Real Housewives Of New Jersey: Teresa Giudice (土地などの)細長い一片s 負かす/撃墜する to thong for at-home 団体/死体 sculpting 開会/開廷/会期

  • The 51-year-old reality 星/主役にする 招待するd Danielle Cabral, 38, and Jennifer Aydin , 47, over at her house to get an Emsculpt Neo 団体/死体 contouring 手続き?
  • ?Teresa went first and took off her pants and got on the (米)棚上げする/(英)提議する in her G-string 黒人/ボイコット underwear to get her butt sculpted
  • She groaned while を受けるing the 手続き that 連合させるs electromagnetic energy and radiofrequency energy?

Teresa Giudice stripped 負かす/撃墜する to a 黒人/ボイコット thong for an at-home 団体/死体 sculpting 開会/開廷/会期 on Sunday's episode of The Real Housewives Of New Jersey on Bravo.

The 51-year-old reality 星/主役にする 招待するd Danielle Cabral, 38,?and Jennifer Aydin, 47, over at her house to get an Emsculpt Neo 団体/死体 contouring 手続き.

'A little butt rejuvenation, 調印する me up,' Danielle said.

Teresa went first and took off her pants and got on the (米)棚上げする/(英)提議する in her G-string 黒人/ボイコット underwear to get her butt sculpted.

'You got a nice tanned a**,' Danielle said.

Teresa Giudice stripped down to a black thong for an at-home body sculpting session on Sunday's episode of The Real Housewives Of New Jersey on Bravo

Teresa Giudice stripped 負かす/撃墜する to a 黒人/ボイコット thong for an at-home 団体/死体 sculpting 開会/開廷/会期 on Sunday's episode of The Real Housewives Of New Jersey on Bravo

'I can't do Emsculpt without the laughing gas,' Jennifer said. 'It's painful.'

Teresa groaned while を受けるing the 手続き that 連合させるs electromagnetic energy and radiofrequency energy.

'Oh man,' Teresa said.

Danielle got 負かす/撃墜する on the (米)棚上げする/(英)提議する next and told them she was going to stay at John and Rachel Fuda's house at the shore.

'It's like a really slippery slope for me trying to build a new friendship with her,' Danielle said.

'Listen, you know me, I don't tell you who to be friends with,' Teresa said. 'I don't tell you whose team to be on. You want to be friends with Rachel, like God bless.'

Teresa during the episode also said she 手配中の,お尋ね者 'the world to see what a liar' Margaret Josephs was without 申し込む/申し出ing 明確な/細部s.

'There are things that I can't say because it 伴う/関わるs 合法的な 問題/発行するs and it's regarding Margaret Josephs,' Teresa said in a confessional. 'But I can't wait for the world to see what a liar she is. I'm going to be so happy, singing like a bird.'

The 51-year-old reality star invited Danielle Cabral, 38, and Jennifer Aydin, 47, over at her house to get an Emsculpt Neo body contouring procedure

The 51-year-old reality 星/主役にする 招待するd Danielle Cabral, 38, and Jennifer Aydin, 47, over at her house to get an Emsculpt Neo 団体/死体 contouring 手続き

'I can't do Emsculpt without the laughing gas,' Jennifer said. 'It's painful'

'I can't do Emsculpt without the laughing gas,' Jennifer said. 'It's painful'

Danielle got down on the table next and told them she was going to stay at John and Rach
el Fuda's house at the shore

Danielle got 負かす/撃墜する on the (米)棚上げする/(英)提議する next and told them she was going to stay at John and Rachel Fuda's house at the shore

'There are things that I can't say because it involves legal issues and it's regarding Margaret Josephs,' Teresa said in a confessional. 'But I can't wait for the world to see what a liar she is. I'm going to be so happy, singing like a bird'

'There are things that I can't say because it 伴う/関わるs 合法的な 問題/発行するs and it's regarding Margaret Josephs,' Teresa said in a confessional. 'But I can't wait for the world to see what a liar she is. I'm going to be so happy, singing like a bird'

Teresa told her husband Luis 'Louie' Ruelas, 49, that she had no 意向 of talking to Margaret at the party for Danielle's husband.

The season 14 episode 肩書を与えるd The Icing on the Brain Cake opened with Danielle taking her daughter Valentina to get new headshots. Danielle said she was throwing a big 祝賀 for her husband Nate on the Jersey Shore to celebrate that it had been seven years since his successful brain 外科.

Dolores Catania, 53, told her boyfriend Paul Connell that she enjoyed doing real 広い地所 because she enjoyed the fact that people 信用 her, which she said was unlike what was going on in her friend group after the 爆発 between Teresa and John Fuda at Jennifer Fessler's surprise birthday party.

'There is no 信用 in this group,' Dolores said.

'I didn't know Italian guys get so f***ing 感情を害する/違反するd,' Paul said. 'I was going to take f****ing take my t***y and breastfeed him. I was like WTF is wrong with this guy.'

Teresa and Louie got ready at their house to go to a party for his father, Louie Sr., to celebrate his eight years of sobriety.

'Louie and his dad have come a long way,' Teresa said. 'They have an amazing 関係 now.'

Teresa told Louie she cried because her daughter Gabriella was leaving for college in five days.

The season 14 episode titled The Icing on the Brain Cake opened with Danielle taking her daughter Valentina to get new headshots

The season 14 episode 肩書を与えるd The Icing on the Brain Cake opened with Danielle taking her daughter Valentina to get new headshots

Dolores Catania , 53, told her boyfriend Paul Connell that she enjoyed doing real estate because she enjoyed the fact that people trust her

Dolores Catania , 53, told her boyfriend Paul Connell that she enjoyed doing real 広い地所 because she enjoyed the fact that people 信用 her

'I didn't know Italian guys get so f***ing offended,' Paul said. 'I was going to take f****ing take my t***y and breastfeed him. I was like WTF is wrong with this guy'

'I didn't know Italian guys get so f***ing 感情を害する/違反するd,' Paul said. 'I was going to take f****ing take my t***y and breastfeed him. I was like WTF is wrong with this guy'

Teresa and Louie got ready at their house to go to a party for his father, Louie Sr., to celebrate his eight years of sobriety

Teresa and Louie got ready at their house to go to a party for his father, Louie Sr., to celebrate his eight years of sobriety

Louie listened as Teresa revealed she cried because her daughter Gabriella was leaving for college in five days

Louie listened as Teresa 明らかにする/漏らすd she cried because her daughter Gabriella was leaving for college in five days

'I'm going to 行方不明になる her,' Teresa said.

一方/合間, Melissa , 45, and Joe Gorga went out with Melissa's family to celebrate their daughter Antonia's 18th birthday.

'Melissa got 妊娠している with Antonia within two months that we got married,' Joe said. 'So we were trying to 人物/姿/数字 out who we were as a couple while also trying to 人物/姿/数字 out how to be parents. This is my baby girl off to college and I'm having it rough.'

Melissa's cousin Nick sat next to his fianc? マイク and reminded Joe that he needed to get officiated so he could marry them.

'Guys call me father Joe,' Joe said.

Melissa told them she 高く評価する/(相場などが)上がるd how special they made Joe feel.

'Honestly, Joey G changed my life like 180 degrees when you embraced when I (機の)カム out like all opened 武器,' Nick said. ' That's why you're going to be up there with us.'

'It means so much to me,' Joe said.

'Melissa's family embraced me from the minute I met them and the fact that my 味方する of the family is not here tonight it's bittersweet,' Joe said. 'But I'm surrounded and she is surrounded by this love of his amazing family.'

Melissa , 45, and Joe Gorga went out with Melissa's family to celebrate their daughter Antonia's 18th birthday

Melissa , 45, and Joe Gorga went out with Melissa's family to celebrate their daughter Antonia's 18th birthday

'Melissa's family embraced me from the minute I met them and the fact that my side of the family is not here tonight it's bittersweet,' Joe said. 'But I'm surrounded and she is surrounded by this love of his amazing family'

'Melissa's family embraced me from the minute I met them and the fact that my 味方する of the family is not here tonight it's bittersweet,' Joe said. 'But I'm surrounded and she is surrounded by this love of his amazing family'

Melissa, Margaret Josephs, 57, and Rachel Fuda took pickleball lessons together. Rachel sai d that her shoulder was 殺人,大当り her because her arthritis was 事実上の/代理 up. She said in a confessional that she had arthritis as a child and had her hips 取って代わるd when she was only 18.

'Do you know my mother fell today 持つ/拘留するing baby Anthony,' Melissa said. 'She was 持つ/拘留するing the baby, tripped, saved the baby but landed on her 肘s.'

Margaret asked Rachel how the 対決 with Teresa at the party started when Teresa (刑事)被告 her husband John of 存在 the biggest 麻薬 売買業者.

'We are talking about something that happened 20 years ago,' Rachel said.

'When John was 17 years old he was selling マリファナ and got 逮捕(する)d,' Rachel said in a confessional. 'That's it. That's the story. So for her to try to weaponize something that my husband went through as a child is f***ing disgusting coming from a 犯罪の herself.'

'This is a grown a** woman who went to 刑務所,拘置所 and (機の)カム out and has 無 growth,' Rachel said. 'It's pathetic.'

Everyone then went to the Jersey Shore for Danielle's party. Jennifer Fessler told Rachel at her house that she wasn't の近くに to Teresa.

'The thing that is unfathomable to me is that you even want to be her friend,' Rachel said. 'The 令状ing's on the f***ing 塀で囲む.'

Melissa, Margaret Josephs and Rachel Fuda took pickleball lessons together

Melissa, Margaret Josephs and Rachel Fuda took pickleball lessons together

Margaret asked Rachel how the confrontation with Teresa at the party started when Teresa accused her husband John of being the biggest drug dealer

Margaret asked Rachel how the 対決 with Teresa at the party started when Teresa (刑事)被告 her husband John of 存在 the biggest 麻薬 売買業者

'We are talking about something that happened 20 years ago,' Rachel said

'We are talking about something that happened 20 years ago,' Rachel said

'When John was 17 years old he was selling pot and got arrested,' Rachel said in a confessional. 'That's it. That's the story. So for her to try to weaponize something that my husband went through as a child is f***ing disgusting coming from a criminal herself'

'When John was 17 years old he was selling マリファナ and got 逮捕(する)d,' Rachel said in a confessional. 'That's it. That's the story. So for her to try to weaponize something that my husband went through as a child is f***ing disgusting coming from a 犯罪の herself'

'I think what she said is horrible. The thing is this entire group tends to say really crappy ugly things' Jennifer Fessler said. 'I think that she fights dirty. The lower you go, the lower she goes.'

Danielle arrived at the house and Rachel told her that they special ordered Bacardi for them. Later, Danielle told Rachel and Jennifer Fessler that she didn't 招待する Jackie Goldschneider, 47, because she made fun of her 着せる/賦与するs and said she was trashy.

At the party for Danielle's husband Nate, Melissa congratulated him on his successful brain 外科 and for living. Teresa and Louie arrived.

'Here we go,' John said.

'Please let this go 井戸/弁護士席,' Danielle said in a confessional.

Melissa watched in her 議長,司会を務める as Teresa arrived but didn't come over to her to say hi. Danielle 雇うd a Washington DC-based choir to 成し遂げる at the party and Danielle and her husband danced together and the choir sang.

Teresa pulled Jennifer Fessler aside at the party to talk.

'My husband met with Frank after New York,' Teresa said. 'He said to him that everyone had met at Margaret's house the night before the 再会. Why did Margaret have you guys all at her house?'

'It was a get-together to say we're walking into this s*** show,' Jennifer Fessler said. 'When they come at us with this, we can come 支援する at them with whatever X,Y,Z.'

Jennifer said in a confessional that she and her husband Jeff, Jackie, Melissa and Joe, and Rachel and John all went to Margaret's house.

'They were prepping for Louie to have a lot of (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) because of the 私的な 捜査官/調査官,' Jennifer Fessler said.

Teresa said she heard she said something about the 計画(する) not 存在 遂行する/発効させるd, but Jennifer Fessler said she never said that. She said she talked about how they brought these manila envelopes to the 再会 but didn't even open them. Teresa then swore on her four daughters that Louie didn't call Margaret's son.

Teresa pulled Jennifer Fessler aside at the party to talk

Teresa pulled Jennifer Fessler aside at the party to talk

'They were prepping for Louie to have a lot of information because of the private investigator,' Jennifer Fessler said

'They were prepping for Louie to have a lot of (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) because of the 私的な 捜査官/調査官,' Jennifer Fessler said

'Teresa is a good person,' Jennifer Fessler said in a confessional. 'I enjoy her. I mean, maybe that makes me disloyal but I can't help it.'

Teresa and Jennifer Fessler hugged.

'I feel really remorseful,' Rachel said. 'Because I thought I had someone that was my ride or die for a really long time. And at this moment, I don't see that Jen. I feel like I should have known better.'

The Real Housewives Of New Jersey will return next Sunday on Bravo.