Baby Reindeer creator Richard Gadd 明らかにする/漏らすs why he has banned his parents from watching Netflix 攻撃する,衝突する - and says when he first 報告(する)/憶測d his stalking ordeal to police they couldn't believe he was 存在 脅すd by a woman

Baby Reindeer creator Richard Gadd says he has banned his parents from watching his 予期しない Netflix 粉砕する 攻撃する,衝突する.

The 34-year-old's darkly comic 演劇 is?based on his real life experiences of 存在 stalked by a woman he felt sorry for after 会合 her in a London pub where he pulled pints - after 存在 sexually 乱用d by a 最高の,を越す 人物/姿/数字 in the comedy world.

Gadd says in a new interview that he struggled to have his 関心s about the woman, 指名するd Martha in the show, taken 本気で by police because, he says, the idea of a man 存在 stalked by a 女性(の) admirer can be 'trivialised'.

But while 14 million people have pored over every 詳細(に述べる) of the show, Gadd's parents in his native Fife are not の中で them - as the comedian has banned them from watching it and 支払う/賃金s for their Netflix, so will know if they do.

But he says making the show with Netflix, based on two 批判的に acclaimed shows he wrote and 成し遂げるd at the Edinburgh Fringe festival, was cathartic and helped him come to 条件 with what happened earlier in his life.

Richard Gadd as his alter-ego Donny Dunn in Netflix's Baby Reindeer, which has captivated millions

Richard Gadd as his alter-ego Donny Dunn in Netflix's Baby Reindeer, which has captivated millions?

The show is based on his experiences of being stalked by a woman, who is named Martha and played by Jessica Gunning in the show (above)

The show is based on his experiences of 存在 stalked by a woman, who is 指名するd Martha and played by Jessica Gunning in the show (above)

Gadd says making th
e drama - based on two critically acclaimed Edinburgh Fringe shows he penned - has been cathartic

Gadd says making the 演劇 - based on two 批判的に acclaimed Edinburgh Fringe shows he penned - has been cathartic

A poster for the stage show of Baby Reindeer, upon which Gadd based his Netflix drama

A poster for the 行う/開催する/段階 show of Baby Reindeer, upon which Gadd based his Netflix 演劇

'If people see it they will know almost everything about me. They might 裁判官, they might not agree, and that innately comes with some degree of 苦悩, but that's what I 調印するd up for,' he told The Times.?

He pitched the show to Netflix after 連合させるing two 批判的に acclaimed Edinburgh Fringe shows, Baby Reindeer and Monkey See, Monkey Do, which 演説(する)/住所d his stalking and 性の 強襲,強姦 各々の ly.

But the show has 誘発するd 利益/興味 from would-be social マスコミ sleuths, who have tried to identify both the 最高の,を越す 人物/姿/数字 in comedy who 恐らく 強姦d him 同様に as his smitten stalker, played by?Jessica Gunning in the programme.

He has begged armchair 探偵,刑事s to stop trawling the internet trying to identify them after theatre director Sean Foley was wrongly identified as Gadd's 申し立てられた/疑わしい rapist.

Richard Osman said on a 最近の episode of his The 残り/休憩(する) is Entertainment 'people in the 産業' know who the (刑事)被告 攻撃者 is.

But the programme has raised 認識/意識性 of 女性(の) stalking - an 問題/発行する Gadd says is not taken 本気で because of 伝統的な 仮定/引き受けることs about the 勢力均衡 between men and women.

The programme shows Martha's obsession developing as she emails Gadd hundreds of times a day, turning up outside his house and 悩ますing his family and friends.

Over a period of four-and-a-half years, Gadd says he received 41,071 emails, 744 tweets, letters totalling 106 pages and 350 hours of voicemail messages.

にもかかわらず this, he told the Times police did not take his 関心s 本気で にもかかわらず his worries about how far the real-life Martha might go in her 新たな展開d 追跡s.?

'When a man gets stalked it can be portrayed in films and television as a sexy thing, like a femme 致命的な who 徐々に becomes more 悪意のある. It doesn't carry as much 脅し of physical 暴力/激しさ, is いっそう少なく ありふれた and can be trivialised,' he said.

He no w says he is いっそう少なく likely to 信用 people after his 逆の experiences with both men and women.

Gadd 結論するd: 'I used to enter 状況/情勢s with such abandonment, never thinking ahead and throwing my 信用 into people, and I got burnt. Now getting の近くに to people can be hard.'

Aside from the social マスコミ sleuthing, however, the woman believed to be the real Martha - who the Mail is choosing not to 指名する - has 爆破d the show on social マスコミ and (人命などを)奪う,主張するs she is in fact the 犠牲者.

But a woman who (人命などを)奪う,主張するs she was also stalked by 'Martha' told the Mail she recognised the behaviours of Gadd's admirer, now 58, straight away.

Lawyer Laura Wray said her 'jaw dropped' as she watched the show, recognising the woman すぐに にもかかわらず Gadd's 成果/努力s to disguise her 身元.

'I feel sad that she managed to slip through the 割れ目s for so long when she's 明確に unwell,' Laura says.

She's 狼狽d, too, that the woman has now been identified on social マスコミ as a result of the Netflix show ? にもかかわらず Gadd's 主張 that he had obscured her 身元.

Laura said:?'They could have changed things without diluting the content, but they've made it so 現実主義の. They have portrayed her 絶対 位置/汚点/見つけ出す on, it is so 明白に the woman who stalked me. It is so uncanny.'