支援する from the dead! Tom 巡航する looks 脅すd as he stands with Annabelle Wallis in first 発射s from 始める,決める of new Mummy movie in Oxford

He is getting 始める,決める to 戦う/戦い an angry 死体 wrapped in 包帯s.

So it is 理解できる Tom 巡航する's character was looking a little worried as the first 発射s from the new The Mummy reboot 存在 発射 in Oxford, England 現れるd Tuesday.

The movie hunk wore a look of constipated びっくり仰天 on his 直面する as he 星/主役にするd into the distance while his beautiful blonde co-星/主役にする Annabelle Wallis stood at his 味方する.

Oh Mummy: Tom looked worried as he stood with?Annabelle on the set of the reboot

Oh Mummy: Tom 巡航する looked worried as he stood with?Annabelle Wallis on the 始める,決める of the reboot in Oxford on Tuesday

Evergreen Tom, 53, was looking good for his age in a blue shirt, dark denims and 黒人/ボイコット shoes.

His effervescent 31-year-old English co-星/主役にする, who is best known for dating Coldplay singer Chris ツバメ, 一方/合間 was lovely in a white blouse, khaki ジーンズs and brown boots.

One person who did not put in an 外見 was Sofia Boutella, the sexy 34-year-old Algerian actress who is playing the film's monster.?

によれば the movie synopsis, Tom plays 海軍 調印(する) Tyler Colt who goes on a 使節団 in the Iraqi 砂漠 to find a group of テロリストs hiding out in a (船に)燃料を積み込む/(軍)地下えんぺい壕.?

Peter Pan: It is hard to believe the youthful looking ?Top Gun favourite is now 53-years-old

Peter Pan: It is hard to believe the youthful looking ?最高の,を越す Gun favourite is now 53-years-old

Get behind me: In a dramatic moment Tom stood in front of the blonde bombshell

Get behind me: In a 劇の moment Tom stood in 前線 of the blonde bombshell

Action-packed: It looked as though the co-stars were filming an intense scene together

活動/戦闘-packed: It looked as though the co-星/主役にするs were filming an 激しい scene together

However their prey turn out to be mere 墓/厳粛/彫る/重大な robbers who have all magically died, and when they go inside the (船に)燃料を積み込む/(軍)地下えんぺい壕 Tyler and his team also succumb to some mystical 軍隊s out of their 支配(する)/統制する, which is when they realise they are 現実に in an 古代の tomb.?

While his men 結局最後にはーなる turning on each other, Tom's character is the only one make it all the way 深い within the tomb alive and find an ominous 黒人/ボイコット アイロンをかける sarcophagus.?

After he tries to open it he is stabbed in the palm and his mind is 悪口を言う/悪態d with 見通しs of Ashurbanipal, King of Assyria, more 非公式に known as The Mummy.

Risky Business: Tom was running the risk of catching his death standing in a shirt at night in chilly England

Risky 商売/仕事: Tom was running the 危険 of catching his death standing in a shirt at night in chilly England

Can you get me Coldplay tickets? Musical connoisseur Tom looked like he was enjoying his timne on set with Chris Martin's girlfriend

Can you get me Coldplay tickets? Musical connoisseur Tom looked like he was enjoying his timne on 始める,決める with Chris ツバメ's girlfriend

Great job: Tom applauded after they completed what was apparently a particularly good take

広大な/多数の/重要な 職業: Tom 拍手喝采する after they 完全にするd what was 明らかに a 特に good take

Original and best: It waill take some doing for the reboot to match the classic 1932 film which starred the?incomparable Boris Karloff

初めの and best: It waill take some doing for the reboot to match the classic 1932 film which starred the?incomparable Boris Karloff

Hope it doesn't Rain Man: No doubt the crew had umbrellas on hand in case typical English weather struck
Hope it doesn't Rain Man: No doubt the crew had umbrellas on hand in case typical English weather struck

Hope it doesn't Rain Man: No 疑問 the 乗組員 had umbrellas on 手渡す in 事例/患者 typical English 天候 struck

That's better: He seemed relieved when he pulled on a winter jacket and sat next to a heater

That's better: He seemed relieved when he pulled on a winter jacket and sat next to a heater

A chump at Oxford: Tom's latest film is part of Universal's Monsters Universe franchise

A chump at Oxford: Tom's 最新の film is part of 全世界の/万国共通の's Monsters Universe franchise

The film is part of 全世界の/万国共通の' s Monsters Universe franchise, which kicked off with 2014's Dracula Untold, which was met with mixed reviews.

The 最新の 試みる/企てる is 存在 directed by?Alex Kurtzman, who is best known for 令状ing such classics as Cowboys And 外国人s and Transformers.

He is also producing, along with Chris Morgan, of the 急速な/放蕩な And Furious series, and Sean Daniel, the brains behind The Mummy trilogy.

However Kurtzman has a hard 仕事 on its 手渡すs to match the 衝撃 made by the 初めの monsterm who was made famous on the big 審査する by the incomparable Boris Karloff in Karl Freund’s 1932 feature.

Hard at work: The pair were back on set in the same costumes on Wednesday night

Hard at work: The pair were 支援する on 始める,決める in the same 衣装s on Wednesday night

Leading man: Tom stopped in his tracks during shooting for one tense scene with Annabelle

主要な man: Tom stopped in his 跡をつけるs during 狙撃 for one 緊張した scene with Annabelle

Action! The Hollywood leading man was in the spotlight for another night shoot in Oxford

活動/戦闘! The Hollywood 主要な man was in the スポットライト for another night shoot in Oxford

Leading lady: Annabelle was back in the same costume as she got to work

主要な lady: Annabelle was 支援する in the same 衣装 as she got to work

Major production: The pair were surrounded by crew and lighting rigs for the overnight shoot

Major 生産/産物: The pair were surrounded by 乗組員 and lighting 装備するs for the 夜通し shoot

Giving it their all: Tom and Annabelle looked deep in conversation as the cameras rolled

Giving it their all: Tom and Annabelle looked 深い in conversation as the cameras rolled

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