Olly Murs was 軍隊d to 取り消す his gig 開始 for Take That in Glasgow on Friday just minutes before showtime.?

The singer, 39, had been keeping fans up to date on Instagram throughout the day as his flight from Heathrow was continually 延期するd, before 結局 存在 cancelled.

Olly, who's 始める,決める to open for the 禁止(する)d at the city's OVO Hydro for three nights,? 結局 受託するd 敗北・負かす and was 軍隊d to take a car all the way to Scotland in time for Saturday and Sunday's shows.?

His last minute 交替/補充 was plucked from a nearby hotel 妨げる/法廷,弁護士業 and obscurity after 存在 spotted by Scottish host Ross King.

Daniel Rooney had been 成し遂げるing at the Glasgow's RED Raddison hotel, when Ross text Take That's Gary Barlow に引き続いて the news that Olly has been 軍隊d to 取り消す.

Olly Murs was forced to cancel his gig opening for Take That in Glasgow on Friday just minutes before showtime - after his flight from Heathrow was cancelled

Olly Murs was 軍隊d to 取り消す his gig 開始 for Take That in Glasgow on Friday just minutes before showtime - after his flight from Heathrow was cancelled?

His last minute replacement Daniel Rooney (pictured) was plucked from a nearby RED Radisson hotel bar and obscurity after being spotted by Scottish host Ross King

His last minute 交替/補充 Daniel Rooney (pictured) was plucked from a nearby RED Radisson hotel 妨げる/法廷,弁護士業 and obscurity after 存在 spotted by Scottish host Ross King

Olly, who's set to open for the band at the city's OVO Hydro for three nights, eventually accepted defeat and was forced to take a car all the way to Scotland in time for Saturday and Sunday's shows (Take That pictured )

Olly, who's 始める,決める to open for the 禁止(する)d at the city's OVO Hydro for three nights, 結局 受託するd 敗北・負かす and was 軍隊d to take a car all the way to Scotland in time for Saturday and Sunday's shows (Take That pictured )?

When Gary jokingly asked if Ross knew of any singers, he recommend Daniel who was quickly 急ぐd over to the 円形競技場 with just 30 minutes notice.?

Fans loved the 業績/成果 taking to X 令状ing: 'Daniel Rooney from Cambuslang 粉砕するd it in your absence! Loved his 業績/成果': '抱擁する congrats to Daniel Rooney of Cambuslang. Filling in on 30mins notice for Olly Murs who was stuck in London. What a fab into to the big 行う/開催する/段階'.

一方/合間 one fan told Daily 記録,記録的な/記録する:?'Daniel was 広大な/多数の/重要な, I preferred him to Olly - I hope he makes it big.'?

Olly told 信奉者s in a 地位,任命する:?'So sorry to everyone at the @takethat show tonight in Glasgow, unfortunately I won't be there, I have been at London Heathrow from 11am this morning for my flight but after several 延期するs (check my Instagram) and then a cabin 乗組員 出来事/事件 our @British_Airways flight got cancelled!'.

'Don't think I've ever 行方不明になるd a gig before, am so annoyed! But am now in a car 長,率いるing up for our 6hr 旅行 for the Saturday and Sundays show 権利 now.'?

A gobsmacked Daniel said aft er his Hydro 業績/成果: 'It's hard to take it in, it's really surreal'.

'I'm just having a chance now to look at my phone and talk to my Mrs and parents and stuff. It was 急速な/放蕩な - 20 minutes before going on I met Gary and the guys and we talked about what songs to do'.

'It was 広大な/多数の/重要な, I got some good singalongs with the (人が)群がる etc and it felt like they were really behind me.

The singer had been keeping fans up to date on Instagram throughout the day as his flight from Heathrow was continually delayed, before eventually being cancelled.

The singer had been keeping fans up to date on Instagram throughout the day as his flight from Heathrow was continually 延期するd, before 結局 存在 cancelled.

Daniel (pictured) had been 成し遂げるing at the Glasgow's Raddison hotel, when Ross text Take That's Gary Barlow に引き続いて the news that Olly has been 軍隊d to 取り消す

When Gary jokingly asked if Ross (pictured) knew of any singers, he recommend Daniel who was quickly rushed over to the arena with just 30 minutes notice

When Gary jokingly asked if Ross (pictured) knew of any singers, he recommend Daniel who was quickly 急ぐd over to the 円形競技場 with just 30 minutes notice

Fans were impressed with Daniel's 業績/成果?

He continued: 'I know some people were not happy about Olly but as soon as I went up and had a 雑談(する) they were brilliant.

'Ross [King] went up first and 発表するd what was going on, he explain ed I was playing in Radisson RED when Gary asked him to help so he (機の)カム up to me and asked me to play the Hydro instead.

'I still had 45 minutes to go at the hotel but what can you do with something like this ? but they're really happy for me.'

Danny then 長,率いるd 支援する to the hotel to join bandmate John McLaughlin of Johnny Mac and the The Faithful, who 急ぐd 負かす/撃墜する to take over his 初めの gig.

And Danny has high hopes the 適切な時期 will help give him a 壇・綱領・公約 to showcase his own songs as an artist in his own 権利.

Ollie shared numerous videos as he attempted to fly north before eventually accepting defeat

Ollie 株d 非常に/多数の ビデオs as he 試みる/企てるd to 飛行機で行く north before 結局 受託するing 敗北・負かす??

Olly told followers in a post: 'So sorry to everyone at the @takethat show tonight in Glasgow, unfortunately I won't be there, I have
 been at London Heathrow from 11am this morning for my flight but after several delays (check my Instagram) and then a cabin crew incident our @British_Airways flight got cancelled!'

Olly told 信奉者s in a 地位,任命する: 'So sorry to everyone at the @takethat show tonight in Glasgow, unfortunately I won't be there, I have been at London Heathrow from 11am this morning for my flight but after several 延期するs (check my Instagram) and then a cabin 乗組員 出来事/事件 our @British_Airways flight got cancelled!'

'It's 早期に days ? it was an amazing night but I hope it will help me show people what I can do and what I am about, with my own music.

'For now I'm going to 長,率いる 支援する to the hotel, see Johnny and try to get my 長,率いる 一連の会議、交渉/完成する it all.'

Hollywood 星/主役にする Ross was at Radisson RED Glasgow with friends for the second Friday in a 列/漕ぐ/騒動 and was blown away by Danny, who was playing his 正規の/正選手 pre and 地位,任命する Hydro show in the hotel's downstairs 妨げる/法廷,弁護士業.

Ross said: 'I'd gone to the Radisson with my family and girlfriend for a pre-show meal.

'Gary and I were texting and I'd heard Olly was stuck in London, I joked I would be there for him but he said 'I'm not joking, we need you'.

'I told him I had just been listening to Danny and he was brilliant - Gaz said get over now you're both on in 30 minutes!

Daniel pictured performing with his band at the RED Radisson Hotel in Glasgow

Daniel pictured 成し遂げるing with his 禁止(する)d at the RED Radisson Hotel in Glasgow?

(L-R)? Howard Donald, Gary Barlow and Mark Owen perfomred to the sell out crowd

(L-R)? Howard Donald, Gary Barlow and 示す Owen perfomred to the sell out (人が)群がる

Take That's show featured impressive sets and pyrotechnics

Take That's show featured impressive 始める,決めるs and pyrotechnics?

'Danny was sensational.. a 星/主役にする was born! He met the boys before he went on and they waited for him to come off and told him he was brilliant.'

Radisson RED 経営者/支配人 Graham Chalmers said: 'Danny plays 定期的に for us ? working with grass roots artists is 抱擁する for us and he is someone we thought really has something.

'It's important to us to showcase Scotland's talent ? in fact we are 開始 a new live music 発生地 with that ethos at the heart of it, the Rotunda and Roundhouse across from the hotel.

He went on to say: 'So, It was a strange moment when I looked over and saw Danny put his coat on and 解除する his guitar ? I asked him what was going on but when he told me, how could you stand in the way of that sort of 適切な時期?

'We're really pleased for him and than ks to Ross for coming in again and of course for spotting the 肉親,親類d of talent we have at Radisson RED!'