Anne Hathaway 明らかにする/漏らすs that she's celebrating five years of sobriety after giving up booze once she started a family with husband Adam Shulman

Anne Hathaway is celebrating a major milestone in her sobriety 旅行.

The 41-year-old actress 株d in a new profile in the New York Times that she was 場内取引員/株価 five years without alcohol.

She 噴出するd that the 業績/成就 felt like a 'milestone' to her, and she 追加するd that 存在 'forty feels like a gift.'

The Princess Diaries 星/主役にする ― who teased a third film in the series?in the same interview ―? 株d her updated years after 明らかにする/漏らすing years earlier that she hoped to stay away from booze until her first child turned 18.

In January of 2019, she appeared on the since-ended Ellen DeGeneres Show to 雑談(する) about how 拡大するing her family with her husband Adam Shulman had made her want to get sober.

Anne Hathaway, 41, revealed that she was marking five years of sobriety in a new profile from the New York Times published over the weekend; pictured Sunday in NYC

Anne Hathaway, 41, 明らかにする/漏らすd that she was 場内取引員/株価 five years of sobriety in a new profile from the New York Times published over the 週末; pictured Sunday in NYC

'I’m gonna stop drinking while my son’s living in my house,' she said, 明らかにするing that she 手配中の,お尋ね者 to wait until Jonathan ― who was two months shy of turning three at the time ― was 18.

'I don’t 全く love the way I [drink] and he’s getting to an age where he really does need me all the time in the mornings…,' she continued.

Anne said that one 特に bad day after a night of drinking 納得させるd her to 断言する off the stuff.?

'I did one school run one day where I dropped him off at school. I wasn’t 運動ing, but I was hungover and that was enough for me,' she 認める. 'I didn’t love that one.'

Her 決定/判定勝ち(する) to 焦点(を合わせる) on sobriety became even more important later that year, when her and Adam's second son, Jack, now four, was born in November.

While giving an update to the Times in her new profile, Anne sounded somewhat 衝突d about 株ing her good news.

'There are so many other things I identify as milestones. I don’t 普通は talk about it, but I am over five years sober,' she 株d, before taking a more 楽観的な トン.

'That feels like a milestone to me. Forty feels like a gift,' she continued.

The Brokeback Mountain actress 追加するd that she was hesitant to 収容する/認める that she was in 'middle age,' but only because she was aware of how life can take 予期しない turns.

'The fact of the 事柄 is I hesitate at calling things "middle age" 簡単に because I can be a semantic stickler and I could get 攻撃する,衝突する by a car later today,' she said on a darker 公式文書,認める. 'We don’t know if this is middle age.?

'We don’t know anything,' she 訂正するd herself.

Anne's 現在の 国内の bliss comes after she married Adam Shulman, a 実業家 who also occasionally 行為/法令/行動するs, in 2012. '

Although she credited their two sons with giving her the 動機づけ to get sober, Anne and her husband tend to be 特に 私的な about their boys.?

Her 関係 with Adam was a welcome change from a previous 強調する/ストレス-filled 関係 with?Raffaello Follieri, an Italian real 広い地所 developer.?

That feels like a milestone to me,' she said, adding tha
t 'forty feels like a gift'; seen Monday in NYC

That feels like a milestone to me,' she said, 追加するing that 'forty feels like a gift'; seen Monday in NYC

After starting a family with husband Adam Shulman, whom she married in 2012, Anne decided to cut out booze. The two share sons Jonathan, eight, and Jack, four; seen in January 2023 in Paris

After starting a family with husband Adam Shulman, whom she married in 2012, Anne decided to 削減(する) out booze. The two 株 sons Jonathan, eight, and Jack, four; seen in January 2023 in Paris

Anne told Ellen Degeneres in 2019 that she decided to stay away from alcohol until her Jonathan was 18 after she was hung over one day when someone else drove her son to school; pictured in 2022 in Cannes, France

Anne told Ellen Degeneres in 2019 that she decided to stay away from alcohol until her Jonathan was 18 after she was hung over one day when someone else drove her son to school; pictured in 2022 in Cannes, フラン

The two began dating in 2004, but the fa?広告 that Follieri had created around them 粉々にするd in 2008, when he was 逮捕(する)d for misappropriating 基金s from former 大統領 法案 Clinton and 億万長者 Ronald Burkle that were 推定する/予想するd to be used to 購入(する) 所有物/資産/財産s that the Roman カトリック教徒 Church had decided to sell off.

Folliere was 調査/捜査するd by the 内部の 歳入 Service (IRS) and subsequently 逮捕(する)d.?

Anne was drawn into the 論争, as the 連邦検察局 (警察の)手入れ,急襲d their home and took her 私的な 定期刊行物s as 可能性のある 証拠, though she was never 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金d with a 罪,犯罪 or (刑事)被告 of any 悪事を働くこと in the 事柄.

Follieri pleaded 有罪の and was 宣告,判決d to four and a half years in 刑務所,拘置所.?