Grimes 発表するs she is changing her 行う/開催する/段階 指名する to 'c' after 13 years under previous pseudonym

Grimes has 明らかにする/漏らすd she is changing her 行う/開催する/段階 指名する.

The 32-year-old told the New York Times that henceforth she will be known in public life as 'c' which is the notation for the 速度(を上げる) of light.

She was born Claire Elise Boucher in Vancouver but has been a musician with the pseudonym Grimes for 13 years now.

New stage name: Grimes has told the New York Times that henceforth she will be known in public life as 'c' which is the notation for the speed of light

New 行う/開催する/段階 指名する: Grimes has told the New York Times that henceforth she will be known in public life as 'c' which is the notation for the 速度(を上げる) of light

Grimes and her longtime love, 49-year-old SpaceX CEO Elon Musk, 株 a five-month-old son called?X ? A-Xii whom she calls by the 愛称 'X.'?

The new mother opened up about her approach to parenting, 含むing how her 幼児 already has shown his tastes and preferences.

'I’ve watched Apocalypse Now and stuff with my baby,' she said. 'He’s into 過激な art. Like, he just 現実に is, and I don’t think it’s problematic to engage with them on that level.'

Singing sensation:?She was born Claire Elise Boucher in Vancouver but has been a
 musician with the pseudonym Grimes for 13 years now

Singing sensation:?She was born Claire Elise Boucher in Vancouver but has been a musician with the pseudonym Grimes for 13 years now

The latest: Grimes, 32, opened up about her approach to parenting, including how her five-month-old son X ? A-Xii already has shown her his tastes and preferences - including the 1979 war film Apocalypse Now

The 最新の: Grimes, 32, opened up about her approach to parenting, 含むing how her five-month-old son X ? A-Xii already has shown her his tastes and preferences - 含むing the 1979 war film Apocalypse Now?

Grimes, whose real 指名する is Claire Elise Boucher, said she has worked with an app called Endel to make an 'A.I. Lullaby' for the child and help him sleep better, gaug ing his reactions when he would 'smile more and stuff' with tweaks to the lullaby program.

'The first 見解/翻訳/版, there was too many sort of sharp bells, and it 原因(となる)d 涙/ほころびs and just general 大混乱,' she said, 公式文書,認めるing that the finished 見解/翻訳/版, which 含むd her 発言する/表明する, is 'a bit sparklier' and a 'bit nicer' than her 初期の 試みる/企てるs.

'I was 基本的に 本人自身で just 言及/関連ing ambient music I've heard, and then 肉親,親類d of trying to make it cuter.'

Insight: Grimes said her son is 'into radical art' and she doesn't 'think it?s problematic to engage with them on that level.' She was snapped in LA last year

Insight: Grimes said her son is 'into 過激な art' and she doesn't 'think it’s problematic to engage with them on that level.' She was snapped in LA last year?

The Canadian songstress currently uses the name c in regards to the speed of light

The Canadian songstress 現在/一般に uses the 指名する c in regards to the 速度(を上げる) of light?

Grimes said that she was looking to get away from the 基準 装置s people use to help なぎ their babies to sleep.

'When you have a baby, you’re always using white noise machines,' Grimes said. 'It’s much easier to get them to sleep if you train them on some 肉親,親類d of 音声部の 状況/情勢. And so I was just like, could this be more artistic? ... I think at some point, we will want to, as a 種類, have a discussion about how 伴う/関わるd A.I. will be in art.'

She continued: 'In general, stuff for babies is really just creatively bad. I don’t want your first introduction to the world to just be all this aimless crap.'

Doting dad: Elon Musk held his newborn child in a shot uploaded to Twitter

Doting dad: Elon Musk held his newborn child in a 発射 uploaded to Twitter?

Grimes said that she wasn't '侮辱ing babies' or their 知能, but rather the opposite.

'I just feel like getting out of the like, "Here’s a zebra and a 耐える in, like, pastel color トンs' energy,"' she said. 'That’s just one very small sort of creative レンズ that things can be looked at through.'

Grimes, who began seeing Musk in 2018, 公式文書,認めるd that babies 'do have taste,' and 'definitely like some things,' 'don't like other things' and 'fully have opinions.'

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