Christopher Biggins once …に出席するd a lavish dinner party in LA with the likes of Frank Sinatra, Joan Collins and Michael Caine.?

But he 明らかにする/漏らすd that he 恐れるd the now late crooner Sinatra was going to 'shoot him' when he asked him to step out into the 回廊(地帯) after dinner.?

The pair were celebrating the birthday of?American comedian and actor George 燃やすs in Hollywood when they were seated together on the 'Joan Collins' (米)棚上げする/(英)提議する.?

Christopher, 75, told the My Dirty Laundry podcast: 'Joan rang one day and said, "Look,?we're having a birthday party for George 燃やすs".?

'George was a 抱擁する comedi an. He was 驚くべき/特命の/臨時の. And I went to this birthday party and they had it in the foyer, 400 of us, in the foyer of [億万長者 and 最高位の boss Marvin and his wife Barbara Davis's] home.?

Christopher Biggins told the My Dirty Laundry Podcast he once feared Frank Sinatra was 'going to shoot him' when he asked him to step outside during George Burns' Hollywood birthday party he attended with Joan Collins in LA, (Christopher and Joan pictured recently)

Christopher Biggins told the My Dirty Laundry Podcast he once 恐れるd Frank Sinatra was 'going to shoot him' when he asked him to step outside during George 燃やすs' Hollywood birthday party he …に出席するd with Joan Collins in LA, (Christopher and Joan pictured recently)?

He said: 'To be sitting one away from Frank Sinatra, I thought if my mother could see me now, I mean, she wouldn't believe it. And it was fantastic' (Frank pictured with third wife Mia Farrow in the 60s)

He said: 'To be sitting one away from Frank Sinatra, I thought if my mother could see me now, I mean, she wouldn't believe it. And it was fantastic' (Frank pictured with third wife Mia Farrow in the 60s)

Christopher said the real reason Frank wanted him to go outside was because he 'wanted a cigarette and his wife didn't allow him to smoke' so Christopher stood guard and they talked

Christopher said the real 推論する/理由 Frank 手配中の,お尋ね者 him to go outside was because he '手配中の,お尋ね者 a cigarette and his wife didn't 許す him to smoke' so Christopher stood guard and they talked?

'There were 40 (米)棚上げする/(英)提議するs of 10. And each (米)棚上げする/(英)提議する was 星/主役にする-studded. I mean, there was the Michael Caine (米)棚上げする/(英)提議する, there was the Sidney Poitier (米)棚上げする/(英)提議する, there was the Joan Collins (米)棚上げする/(英)提議する, there was the Jackie Collins (米)棚上げする/(英)提議する, there was, just everyone,

'I was put on the hostess' (米)棚上げする/(英)提議する, and then I sat next to Shakira Caine. I knew Shakira, and then next to Shakira was Frank Sinatra. Then there was our hostess, then there was George 燃やすs. Then there was one of the daughters of the couple.'

He said: 'To be sitting one away from Frank Sinatra, I thought if my mother could see me now, I mean, she wouldn't believe it. And it was fantastic.?

'I called him Sir, and I called him Mr. Sinatra. And 結局 he said to me, 'Christopher, call me Frank!. So I thought, 井戸/弁護士席, I can't let this moment go by.

'So I said, "Frank,?about eight years ago in London, I played Nathan Detroit in Guys And Dolls", and he said, "Do you know, Christopher? So did I", and I thought that's it, I can die now and go to heaven.?

'And he then asked me out into the 回廊(地帯) after dinner, and I thought he's gonna shoot me because he was 報道によれば linked with the mafi a.?

'But in fact, he 手配中の,お尋ね者 the cigarette and his wife didn't 許す him to smoke, so I stood guard and we talked. And that was one of the 最高潮の場面s of my life. I mean, you know, 驚くべき/特命の/臨時の that should happen.'

His words come after 2007?King Of The ジャングル Chris said I'm A Celeb... should be 残り/休憩(する)d now,?admitting he no longer recognises half of the いわゆる famous 直面するs that are chosen to appear.

Christopher also said that while he loved his own time on the ITV programme - pocketing £50k in the 過程, it 'has had its time.'

He said: 'The show has been wonderful for me. And I watch it now. It's 利益/興味ing. I don't know half the people who are in it.?

'I mean, I'm A Celebrity... Get Me Out Of Here is a wrong 称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語. I think they should give it a 残り/休憩(する) in a way because I think it's had its time.?

pictured kissing Sinatra alongside Dean Martin in 1962's Everett Collection

Joan pictured kissing Sinatra と一緒に Dean ツバメ in 1962's Everett Collection

Christopher also said on the podcast: I'm A Celeb... which he won in 2007, should be rested now, as he slated fellow contestant Janice Dickinson

Christopher also said on the podcast: I'm A Celeb... which he won in 2007, should be 残り/休憩(する)d now, as he 予定するd fellow contestant Janice Dickinson

'But it has been just 絶対 wonderful. Of course, Ant and Dec are brilliant.'

He continued: 'I loved every minute of it. And people come to me for advice now, if they're asked to do it, whether they should do it.?

'And I say, you know, the thing is that it, it is a wonderful experience. I loved every moment of it.?

'I went on to earn a fortune the year after, having won it. So it is good, but you've got to 勝利,勝つ it to be in it.'?

He 追加するd: 'The only thing about it is, it is very boring because you only see one hour of our 24 hours. So there are endless scenes of people doing nothing, just lying around?trying to make conversation with their boring housemates.

'But if you 勝利,勝つ it, it's incredible. It changes your life, changes your career, which it certainly did with me. And it was just wonderful.'

Christopher 購入(する)d a one-bedroom flat with the money he made, which he rents out, giving him a 安定した income.??

He 追加するd: 'It's a very, very clever show. I mean, it's very clever in so many 尊敬(する)・点s.?

Christopher has had 60 successful year in showbiz and counts Joan Collins as one of his best friends, (pictured together in June 2023)

Christopher has had 60 successful year in showbiz and counts Joan Collins as one of his best friends, (pictured together in June 2023)?

'I mean, it puts you on the line. It makes you, you don't, the thing you mustn't do is ever be a character.?

'You must always be yourself because in three weeks, you can't 持続する a character. You know, you'll be caught out. And a lot of people are caught out. And it's amazing how people don't 後継する in it and don't go through to the end.'?

And one person he couldn't get on with was Janice Dickinson, 69, who (機の)カム second on the show.?

He said: 'I was with the awful Janice, an American model, and we were the last two to be in the show. I was 納得させるd she'd won, and she was 納得させるd she'd won too.?

'So when they said, "This year, the KING..." oh, I was, I couldn't believe they said king, and she was so, she 絶対 couldn't believe it, left すぐに to go 支援する to America.?

'She was not a good loser but she's not done anything since so I can't complain. She was pretty awful I can tell you.'

Biggins famously played a sex-crazed vicar in Poldark - as you do!

Biggins famously played a sex-crazed vicar in Poldark - as you do!?

He became a household name after starring in children's television comedy show Rentaghost in the 70s and 80s

He became a 世帯 指名する after starring in children's television comedy show Rentaghost in the 70s and 80s?

And 反映するing on some of the stranger moments that took place, he said: 'I did things in there which I didn't know I could かもしれない do 肉体的に or mentally and it was just wonderful.?

'You know, I had to eat a kangaroo's penis and as I said on the show at the time, "I've had worse things in my mouth".?

'And then I had a kangaroo's ball and I bit into that and all this liquid 爆発するd in my mouth and I had to chew the 解雇(する), get rid of that, make that go 負かす/撃墜する. And then nine months later, I gave birth to a Joey' he joked.

Christopher has had a lucrative career starring in Rentaghost, I Claudius, Some Mother Do 'Av 'Em and he's also played a sex-crazed vicar in Poldark.?

And whi le he is 満足させるd financially, he said:? 'I think that I'd be a very good multimillionaire. There's lots of friends I have who I'd help because times are 堅い and it would be marvellous to be a sort of benefactor to so many people that I know.?

'And it would be wonderful. But I'm, you know, I'm amazed at how I'm still here after 60 years in the 商売/仕事.'

Listen to the 十分な interview here?or follow @mydirtylaundrypodcast on Instagram or TikTok.?