Colourful Duke of Marlborough, who once entertained Donald Trump at his Blenheim Palace 住居, separates from his second wife after 22 years... and a number of previous 結婚の/夫婦の squalls

His 巨大な 相続物件 含むs 11,500 Oxfordshire acres and a stately pile larger than Buckingham Palace or Windsor 城 ? a 不平等 which 原因(となる)d George III to 認める that he had 'nothing to equal' it.?

But it was his second marriage, rather than his almost unimaginable 構成要素 blessings, that moved a friend to 述べる Jamie Blandford ? now the Duke of Marlborough ? as 'a very lucky man'.

His bride was the delightful, 負かす/撃墜する-to-earth Edla Griffiths, from Abergavenny, Monmouthshire, whom the then Marquess of Blandford 遭遇(する)d while she was living in Chelsea, perfecting her (手先の)技術 as a ceramicist.?

They married in 2002, at the 登録(する) office in Woodstock, the honey-石/投石するd town separated by the 広い地所 塀で囲む from 2,000 acres of parkland, at the heart of which lies Blenheim Palace, whose roofs themselves cover a 十分な three acres.

The Duke of Marlborough and Edla Griffiths (pictured) married in 2002 at the register office in Woodstock, Oxfordshire

The Duke of Marlborough and Edla Griffiths (pictured) married in 2002 at the 登録(する) office in Woodstock, Oxfordshire

The pair met while Edla was living in Chelsea, perfecting her craft as a ceramicist

The pair met while Edla was living in Chelsea, perfecting her (手先の)技術 as a ceramicist

Pictured: The Duke of Marlborough marries 
his first wife Becky Few-Brown

Pictured: The Duke of Marlborough marries his first wife Becky Few-Brown?

But, to the 狼狽 of friends, the union now appears to have run its course. 'Jamie and Edla have separated,' one tells me. 'It's very sad.'

The Duke, 68, who has a son and daughter, both 十代の少年少女s, with Edla, 56, 拒絶する/低下するs to comment.?

But he is not, 明らかに, bereft of 女性(の) company. 'He's 存在 慰安d by a friend, Doune Murray,' I'm told.

Those hoping the marriage may yet be 海難救助d について言及する previous 結婚の/夫婦の squalls.

The first was 早期に in 2004, when Edla moved out, unamused that Jamie had wandered off for eight weeks ? first to Australia, where he watched the Rugby World Cup, then to Switzerland, where he went skiing in Verbier, the 訴える手段/行楽地 where his chum, 米,稲 McNally ? Fergie's first 広大な/多数の/重要な love ? entertained in style at his chalet.

Pictured: Blenheim Palace in Oxfordshire - the residence of the Dukes of Marlborough

Pictured: Blenheim Palace in Oxfordshire - the 住居 of the Dukes of Marlborough?

Blenheim Palace (pictured) was built in the 18th century for John Churchill, the 1st Duke of Marlborough

Blenheim Palace (pictured) was built in the 18th century for John Churchill, the 1st Duke of Marlborough

Pictured: The gardens at Blenheim Palace in Oxfordshire

Pictured: The gardens at Blenheim Palace in Oxfordshire?

The Duke of Marlborough's immense inheritance includes 11,500 Oxfordshire acres

The Duke of Marlborough's 巨大な 相続物件 含むs 11,500 Oxfordshire acres

Three years later (機の)カム a still sterner 実験(する) when a 一連の モーターing and 'road-激怒(する)' offences saw Jamie 刑務所,拘置所d for six months.?

By then, Edla had already been credited by many ? Jamie 含むd ? for 'settling him 負かす/撃墜する' after his 騒然とした twenties and thirties, during which, at his lowest point, his 願望(する) for 麻薬s 定期的に led him to the 悪名高い Mozart 広い地所 in north London.

She now made it plain that he was going to lose her unless he 改革(する)d for good. He duly did ? aware that his first marriage, to Becky Few-Brown, with whom he had a son, George, now the Marquess of Blandford, had 創立者d because of hard-partying ways which once saw him shoot out Verbier's streetlights with a shotgun, perhaps destabilised by McNally's 歓待.

In 最近の years, he has done nothing more 議論の的になる than form a 社債 with Donald Trump, in whose honour a 祝宴 was held at Blenheim in 2018. That couldn't have 説得するd Edla to call it a day...could it?