General Hospital's Nancy 物陰/風下 Grahn defends former co-星/主役にする Haley Pullos after three-month 刑務所,拘置所 宣告,判決 for DUI 衝突,墜落: 'She made a 抱擁する mistake'

General Hospital 星/主役にする Nancy 物陰/風下 Grahn has come to the 弁護 of her former onscreen daughter, Haley Pullos, in the wake of Pullos's DUI 逮捕(する) and その後の 刑務所,拘置所 宣告,判決ing.

Pullos, 25, was 宣告,判決d to three months after pleading no contest to a DUI 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金 stemming from a 2023 car 衝突,墜落 that occurred while she was 運動ing under the 影響(力) of alcohol and 麻薬s, traveling the wrong way on a Los Angeles freeway.

The 68-year-old soap オペラ icon took to?X?on Monday to 令状: 'As Haley’s TV mom I can tell some truth about her as I’ve loved her since she was a little girl.?She made a HUGE mistake, knows it, owns it & has spent the last yr doing EVERYTHING imaginable to take 責任/義務 4 it.'

She 追加するd: 'It's not that I …に反対する 刑務所,拘置所. It's that I …に反対する this 刑務所,拘置所.'?

すぐに after her 逮捕(する), Pullos, who portrayed Molly Lansing, the youngest daug hter of Grahn's character Alexis Davis, was 解放(する)d from General Hospital, where she first joined in 2009.

General Hospital star Nancy Lee Grahn has come to the defense of her former onscreen daughter, Haley Pullos, in the wake of Pullos's DUI arrest and subsequent jail sentencing; seen in 2022

General Hospital 星/主役にする Nancy 物陰/風下 Grahn has come to the 弁護 of her former onscreen daughter, Haley Pullos, in the wake of Pullos's DUI 逮捕(する) and その後の 刑務所,拘置所 宣告,判決ing; seen in 2022

Pullos, 25, was sentenced to three months after pleading no contest to a DUI charge stemming from a 2023 car crash that occurred while she was driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs, traveling the wrong way on a Los Angeles freeway; seen in 2022

Pullos, 25, was 宣告,判決d to three months after pleading no contest to a DUI 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金 stemming from a 2023 car 衝突,墜落 that occurred while she was 運動ing under the 影響(力) of alcohol and 麻薬s, traveling the wrong way on a Los Angeles freeway; seen in 2022

The actress will also have to serve five years 保護監察, 200 hours of community service and 支払う/賃金 more than $8,000 in restitution to the 負傷させるd driver whose car she 粉砕するd into.

Pullos ? whom 検察官,検事s told the 法廷,裁判所 had a 血 alcohol level of 0.25 per cent, more than three times the 合法的な 限界 ? 初めは pleaded not 有罪の to two DUI 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金s and another count of 引き逃げの に引き続いて the April 2023 事故.

But in a を取り引きする LA's 地区 弁護士/代理人/検事 Monday, she changed her 嘆願 to no contest on one DUI and in 交流, the DA dropped the other one 加える the 攻撃する,衝突する and run.

Pullos ? wearing a beige jacket and blouse and light brown pants ? told Pasadena 法廷,裁判所 裁判官 Terry Smerling: 'Yes, your 栄誉(を受ける),' when he asked her if she understood that the consequences of pleading no contest, carry the same 負わせる as a 有罪の 嘆願.

And she showed little emotion as 郡保安官's 副s 手錠d her 手渡すs behind her 支援する and led her to the 独房s while her mother, Judy Pullos, looked on sobbing.

副 地区 弁護士/代理人/検事 Melany Avanessians, explaining the 嘆願 取引,協定 to the 法廷,裁判所 Monday, said that after Pullos has served three months in 刑務所,拘置所, she will be brought 支援する to 法廷,裁判所 for a 宣告,判決ing 審理,公聴会 on July 29.

At that 審理,公聴会, she will be placed on 保護監察 for five years, begin serving 200 hours of community service, and have her driver's license 一時停止するd for a year.

She will also be ordered to stay ? for a period still to be 決定するd ? in a 麻薬 and alcohol rehab program she has already been …に出席するing for several months.

The 68-year-old soap opera icon took to her X, formerly Twitter, on Tuesday to write: 'As Haley?s TV mom I can tell some truth about her as I?ve loved her since she was a little girl. She made a HUGE mistake, knows it, owns it & has spent the last yr doing EVERYTHING imaginable to take responsibility 4 it'

The 68-year-old soap オペラ icon took to her X, 以前は Twitter, on Tuesday to 令状: 'As Haley’s TV mom I can tell some truth about her as I’ve loved her since she was a little girl. She made a HUGE mistake, knows it, owns it & has spent the last yr doing EVERYTHING imaginable to take 責任/義務 4 it'

Grahn added in her tweet:?'It's not that I oppose jail. It's that I oppose this jail.'

Grahn 追加するd in her tweet:?'It's not that I …に反対する 刑務所,拘置所. It's that I …に反対する this 刑務所,拘置所.'

Shortly after her arrest, Pullos, who portrayed Molly Lansing, the youngest daughter of Grahn's character Alexis Davis, was released from General Hospital , where she first joined in 2009

すぐに after her 逮捕(する), Pullos, who portrayed Molly Lansing, the youngest daughter of Grahn's character Alexis Davis, was 解放(する)d from General Hospital , where she first joined in 2009

Pullos ? who played Molly Lansing-Davis on the popular daytime soap オペラ since she was 11 ? was also ordered Monday to 支払う/賃金 $8,260 in restitution to 23 year-old Courtney Wilder, whose car she 衝突する/食い違うd 長,率いる-on with on the 134 Ventura Freeway in Pasadena in April 2023.

Wilder, who was 急ぐd in 批判的な 条件 to a 地元の hospital to を受ける 緊急 外科 , is now 告訴するing the actress in 民事裁判所, 捜し出すing 損害賠償金 for 怠慢,過失.

Pullos was 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金d with a first count of 重罪 DUI 原因(となる)ing 傷害 and a second of 運動ing with over 0.08 血 alcohol content 原因(となる)ing 傷害. The first count was the one that was 解任するd in the 取引,協定.

Also 解任するd was a 引き逃げの 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金 resulting from Pullos running into a parked car just before the freeway 衝突,墜落. But though 検察官,検事s dropped that count, she will still have to 支払う/賃金 restitution to the owner of the car she 損失d.

Police say that Pullos, who was dropped from General Hospital a month after the 事故, drove her white 2019 Ford Fusion westbound on to the eastbound 134 Freeway and 粉砕するd into Wilder's Kia which was traveling east at 60mph.

Both cars were 完全に 難破させるd and when first responders arrived, say 警官,(賞などを)獲得するs, Pullos was unable to 出口 her car, so firefighters had to use the jaws of life to get her out.

Several 小型の 瓶/封じ込めるs of tequila, 加える edible マリファナ wrappers were 設立する in her car.

And police at the 衝突,墜落 scene 報告(する)/憶測d that she smelled of alcohol and had slurred speech and glassy 注目する,もくろむs.

Marijuana edibles and tequila bottles were found during a search of Pullos' white 2019 Ford, which photos show sustained severe damage in the accident

マリファナ edibles and tequila 瓶/封じ込めるs were 設立する during a search of Pullos' white 2019 Ford, which photos show 支えるd 厳しい 損失 in the 事故

After the crash, California Highway Patrol and Pasadena fire officials released photos of the aftermath, showing both Pullos' and the 23-year-old victim's cars completely totaled and sprawled along Arroyo Seco Parkway

After the 衝突,墜落, California 主要道路 Patrol and Pasadena 解雇する/砲火/射撃 公式の/役人s 解放(する)d photos of the 影響, showing both Pullos' and the 23-year-old 犠牲者's cars 完全に totaled and sprawled along Arroyo Seco Parkway

The 負傷させるd driver Wilder (刑事)被告 Pullos in his 訴訟 of 'attacking' and 乱用ing first responders in a '激怒(する)' at the 事故 場所/位置, and even hitting and yelling at a 消防士 for touching her expensive designer shirt.

'Haley Pullos 行為/法令/行動するd maliciously and without any regard for the safety of others, as 証拠d by her 激怒(する) when she was pulled from her 乗り物 by first responders,' said Wilder in a written 宣言 to the 法廷,裁判所.

'She 行為/法令/行動するd maliciously by attacking the officers and yelling profanities in 前線 of 証言,証人/目撃するs and directed toward those who were trying to help her.

'In her fit of 激怒(する), Haley Pullos 乱打するd a firefighter and yelled at him to take his 手渡すs off her '$400 f***ing shirt.'

'にもかかわらず having just 原因(となる)d two 事故s, one of which resulted in serious, life-脅すing 傷害s, she cared more about her overpriced 着せる/賦与するing than she did the safety and all-存在 of the 犠牲者 of her 無謀な, intentional and despicable 行為/行う.

'As more 証拠 of her abhorrent 行為, Haley Pullos continued to fight 医療の staff and was 軍隊d to be sedated.

'Not only was she 運動ing under the 影響(力) of 麻薬s and alcohol, but she was drinking behind the wheel, as 証拠d by the edible wrappers and empty alcohol 瓶/封じ込めるs which were 設立する in her 乗り物.'

Pullos was charged with a first count of felony DUI causing injury and a second of driving with over 0.08 blood alcohol content causing injury. The first count was the one that was dismissed in the deal

Pullos was 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金d with a first count of 重罪 DUI 原因(となる)ing 傷害 and a second of 運動ing with over 0.08 血 alcohol content 原因(となる)ing 傷害. The first count was the one that was 解任するd in the 取引,協定?

Pullos ? who was spotted by checking into a 高級な rehab 施設 in Malibu a few weeks after the 衝突,墜落 ? is fighting Wilder's civil 訴訟 against her, 主張するing it was he who was to 非難する, not her.

And she's asking the 裁判官 to 解任する the 控訴 and order Wilder to 支払う/賃金 her 合法的な 料金s.

In January, Wilder 追加するd Pasadena's No Comment Lounge ? where Pullos was working as a hostess on the night of the 事故? as a 被告 in his civil 訴訟, 告発する/非難するing the popular nightspot of plying her with booze, then letting her 運動 herself home.

Wilder is also 告訴するing the 明言する/公表する of California Transportation Department, (人命などを)奪う,主張するing the road where the 事故 hap pened is in 'dangerous 条件.'