of sickness. Depp ? who has spoken 温かく of his 'love' for MacGowan ? helped carry the singer's casket at his funeral.

That both Beck and MacGowan had 苦しむd very public 戦う/戦いs with 実体 乱用 was not lost on Depp, who ? friends say ? subsequently 再評価するd his own life.

Certainly, Depp's two-year marriage to Heard had been incredibly self-destructive, featuring 激しい drinking and '砕くs'.

明確に, one friend says, it was time 'time for a change'.

Hence last week's 'new look', stepping out at the small London 首相 for his new French film, 'Jeanne Du Barry', showcasing his fitter and more clean-削減(する) look.

I'm told he turned to Odile Gilbert ? one of Paris's most famous hairdressers ? to transform his wild tresses.

He has also lost a かなりの 量 of 負わせる through a slow 過程 of '存在 more mindful, eating 井戸/弁護士席 and prioritizing his wellbeing,' sources say.

The タイミング of this makeover is no 事故. Depp is 予定 to appear in an 近づいている Dior (選挙などの)運動をする, reprising his 役割 as their 最高の,を越す celebrity 広報担当者 and 直面する of their best-selling scent, Sauvage.

Depp hopes that his 変形 will be fully '完全にする' come the 落ちる, with 計画(する)s for big new 商業の and film 投機・賭けるs.

Indeed, friends tease that fans might soon be able to get their 手渡すs on some Depp own-brand rum.

A アルコール飲料 line would certainly play to the 人気 of his best-known 審査する character, Captain Jack Sparrow from the 著作権侵害者s Of The Caribbean franchise.

Friends tease that fans might soon be able to get their hands on some Depp own-brand rum. A liquor line would certainly play to the popularity of his best-known screen character, Captain Jack Sparrow from the Pirates Of The Caribbean franchise.

Friends tease that fans might soon be able to get their 手渡すs on some Depp own-brand rum. A アルコール飲料 line would certainly play to the 人気 of his best-known 審査する character, Captain Jack Sparrow from the 著作権侵害者s Of The Caribbean franchise.

It could also be 高度に lucrative ? something Depp will no 疑問 have learned に引き続いて the success of oth er celebrity alcohol brands.

As for Captain Jack Sparrow, the question on everyone's lips is whether Depp will reprise the fan-favorite 役割.

Until recently, Depp had all but sworn off 事実上の/代理, committing instead to behind-camera 役割s ? as with his 近づいている 'Modi' movie (a biopic about Modigliani, directed by Depp and starring Al Pacino).

However, insiders now say that what was 以前は a 'probably not' has turned into a 'yes' ? Depp will be returning to our 審査するs.

As for reprising Jack Sparrow? It's a 会社/堅い maybe.

著作権侵害者s of the Caribbean 生産者 Jerry Bruckheimer ? who is working with Disney on much-touted 計画(する)s for a reboot of the franchise ? has said that he would love to have Depp 支援する, even in a cameo 役割. But would Depp himself agree?

There was a point when this was a flat 'no' ? indeed he said in 法廷,裁判所 that he wouldn't (問題を)取り上げる the 役割 again, even for $300 million.

Depp felt terribly 負傷させるd after 生産/産物 突然の dropped him and 厳しいd all 関係 during his messy 法廷,裁判所 戦う/戦いs with Heard.

But time is a healer, and Depp now feels 感謝する to the fans who have stuck by him. He certainly wouldn't want to disrespect them by 判決,裁定 out a return 完全に.

A pal says: 'Johnny has always been so touched by how many people love and resonate with the character, so anything is possible.' All of which sounds much more like a yes than a no.

As for reprising Jack Sparrow? It's a firm maybe. Pirates of the Caribbean producer Jerry
 Bruckheimer has said that he would love to have Depp back, even in a cameo role.

As for reprising Jack Sparrow? It's a 会社/堅い maybe. 著作権侵害者s of the Caribbean 生産者 Jerry Bruckheimer has said that he would love to have Depp 支援する, even in a cameo 役割.

There's no question of a rekindling of his romance with glamorous lawyer Joelle Rich, who represented Depp during his 2020 London trial and is also based in North London.

There's no question of a 再燃するing of his romance with glamorous lawyer Joelle Rich, who 代表するd Depp during his 2020 London 裁判,公判 and is also based in North London.

He has also lost a considerable amount of weight through a slow process of 'being more mindful, eating well and prioritizing his wellbeing,' sources say. (Pictured with Rich in 2020).

He has also lost a かなりの 量 of 負わせる through a slow 過程 of '存在 more mindful, eating 井戸/弁護士席 and prioritizing his wellbeing,' sources say. (Pictured with Rich in 2020).

In the 合間, Depp is now based mostly in London, with time also spent in the south of フラン, where he owns a sprawling 37-acre 広い地所.

In March last year he dropped into an antiques shop in Lincolnshire (in the UK) ? arriving by ヘリコプター ? and bought desks, guitars and other items to furnish a 'new house in London'.

One LA-based friend tells me that this new home was bought 内密に from another high-profile celebrity some time ago.

A value is unknown but I hear the 所有物/資産/財産 is in Hampstead ? a very 望ましい area in the north of the city, 特に popular with celebrities. Depp's neighbors 含む director Tim Burton, a long-time friend.

There's no question of a 再燃するing of his romance with glamorous lawyer Joelle Rich ? who 代表するd Depp during his 2020 London 裁判,公判 and is also based in North London.

The pair enjoyed a (n)艦隊/(a)素早いing 'entanglement' during his Virginia 裁判,公判 (in which Rich had no 合法的な 役割). But friends now say Depp is 'too busy' to consider any serious romantic 関係s, and that the 連絡事務 with Rich 簡単に petered out within a few weeks of the 裁判,公判.

It seems he was happy to move on. And as he 焦点(を合わせる)s 成果/努力s on his 勝利を得た return to the film 産業, the 近づいている autumn Dior (選挙などの)運動をする and perhaps even 計画(する)s for an own-brand アルコール飲料, fans can 残り/休憩(する) 保証するd that there is much more of Depp to come.