EXCLUSIVETony Bennett's daughters break their silence after 告訴するing brothers and late singer's 未亡人 まっただ中に bitter 相続物件 戦う/戦い over their father's 広い地所 - and 明らかにする/漏らす what they think their father would have 手配中の,お尋ね者

Tony Bennett's daughters have broken their silence after 告訴するing their brothers and the late singer's 未亡人 まっただ中に a bitter 相続物件 戦う/戦い over their father's 広い地所 and 明らかにする/漏らすd what they think their father would have 手配中の,お尋ね者.

The 伝説の crooner died last July at the age of 96, and Bennett's daughters, Johanna Bennett, 53, and Antonia Bennett, 50, have now?とじ込み/提出するd a 訴訟 regarding his 広い地所.

They 指名するd their brothers D'Andrea 'Danny' Bennett, 70, and Daegal 'Dae' Bennett, 68, and the singer's 未亡人 Susan Benedetto, 56, in the 合法的な とじ込み/提出するing and 需要・要求するd they 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる) and turn over all 資産s held by the singer.

Speaking to DailyMail.com on Friday, Bennett's daughters 明らかにする/漏らすd how their brother Danny's 欠如(する) of transparency as trustee of the 広い地所 was '苦しめるing' and as 受益者s they had '非常に/多数の unanswered questions.'

'Our 最初の/主要な 客観的な is to 暴露する the truth about the 管理/経営 of the 広い地所, the 取引,協定s that were made, and the 配当 of the proceeds to the Family 信用,' they said.?

They 追加するd: 'Our father would have 手配中の,お尋ね者 his children to remain 部隊d and 栄誉(を受ける) his 明確な/細部 wishes regarding the 広い地所 without 合法的な 問題/発行するs'.?

Tony Bennett smiling and giving a thumbs up with his daughters, Johanna, 53, (left) and Antonia, 50, by his side in New York City in 2016

Tony Bennett smiling and giving a thumbs up with his daughters, Johanna, 53, (left) and Antonia, 50, by his 味方する in New York City in 2016

Danny Bennett (pictured left) and Dae Bennett pictured with their dad at the Grammy Awards at Madison Square Garden January 2018. The trio won Best Traditional Pop Vocal Album for 'Tony Bennett Celebrates 90'

Danny Bennett (pictured left) and Dae Bennett pictured with their dad at the Grammy Awards at Madison Square Garden January 2018. The trio won Best 伝統的な Pop 声の Album for 'Tony Bennett Celebrates 90'

The late singer's widow, Susan Bennett, also known as Susan Crow Benedetto, 56, was also named in the filing. The pair married in 2007. Susan was the singer's third wife. They are pictured in 2019 in NYC

The late singer's 未亡人, Susan Bennett, also known as Susan Crow Benedetto, 56, was also 指名するd in the とじ込み/提出するing. The pair married in 2007. Susan was the singer's third wife. They are pictured in 2019 in NYC??

Bennett's sons, Danny and Daegal, are from his first marriage to his then-wife, Patricia Beech. The pair were married from 1950 until 1970.

His daughters, Johanna and Antonia, are from his marriage to his second wife Sandra 認める. The couple married in 1971, and 離婚d in 1984.?

He later married Susan Benedetto in 2007, whom he remained with until his death.?

When Bennett died on July 20, 2023, his eldest son, Danny, became the 単独の trustee of the The Tony Bennett 1994 Family 信用.

Johanna and Antonio they told DailyMail.com that their 'father 詳細(に述べる)d his wishes in the Family 信用 that his?children 株 平等に in his 広い地所 as 指名するd 受益者s.

'によれば our father's 広い地所 計画(する), we are 50 パーセント Family 信用 受益者s, which 含むs personal 所持品, residual 資産s, income streams, copyrights and 王族s,' the daughters told DailyMail.com.

This week, they とじ込み/提出するd the 訴訟 that 申し立てられた/疑わしい their brother Danny mishandled their father's 資産s and failed to 公表する/暴露する some of them in his 役割 as trustee of the late singer's 広い地所.?

The daughter's 主張するd that they have made every 考えられる 成果/努力 since to 得る 決定的な (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) about their father's 広い地所, as 受益者s of the 広い地所.

In the 控訴, they called their requests 'reasonable' and 明言する/公表するd that their brother and his counsel have 断固としてやる failed and 辞退するd to 供給する (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) regarding the 所有物/資産/財産 and 資産s they have a 権利 to.?

Johanna 追加するd: 'I no longer have a 関係 with Danny and Susan.'?

Danny Bennett, was his father's manager for 40 years. The father and son duo attend the The Paley Center For Media presentation of Tony Bennett Celebrates 90: The Best Is Yet To Come at The Paley Center for Media on December 14, 2016, in New York City

Danny Bennett, was his father's 経営者/支配人 for 40 years. The father and son 二人組 …に出席する the The Paley 中心 For マスコミ 贈呈 of Tony Bennett Celebrates 90: The Best Is Yet To Come at The Paley 中心 for マスコミ on December 14, 2016, in New York City

The 訴訟 明言する/公表するd that The Family 信用 was created by a 信用 協定 時代遅れの December 21, 1994, with Tony, as the grantor, and Tony, Danny and Daegal, as yrustees.?

Since then, and 事前の to October 19, 2016, Tony 修正するd - and? in some instances 修正するd and 再び述べるd - the Family 信用 非常に/多数の times.

Bennett 基金d the Family 信用 事前の to his death.

Johanna and Antonia 表明するd some of their 関心s that were 詳細(に述べる)d in the 控訴 about the little (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) they had regarding their father's 甚だしい/12ダース 広い地所, status of the proceeds of the Iconoclast sale, and accounting of their father's 資産s at the time of his death.?

The 控訴 ex plained that during the 高さ of Bennett's singing career, which continued until 2021, the 伝説の singer earned an 普通の/平均(する) of between $100,000 to $125,000 per concert, and 大幅に more for each 業績/成果 during the concert series with lady Gaga.

The daughters 主張する that they believe their father's 収入 from live 業績/成果s alone during the final 15 years of his active career 越えるd $100,000,000,?but was told their father's 甚だしい/12ダース 広い地所's value was at いっそう少なく than $7,000,000.

Additionally, the 控訴 points out 申し立てられた/疑わしい 貸付金s from their father to Danny in 2020 for $1,200,000.? No (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) has been 供給するd 関心ing the circumstances of these 貸付金s or who 権限を与えるd them.

That year, Danny was 事実上の/代理 as Bennett's 弁護士/代理人/検事-in-fact after Bennett had been 診断するd years earlier with Alzheimer's dementia. He also?had worked as his 経営者/支配人 for more than four 10年間s under his company, RPM Music 生産/産物s, Inc. ('RPM 生産/産物s').

During a 会合 with Danny and his counsel in 中央の-March, Danny (人命などを)奪う,主張するd that the Inconoclast 取引,協定, from which he took a (売買)手数料,委託(する)/委員会/権限 of more than $2.5 million, was 行為/行うd to 生成する 基金s for Tony's use and 利益.

In 返答, the daughters said in their 控訴, 'The 欠如(する) of transparency 誘発するd our request for documentation from the onset of our father's illness up to and after our father's death.'?

Bennett peforming with Lady Gag at Radio City Music Hall in August 2021. The concert was 'One Last Time: An Evening with Tony Bennett and Lady Gaga'

Bennett peforming with Lady Gag at 無線で通信する City Music Hall in August 2021. The concert was 'One Last Time: An Evening with Tony Bennett and Lady Gaga'

最初, both of Bennett's sons were 指名するd as trustees of the Family 信用 before Danny became the 単独の Trustee upon their father's death last year.

The 控訴 申し立てられた/疑わしい that Danny 持つ/拘留するs 付加 fiduciary and 管理/経営 positions that have a direct 耐えるing on his father's 資産s and has engaged in さまざまな 処理/取引s in which he has competing personal, 商売/仕事 and fiduciary 義務s and 利益/興味s.?

The singer's daughters also say they made 非常に/多数の requests to 得る basic (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) 関心ing their father's 広い地所 (人命などを)奪う,主張するing that Danny '得るd personal 利益s for himself and his company.'

They その上の 明言する/公表するd in the 控訴 that 処理/取引s were made on に代わって of Tony, Benedetto Arts, LLC, and the family 信用, 含むing the sale and consignment of their late father's memorabilia and personal 所有物/資産/財産.

Johanna and Antonia told the 法廷,裁判所 that their brother did not fully account for the totals in selling a 部分 of the 権利s of their father's catalog, 指名する, image and likeness to the company Iconoclast this past March.?

'We're 関心d that we were not 協議するd about the Trustee's 決定/判定勝ち(する) to sell our father's income stream, 指名する and likeness,' the 控訴 said.?

'Unfortunately, the 欠如(する) of transparency 妨げるd us?from knowing the 取引,協定's 詳細(に述べる)s and the 有効性,効力 of the sale.'

Johanna and Antonia, 申し立てられた/疑わしい that Danny and his lawyers 'have 断固としてやる failed and 辞退するd' to show the fu ll 詳細(に述べる)s of the aforementioned 処理/取引s.

'The (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) 供給するd raises more questions than answers and fails to 供給する anything の近くに to an accounting of Tony's 資産s and 財政上の 事件/事情/状勢s,' their lawyers said.

Tony Bennett and with his first wife, Patricia Beech, leaving St. Patrick's Cathedral on their wedding day February 12, 1952. A fan is seen peering through the window of their car. The couple went on to have two sons, Danny and Dae, together

Tony Bennett and with his first wife, Patricia Beech, leaving St. Patrick's Cathedral on their wedding day February 12, 1952. A fan is seen peering through the window of their car. The couple went on to have two sons, Danny and Dae, together?

Bennett pictured with his second wife, Sandra Grant, who he wed in December 1971. The couple had two daug
hters, Johanna and Antonia. They pair divorced in 1984

Bennett pictured with his second wife, Sandra 認める, who he 結婚する in December 1971. The couple had two daughters, Johanna and Antonia. They pair 離婚d in 1984

Additionally, Bennett's daughters are requesting the 法廷,裁判所 orders all holdings be '在庫d, accounted for, and 分配するd pursuant to the 表明する 条件 of the family 信用,' によれば the 合法的な 文書s.

They are asking for Danny to account for all totals with documentation in regard to 税金s, disbursements and 関係のある expenses, によれば 法廷,裁判所 docs.

Iconoclast on March 19 発表するd it had acquired 重要な 部分s of Bennett's catalog, 指名する and likeness, though Sony Music said it remains the owner of the singer's catalog, によれば Billboard.

Other 面s of the 取引,協定 含むd Bennett-branded 努力するs such as a restaurant in New York City, a watch brand and a 文書の on 最高位の+ about Bennett's work with Lady Gaga.

The company's 創立者 Olivier Chastan said in a 声明 at the time: 'We all walk in the footsteps of 巨大(な)s. Tony was one of these 巨大(な)s.

'Besides his 驚くべき/特命の/臨時の talent that radiated for over 60 years, Tony's 遺産/遺物 is one of character, 正直さ, 親切 and courage. We are truly 栄誉(を受ける)d to be the custodians of this incredible and historical legend.'

Danny Bennett said at the time: 'In working with Tony for over 40 years, my philosophy was always that I didn't manage a career but, rather, managed a 遺産/遺物. Iconoclast … will continue this tradition.'

The Family 信用 was 修正するd for the last time on October 19, 2016.

DailyMail. com has 接触するd Danny and Daegal for comment. Susan Benedetto 拒絶する/低下するd to comment.?